Be Real

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 months ago


Who I am is what portrays me as myself and there should be no hiding as to whom I am. Trying to be another person has always been a huge risk to our personality. So, like the song sings that standing in the light and be seen as we are. This means we should not hide anything about whom we are or our personality. We should come out clean without having anything in our cupboard.
Hiding our personality would be the greatest risk we can take in life and this hiding comes with pretense, some will always pretend that everything is well with them, whereas it's not, some will even be hiding whom they are inside, which will not even help me.

But when you show whom are and the stuff you are made of, courage and self confidence will come in and you will be able to conquer your fear that is making you to hide from your real self and also from whom you are inside.

Though challenges will come, but with courage and open mind, you will ride on the storm of life and overcome all these challenges, but only if you stay and remain whom you are both within and without.


Stand in the light and be whom you are.
Stand in the light and be seen as we are
Didn't I tell you I hear what you say?
Never look back as you're walking away
Carry the music, the memories and keep them inside
Laugh every day
Don't stop those tears from falling down
This is who I am inside
This is who I am, I'm not going to hide
'Cause the greatest risk we'll ever take is by far
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
With courage and kindness hold onto your faith
You get what you give and it's never too late
To reach for the branch and climb up leaving sadness behind
Fight hard for love
We can never give enough
This is who I am inside
This is who I am, I'm not going to hide
'Cause the greatest risk we'll ever take is by far
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
Riding the storms that come raging towards us we dive
Holding our breath as we break through the surface
With arms open wide
With arms open wide
This is who I am inside
This is who I am, I'm not going to hide
'Cause the greatest risk we'll ever take is by far
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
'Cause the greatest risk we'll ever take is by far
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
To stand in the light and be seen as we are
To stand in the light and be seen as we are.

Source: LyricFind

There's times I was a shadow of myself, but before then, I used to be myself, but when I let in pretense into my life, I lost everything, then, I was looking and imagining to be someone else, but gradually losing my own self esteem. But thanks to the recovering process that has really helped in putting me back to my real self. I am whom I am and there's no more hiding place for me.

Being whom you are will only bring out the best in you and nothing else, but when you hide or try to become someone else, then there's danger ahead of you. It's takes a huge sacrifice to be whom you are, but being whom you are without hiding is the best.

Thanks for reading
Video : source
Thumbnail is my picture.


I agree that pretense will not help us. Instead, it becomes self-damaging filled with hurt trying to be who we are not.