Hive Gaming Service - Update - Now with more data to parse!

in Hive Projectslast year



#285) to find out more. As stated in the proposal our primary need for funding was temporal as I have only a few hours a week to dedicate to my Hive projects. Thankfully, last week gave me a little more time to focus on such things and I was able to churn out some basic functionality.For those that don't know the context of this post checkout @rhemagames and our proposal (

First Leg - Core features

These features work asynchronously (on a separate thread) so that the game developer can focus on making their game without worrying about what's going on in the background. Godot uses signals in a good amount of it's internal coding structure so HGS will use a similar methodology.

RX (Receiving data from Hive)

Transaction HistoryReceiving (sorting is wip)✔️
Blog HistoryReceiving
Blog PostReceiving✔️

TX (Sending data to Hive)

Blog Post-
Custom Json-
Claiming rewards-

Non-Hive network functions

As we progress more non-hive features will be added to support the Hive functionality.


Ground Up approach

I've taken a very low level approach to the above, and admittedly I could have had a lot more done if I had used some of Godot's higher level networking stack, but now that I have a good consistent flow of information from Hive sending data too the block chain should go much smoother. It's also given me a chance to dive deeper than I have in the past when I was relying on per-written libraries.



  • No documentation available (yet): Godot generates help files for extensions, which is pretty cool, unfortunately I haven't been able to find documentation on how to give descriptions to the functions.


It feels like there should be more done, but such is life, the above equates to around 8 hours of work over 3 days, but hopefully things will go much smoother this week.

For those interested, we plan to announce our first demo (hopefully) by the end of the month with the first tutorial available sometime mid to late February. The current plan is to create an endless runner using our Angular Velocity ships and HGS to record players runs to the blockchain for prizes! So stay tuned!