Why can not import tag ??? I see some new posts on Dbuzz tagged with s ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

Why can not import tag ???
I see some new posts on Dbuzz tagged with some not?
It's strange. I can't enter tags for my Dbuzz. 😭😭😭😭😭
Do you know the reason? Thanks :)

Posted via D.Buzz


Also happen in my post

I followed @chrisrice's advice, however ... was limited in the number of characters used. I hope there is another option. 😂😂😂

If the image uploads no longer take up the character limit, would that fix it?

Posted via D.Buzz

Partly okay, I'm still not back to d.buzz . I will test it out. Thank you for your enthusiasm 😇

All hashtags placed in the body of a Buzz will automatically direct to the hashtag section of 3rd party frontends 🙂

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes, but what if a user wants the tags to be on the tags section, not on the post itself? 🤔🤨

Simple, add the tags at the bottom of the Buzz 🙂

Posted via D.Buzz

The bottom of the buzz is still part of the buzz itself. 🤨

Yeah, and what's wrong with that.

  • Have you ever used Twitter?

    Posted via D.Buzz

What's wrong is that you don't have to copy alnost everything from another website. 🤨 That tags update received mostly negative feedback from users. 😒

All hashtags placed in the body of a Buzz will automatically direct to the hashtag section of 3rd party frontends 🙂

Posted via D.Buzz

I know that, but what the users are complaining about is about the fact that the tags themselves count towards the 280-character limit. 🤨


Yeah, and @jacuzzi also critiqued this.

  • I think it will be resolved once image uploads don't consume the character limit.

Posted via D.BuzzWhat do you think @jacuzzi @savvyplayer?

I Think I see the issue, I made a video and sent it to the Dev team in the chat. I belive they are aware of it.

I tried, you are right and it does work.
However, the word limit on Dbuzz limits the number of hashtags. It seems that using a 3rd party to post a long post and Dbuzz link is more suitable.

Thank you very much 💖💖💖

It seems that using a 3rd party to post a long post and Dbuzz link is more suitable.

What do you mean by that?

Posted via D.Buzz

What I easily understood from her comment is that a Hive user would publish a long post on another Hive frontend, then use D.Buzz to publish a buzz pointing to the long post. 🤨

Hey @anhvu I understand now, and yeah, you're right.

Anh nhập trên web chính của buzz ý ạ

Can you take a screenshot for me? I have tried to include hashtags in the content when dbuzz but it is quite limited in number.

Thank you very much 💕💖💕

Đây anh ơi

I'm still working on this site 😇😇😇

anh đăng nhập trên d.buzz chưa ạ

Sao lại cứ anh hoài vậy bạn 😇😇😇 Mình đăng nhập rồi và từ trước đều sử dụng nó mà :)

thế sao nó bị thế ạ

alo anh chỉnh ở đây ạ image.png

Posted via D.BuzzHe cannot get the site to work? @anhvu

same they removed it and must be included in your 280 words

Posted via D.Buzz

But links no longer take up the character limit.

  • We will fix it so an image does not such up the character limit either 😀

    Posted via D.Buzz