My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 1 - The Ladies of Revelation

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)

Every Day A Different Story (25).jpg

I think it was the hand of God.
Or maybe it´s just Divine Inspiration?

I did not plan to post this piece today at all, I wrote an awesome #SpreadTheVibes post, I created the picture, went back, and half my post was gone. CTRL Z or Drafts could not save me.

Seems like someone or something wants this post to see the light!

Whatever it was it started with a Spread The Vibes post about my good friends The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:

STV - Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse NOW

Which led to a Playlist filled with Biblical Beauties:

Midnight Gems - Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 23 "Revelations and other Biblical Beauties"

And triggered a Part 2 on the horsemen story as I forgot to open half of the Seven Seals:

STV - Last Week I Opened Only 4 of the Seven Apocalyptic Seals

But there is too much good stuff to keep making Spread The Vibes Follow Ups, this stuff needs its own series if you ask me.

There are just too many incredible stories and related songs to this Book; The Book Of Revelations.


What Makes That Book So Special?

The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament and is often attributed to the apostle John. Which is utterly wrong. But more about that in a minute.

The reason the book inspires so many artists is of course because it is an apocalyptic text filled with:

  • prophetic visions
  • the final judgment
  • the end of the world
    And eventually, the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth.

It gets better as the book is filled with strange creatures, cosmic events, and dramatic battles between good and evil.

Yes, basically, it´s Harry Potter Avant la Lettre.

And like HP these things has made it a source of fascination, debate, and speculation among theologians, scholars, and readers alike.

Let´s get into the Good Stuff

Oh eh, there was this thing I needed to tell you about John, the John that was not an Apostle.
Why do you disagree?
It´s Elementary dear John, the author of the Book of Revelation, refers to the Twelve Apostles in a way that seems to suggest that he himself is not one of them.

Revelation 18:20
Rejoice over her, O heaven, you saints and apostles and prophets! For God has condemned her condemnation of you.

Therefore let´s call this John, John Doe, John The Divine, John The Revaltor or John of Patmos.

Patmos was a Greek Island and our John Doe was sent there, banished there because of his exceptional love for Jesus.

Which is already weird, why would you send someone that loves Jesus to an island all by himself?

That tells me that there is something fishy going on.

So while John did his Survivor stuff on the Island of Patmos something happened.

Now it´s known that if you put a man on an island all by himself for a long period of time his mind starts playing games. And the mind of someone that is banished might already be slightly special.

That might explain the book although others say that John received the visions and messages directly from God or Jesus Christ, John himself claims that he was "in the Spirit." Which might mean a different thing today but it makes the Book of Revelation a form of divine revelation communicated in a supernatural manner.

Okay, now the Good Stuff;

The Ladies of Revelation

The Woman Clothed with the Sun (Revelation 12:1-6)

This woman is described as being clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.

She gives birth to a male child who is destined to rule all nations. This imagery is often interpreted symbolically, representing the people of Israel, and the child could symbolize Christ.

That´s where I step in, Revelations is about prophecy, not history. It might just be that the woman indeed symbolizes Israel, as in a certain bloodline from which a new child is born that will rule all nations because Jesus Christ never did and probably never will.

Now I did do my research and there are many people out there that are trying their utmost best to turn this child into Jesus. If it was Christ, the scripture is wrong as:

This "male child" will "rule all the nations with a rod of iron.

Jesus did not rule forcefully and definitely did not rule all nations. Even though Satan promised him all the Kingdoms of The World.
Only now are we coming to an age where mankind can be ruled globally.

It might just be me, but with this whole apocalypse pending and that red dragon coming for the child to devour him as soon as he is born, I say.... we might see another son of god soon, or we get a second coming of Christ.

It just doesn´t feel like this happened already.

The Woman Pursued by the Dragon (Revelation 12:13-17):

The same woman from the previous passage is pursued by a great red dragon who seeks to devour her child.

The woman is given the wings of an eagle to flee into the wilderness, where she is nourished for a time, times, and half a time. This is also seen as symbolic and may represent the persecution and protection of the faithful.

The Dragon could represent Satan, but how did he get from a little snake to a huge ass dragon so fast? We will see more of that dragon in the next post. For now, He was not able to kill the child, and therefore focussed on the Lady.

She was the Church, and the dragon succeeded! The dragon poisoned the church from the bottom to the top with his lies and misdemeanors. Today we can still see those results popping up in the media frequently.


This is an awesome work of fiction, I mean just look at this it could be an awesome movie. A hot pregnant lady and an evil dragon, a church filled with men doing horrible stuff to children and women. Oh maybe it´s not all fiction, would it then all be true:

The Lady, you can call her Isreal or Church will be confronted by the Pagan Satanic Forces, in the shape of the Scarlet Lady, better known as:

The Whore of Babylon (Revelation 17:1-6, 18):

The term "Whore of Babylon" is used to describe a symbolic figure associated with a city that represents a system of corruption, idolatry, and worldly power.

This figure is not explicitly referred to as a woman by name, but the imagery represents a contrast between faithfulness to God and the allure of false beliefs and worldly systems.

Her name is also Mystery, Mother of Harlots and I met many of her daughters. All Pagan princesses are considered Harlots in the eyes of the church.

That early church seemed to bear a grutch against strong women, or is that just me? Because no man has been depicted in such a way, the badest baddy of the bunch was an Angel For God's Sake???

Jezebel (Revelation 2:20-23):

A Girl Named Jezebel.....

Why do I like that name so much?
If you read my post a long long time ago you might just remember Sarah...

For those who do not, no worries, let´s talk some Jez.
In the letter to the church in Thyatira, a woman named Jezebel is mentioned.

While the name may not refer to the historical Jezebel from the Old Testament, it symbolizes a woman in the church who is promoting false teachings and leading others astray.

"To the angel of the church in Thyatira write:
These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze. I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols."

You have no clue how alive the Spirit of that Lovely Jezebel still is if you would believe everything that is on the internet...or even YouTube for that matter.

The Spirit of Jezebel is seen everywhere by righteous and virtuous Christians. They adore assigning a specific type of evil influence or behavior to Dear Jezebel.

The preferred diabolic influences they attribute to Jez are associated with manipulation, deception, control, and above all: The promotion of false teachings and practices.

It's important to note that the term "Jezebel spirit" is not found in the Bible itself. It´s used by those who are without sin and therefore allowed to cast the first stone.

Slowly we see a pattern in which strength & sensuality do not mix with Christianity.

Why is that?

I would say it´s for the same reason Muslim women need to cover their bodies; Only because many men are animals (created in God's image).
They need a lord to guide them and abstain from their animalistic behavior by hiding and forbidding women to be sensual.

I will take a Jezebel spirit over that type of false prophecy any time.

Her Name Was Lilith

My favorite Biblical lady, the first lady on Earth and in Heaven. Lilith, who is only mentioned in:

Isaiah 34:14, which Sefaria quotes as "Wildcats shall meet hyenas, / Goat-demons shall greet each other / There too the Lilith shall repose / And find herself a resting place."

She has been erased from the story of creation;

If Lilith was Adam's first wife as described in Genesis 1, she was created from the earth just as he was, ostensibly making them equals.

If she was equal to Adam and therefore a threat to men's supremacy.

And so the First Lady became demonized:

Lilith the Harlot, Lilith the Succubus, Lith the Seductress

The evil Lilith,
who causes the hearts of men to go astray
and appears in the dream of the night
and in the vision of the day,
Who burns and casts down with nightmare,
attacks and kills children,
boys and girls.

A Kabbalah text describes Lilith as the serpent:

And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is holiness... For Evil Lilith, when she saw the greatness of [Adam's] corruption, became strong in her husks, and came to Adam against his will, and became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin.

Now some even say that Lilith was totally erased from the Bible, even the mentioning of her name was blasphemous.

As I mentioned her name has been erased, but her fame has not. As she proved to strong for Adam who needed a more submissive Eve, she got here part in the Book of Revelation. It was said that Mystery did not have a name:


Lilith became the personification of the Whore of Babylon "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth."

The Biblical Harlots underwent a name change some centuries later they were known as the witches, and much later the sufragettes.
To me, it feels that Christian Men praise the submissive women and condemn the feisty ones to hell (on earth).


Believe it, or not?
That is up to you Dear Reader.

Believe it when I say I will leave you with another setlist that did not make the story but is worth a listen if you dare.

Believe it, I will be back with a next Episode: Book of Revelations In Songs - Part 2

It will not feature these lovely ladies but focus on that red dragon and the Angel God loved above all other angels......until he dropped him.

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!