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in DBuzzlast year

Yeah the African snafu.

Situation normal ALL FUCKED UP! That's Africa. Then you got Russian china and the western powers battling it out with proxies. Yeah....

Russia collapse and China failure and bankruptcy is going out now shift things.

USA is going to bond the Russian funds. Since Russia does OWE the USA over lend lease. And defaulted on those funds. So its legal. Ukraine is going to get American funding while.the USA holds and makes the interest off 10% of the worlds money that we froze from Russia?

Wild... Just wild.

But Russia is in trouble... How's that Moscow terrorist attack by isis?


It seems the US and Russia have no direct conflict of interest in Africa so far. I could be wrong about that.

Posted via D.Buzz

Absolutely not any direct conflict. But yes.

Besides Wagner group vs the USA army? Oh that ended badly. For the Wagner group. But do they have anything left? Wagner is gone. Russian army is nearly bled dry?.

USA has world bank funding and holds.the entire amount of Russian seized and frozen assets.

USA is doing quite well. No economic collapse. Just everything tripped in price.

The African Continent has been suffering for a long time and it might continue to do so. I just wonder about all those people, do they know about the Wheels that turn their life upside down? It would be best to stay neutral at all cost.