The Ritual.

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 months ago

Today happens to be the only day of the year when I willingly allow myself to explore the vicinity I live in. This is because new year’s eve feels like a really peculiar day to bond with and explore the environment. For the past five years, friends, family and loved ones have joined me on this evening/night–midnight stroll. So if you ever visit my state and see a bunch of young adults sauntering the streets on new year’s eve, it's probably us.

What exactly is it that we do?

We walk, purchase some alluring street snacks, discuss about our year–the ups, downs and intentions for the next year, drink water, laugh, joke about the things we see and return home happily.

The idea to take a stroll round the vicinity was birthed out of sheer boredom. We were a group of individuals at home when the rest of the world were either at churches or at leisure centers. “‘Why don't we take a walk?” my brother asked and I thought “why not”. Moreover, we had a bunch of well built young men in our midst so what could possibly go wrong?

We set out on the stroll and I cannot even begin to explain the amount of fun we had. Aside from the discovery of new streets, new recreational centers, new structures and whatnot, you would be surprised at the amount of nasty and whimsical things people do on new years eve. Some of the people we came across looked like they engaged in certain ridiculous activities out of gratitude for making it through the year while others looked like they just wanted to get the festive season over and done with. Either way, their activities certainly drew our attention.

With every preceding year, our numbers reduced because some people grew apart while others traveled far and wide. Last year, it was just about four of us; myself and three other friends. In comparison to the very first time, last year wasn’t so much fun and neither did we explore properly. We stepped out for half an hour and we were back to our respective homes.

After last year, I assumed that I wasn't going to continue with this ritual anymore since it isn't really safe to be exploring in the dark alone. But, a few days ago, I randomly got a visit from a friend who was part of this ritual a few years ago. He asked if I was “going for a stroll on new year’s eve” and initially, I was indecisive. After a lot of back and forth,we agreed to follow through with the ritual this year.

My favourite parts of this evening stroll are the cool, unpolluted breeze, the loud and colourful fireworks and a bunch of people screaming “Happy new year” once midnight strikes. The happiness is usually palpable and the moment memorable.

As I look forward to the ritual tonight and an amazing year ahead, the track “We Are Young” by Fun is an ideal listen.

What do you think of the song?

Happy Holidays😊.



Is that water leaf pot one of the shots you took on the night?

I do not think that's a water leaf pot, it's a pot of an artificial plant. And no, that picture was taken on an entirely different day.