I visited someone in a yard and while having a good time with the people I visited, I heard shouts and screams in the neighboring house. It continued so seriously until I started feeling uncomfortable and decided to peep through their window and know what's going on inside. Immediately I did, I saw a hand pointing a gun at someone, then I knew it was armed rubbers and I knew with the structure of the house that the armed rubbers can just open up the front door of the house they are rubbing and meet me in front of the building where I was sitting with the ones I visited and I so knew that even if I don't have anything to lose, I must have to save my phone from being stolen by them because it contained a lot of information.
As I was thinking of a means of an escape to avoid being seen from the compound, I knew that if I was not sitting very close to the wall of the neighbors window that I would have been seen by them. As I was thinking of an escape route the front door of the neighbors opened and I knew the armed robbers may have been the ones who opened up the front door, maybe because they had succeeded in their mission and were about to leave.
So as the front door was swinging open, graciously I rushed to the second door that leads to the neighbors kitchen with my head bent to avoid being seen or shot at the head. I was able to enter the kitchen before the other door was wide open and someone came out from it and I was also hoping not to see any of them in the kitchen as I thought they had started going.
When I entered the kitchen, I saw myself in the midst of two men who were armed and holding the people in the house hostage.
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I took my gun and shot at one nearest to me and shot at the one a bit far off twice almost instantly. The one on my right who was closer to me died instantly while the one a bit far on my left shakedown her body and told me he was fortified. I remember even while I crept into the kitchen to see them, they didn't see me because it was evening and partly dark. Why I actually shot at them was I saw the one on my left pick up a sheet of paper and looked at it closely the called my name, that was when I have the sensation that I've been noticed and started calculating how far I can shoot the one to the left who called my name and the one who was monitoring the situation with good accuracy.
After I had shot at them and one had died, the other one shakedown his body and told me that, he is using charms or voodoo to protect himself against bullets, he almost laughed while saying it, I would have shoot him some more but I was out of bullets, immediately I ran out from the door I came in as he was still boasting. Others among them who were in other room rushed to the room as they heard the gunshot and they all pursued and caught opposite with me and was saying about what evil will befall my newly married wife, he mentioned about my newly married wife many times and also boastfully talked about how his father who is a native doctor has given him protection against any forms of bullet. It appears as though the one I shot who didn't die was the leader of the group.
Somehow when they tried to beat me up I escaped and ran but didn't take a straight road so that I won't be caught up with even a straight shot. And I saw one adjust his legs like steel robotic legs and pursued in full speed and I knew if I took a straight lane, he would definitely catch me, so maintained turning from a straight way to run through another direction almost at all times in order to make him get exhausted faster. When he almost caught up with me and other of him members were far of and has kind lost track of us, I was circling round a vehicle to ran from the other side when suddenly the one closest to me blocked my way and we started circling round the vehicle and I know that I don't have much time.
So though I was trying to escape I picked up a stone from a corner which he wasn't aware of and as I was about to run out, he blocked only to receive blow after blow on his left eye. I hit him with the small hard rock until there was a big hollow on his left eye socket because his left eye was gone completely. So I ran out hoping to disappear from the open space before the other groups caught sight of me because I noticed I'm no longer fast enough in running. Immediately I got to the nearest building, I remembered something. It was as if this event had taken place before and everything which had happened had also happened before except for the fact that I jumped over the nearest fence which I was facing and that I was never caught before in the first event. This encouraged me and I decided to hide by the corner of the house which I'm very close to since it's a bit far from where I had left the guy on the ground who now has one eye but is lying unconsciously.
Song lyricshttps://genius.com/Michael-jackson-dangerous-lyrics
Within myself I know the it will take me some extra seconds which may be costly to get to the edge of the bungalow before hiding out from the other side and the gradually run straight away from the building with the building serving as my shield from being sighted directly, so I chose the shortest distance to the other side of the build, which was through the sit out. I ran up the little stairs and across the sit out and jumped the little barrier and then landed on the other side if the building and from there looked back to see if anyone had seen me and it was the same time the other group got to the corner where one was them was lying down on the tarred road lifeless. I heard them wailing in great anger and started looking around.
Deep down inside myself, I know that if they catch sight of me, I will be a dead man. So I immediately ducked and was completely out of their direct view and started proceeding gradually away from the building till I made it out safely and woke up.
Thanks for reading my post.