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RE: Spread the Vibes - mixed edition

I find it strange how I never been experiencing listen to this famous music, glad and thanks for sharing dear. I like how the deep expression would express from your post.

It's understandable that life can get stressful at times, and we may not be able to complete everything we want to. Even though there were some delays, it's great that you were able to participate in earlier Spread the Vibes blogs. There will always be fresh opportunities to share positive energy in the future, so it's acceptable if you weren't able to join in the more recent posts. It's crucial to prioritize your obligations and take care of yourself, and it's acceptable to take a break from some of them if necessary. Whether it's through music or another medium, keep spreading happiness in your own unique way and know that your efforts are valued.


Then I am glad that I introduced to you this music 🎶🎶 ;)

Thanks for your words, I really appreciate them. Though I was not stressed, I just let the time go and escape from my hands :D And you are right, I agree with you, it can be through music or other medium, we should keep spreading happiness.
Even maybe just smiling to someone on the street we can make its day better :)