Bittrex is Leaving US markets
According to #Bittrex is leaving the #USmarket . .
And is now being sued by that Government's SEC . .
I don't agree with the citation that $BTC and $ETH are fungible, they are clearly #NFTs
Posted via D.Buzz
Nexo already left. I think Gemini and Circle is leaving. Coinbase made an announcement of leaving if regulations will still be unclear. Paxful closed shop and Binance can survive without the US market. IMO the big blow to the US market is if mining companies will start to leave too.
If mining companies start to leave t . . . ???
Posted via D.Buzz
What you mean you don't agree they're fungible?
Fungible just means that every 1 BTC value is the same as another 1 BTC, compared to NFTs in which two of the same token have different value/price.
Posted via D.Buzz
1 $BTC from US President Biden is worth more than 1 $BTC from the leader of #NorthKorea.
The second one may land a person in jail, and this will become more evident over time.
Posted via D.Buzz
But that's not what I... O- Okay, you might be right in some way, (especially about the jail part,) but I still go with what I said.
Posted via D.Buzz
Posted via D.BuzzIt will become more obvious that $BTC and $ETH are #NFTs in the future, as the narrative aligns more with truth.
Ethereum has Non-Fungible Tokens on the same Blockchain, but Ethereum the currency is a Fungible token.
Posted via D.Buzz
$ETH and $BTC are both non-fungible, but the public does not know yet.
Posted via D.Buzz
Looks like some big news in crypto!
Posted via D.Buzz