Pam Pam pa pa ra para para Pam Pam , Pam param 🎶🎶🎹 I love it 😅🤣🤣 beautiful hotel too , it's good the lady in the desk give you key with out any problem then we can have some beautiful music to start the day 😁 good job! Señorita Mi piano!
Pam Pam pa pa ra para para Pam Pam , Pam param 🎶🎶🎹 I love it 😅🤣🤣 beautiful hotel too , it's good the lady in the desk give you key with out any problem then we can have some beautiful music to start the day 😁 good job! Señorita Mi piano!
Hahahah, señor Puma, usted canta muy bien. Me acompaña mañana en la actuación? 😂