Concert in commemoration of the anniversary of the "Hospital Militar".


Hello to all this nice community🎶. Today I want to share with you what continues to be the return of face-to-face classes in my work as a violin teacher. We have been starting with all the enthusiasm in the world and incredibly since we have already had several musical commitments that have arisen in recent days, therefore, thanks to the collaboration of several teachers including dome we have been able to quickly assemble part of the orchestra "Alma Llanera" which is dedicated to the performance of Venezuelan music.

Hola a toda esta linda comunidad. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes lo que sigue siendo el regreso de las clases presenciales en mi trabajo como profesora de violín. Hemos estado iniciando con todas las ganas del mundo e increíblemente desde ya hemos tenido varios compromisos musicales que han surgido en los últimos días, por tanto, gracias a la colaboración de varios profesores incluyéndome hemos podido ensamblar rápidamente parte de orquesta “Alma Llanera” que se dedica a la ejecución de música venezolana.


On the 16th we had to communicate with the children of the orchestra because the next day "September 17th" we had a musical commitment in a well known club in the city. The event was given thanks to the anniversary of the military hospital of the region and they needed a group that would delight with Venezuelan pieces that remembered our history as a country, therefore, we were playing five recognized pieces by composers from Tachira.

El día 16 tuvimos que comunicarnos con los niños de la orquesta ya que al día siguiente 17 de septiembre teníamos un compromiso musical en un club bastante reconocido de la ciudad. El evento se dio gracias al aniversario del hospital militar de la región y necesitaban de una agrupación que deleitara con piezas venezolanas que recordaran nuestra historia como país, por tanto, estuvimos interpretando cinco piezas reconocidas de compositores tachirenses.


As it was an act concerning the military hospital we could notice from the beginning a great military presence in the place where the "Official Military Band" and a theater group that performed a play about the liberator Bolivar also participated. Something that has nothing to do with the musical theme but that caught our attention while we were waiting to play was the process of giving different medals of honor to some of the military. While the highest-ranking person was about to place the insignia on their uniform, he put pressure on the place, intentionally hurting the person with the needle that these insignia have.

Como era un acto concerniente al hospital militar pudimos notar desde el principio una gran presencia militar en el lugar donde además también participarían la "Banda oficial militar" y un grupo de teatro que realizo una obra teatral del libertador Bolívar. Algo que no tiene que ver con el tema musical pero que nos llamó mucho la atención mientras esperábamos para tocar fue el proceso de entregarles a algunos militares distintas medallas de honor. Ya que mientras la persona de mayor rango se disponía a colocarles la insignia en el uniforme, este hacia presión en el lugar lastimando intencionalmente a la persona con la aguja que traen esas insignias.


It should be noted that this whole process is already normal for them, since from what I saw they always do it at important events where they give out such awards. The idea is that they receive that medal and for their bravery they endure that intentional prick by their superior. For us it was something of terror since some of the faces of the awardees were in pain while others were brave enough not to make any kind of painful gesture.

Cabe destacar que todo ese proceso ya es normal para ellos, ya que por lo que vi siempre lo hacen en actos importantes donde entregan dichos reconocimientos. La idea es que ellos reciban esa medalla y por su valentía aguanten ese pinchazo intencional por su superior. Para nosotros fue algo de terror ya que algunas caras de los galardonados eran de dolor mientras que otros si fueron valientes al no hacer ningún tipo de gesto doloroso.


After all the awards were presented, we were able to cheer up the audience with some songs: "San Cristobal Bolero" by maestro Chucho Corrales, "Alma llanera" by maestro Pedro Elias Gutierrez, "Moliendo café" by maestro Hugo Blanco and other performances.

Luego de entregar todos los reconocimientos venia nuestra intervención y logramos alegrar a todo el publico presente con algunos temas: "San Cristóbal Bolero" del maestro Chucho Corrales, "Alma llanera" del maestro Pedro Elías Gutiérrez, "Moliendo café" del maestro Hugo Blanco y otras ejecuciones más.


The whole orchestra was excited to be once again participating as guests in various concerts, so you could see everyone's enthusiasm to perform and leave the institution high. Another thing that happened to me while we were at the event was that the violin I was using suddenly got damaged, so I could not play all the musical pieces because the string puller (part of the violin) was damaged and did not allow me to tune it correctly.

Toda la orquesta estaba emocionada de estar nuevamente participando como invitados en diversos conciertos por tanto, se veía el entusiasmo de todos por cumplir y dejar en alto la institución. Otra cosa que me sucedió mientras estábamos en el evento fue que el violín que yo estaba utilizando se dañó de repente, por tanto, no pude tocar todas las piezas musicales ya que el tira cuerda (parte del violín) tuvo un desperfecto y no me permitía afinarlo correctamente.


Finally, everything went well, we were well taken care of and we had a different morning in spite of everything. Then we were taken by bus to our headquarters and we all returned to our homes individually. I hope you enjoyed my story and I will see you another time❤.

Finalmente, todo salió bien, nos atendieron de lo mejor y pasamos una mañana diferente a pesar de todo. Luego nos llevaron en bus hasta nuestra sede y todos retornamos a nuestros hogares individualmente. Espero que hayan disfrutado de mi historia y nos vemos en otra oportunidad.


The photos were taken with my Redmi 9 phone

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The images and the text separator were made by me in canva

Traductor: @Deepl



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If you liked it, leave me your opinion in the comments

I would anyway leave you a comment, as I would like to suggest you engaging a bit more with the other people, as then for sure you would get more comments back on your posts. It is not the best solution to wait for comments. And it is not giving a lot of pleasure being without interaction, at least I see it that way. Take it as advice, with my best wishes. 💙 But I also understand that not everybody has so much time to spend on hive.

And yes, there are some things I would like to comment on from your post that I found funny. Though maybe at that moment not so funny for you. For example, that your violin got damaged. Not a nice thing, I completely understand. Once, I had a performance with some friends while we were still studying, chamber music. Me - piano, one oboe and one clarinet. Before the concert, we were in the waiting room and my friends were tuning the instruments, and as is usually the case before performances, we had fun, laughed and did all sorts of things. What happened was that we accidentally broke the oboe's mouthpiece. Well, it was not funny anymore. 🤣 For the teacher either 😅

I am lucky, I don't have to take my piano to the concerts, just sometimes a stage piano what I have to take if in the place there is no piano. But, for the acoustic pianos I don't have to worry, it has to be provided for the pianists, tuned, of course. Although, it is not always the case. But anyway, the worst that can happen is that a string brakes (but there are still plenty of them on a piano ;D ) or if a key gets stuck or the pedal. Oh, once at a concert the dumper pedal broke, that we use in the majority of the composition, exception baroque pieces. So, the pedal mechanism detached and did not work. Well, I played a few Mozart pieces that didn't require the pedal and then asked for understanding that I can not play Chopin or any piece from romanticism, and finished the performance hahahah.

I am glad you can now teach in person and that you could hold this music act. Even more and more optimism and motivation will come through time. Wishing you joy and a great week @soyjudith 🎶