Venta de gas comunal en el caserío/Sale of communal gas in the village

in DClub4 years ago
   Hola amigos de hive, dandole las gracias a Dios por los
dias que nos regala, les voy a hablar de la venta de gas 
comunal en el caserio de mi comunidad.

Hello friends of hive, thanking God for the days that he gives us, I am going to talk to you about the sale of communal gas in the hamlet of my community.


  En el dia de hoy se solvento la problematica del gas ya 
que teniamos mas de siete meses sin recibir el beneficio, 
muchas familias cocinaban en leña y otras en cocina electicas 
pero gracias a Dios muchas familias estan contentas porque
van a volver a utilizar sus cocinas, que las tenían en 
abandono por varios meses.

Today the gas problem was solved since we had more than seven months without receiving the benefit, many families cooked in firewood and others in electric cookers but thank God many families are happy because they are going to cook in their kitchens again , that we had them abandoned for several months.



Chao nos vemos pronto con un nuevo contenido

  Bye see you soon with a new content