Have you ever seen these fake novena leaflets? STOP photocopying chain prayers as ...

in DBuzz22 days ago

... they are not a valid Catholic practice! These are superstitious & more like occult prayers.

Throw these away when you see them.

#philippines #catholic #hiveph #life #prayer #warning #cent #alive

Posted via D.Buzz

 22 days ago  

I think all beliefs are nonsense.

Posted via D.Buzz

That's like saying there's no devil or God. They exist.

 21 days ago  

Hmm no.

Posted via D.Buzz

Sorry to hear you think so.

 20 days ago  

Hmm why?

Posted via D.Buzz

Because even if you or anyone else don't believe in such, they still exist just like the invisible air around us. Despite such thoughts know that God still loves you and waits for you like a prodigal son. 😉 If you want to know more on such topic feel free to check online.