Idea 10

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I sharpened my pencils and was ready to write.

But then, a few days passed before I started playing the music on this keyboard. Don't you think one can be lost when seeing 105 keys, with different letters and numbers on them? Not to mention the fact that I find myself more comfortable with 52 white and 36 black keys...

So, I had that piece of paper on the desk, actually the empty side of the electricity bill that I grabbed and used to write down ideas. It was 5 topics I noted down that would one day become posts. The list has grown to 10 and yesterday finished at 18. 😂

Now I can cross out one, and the moment I press the publish button for this post, the list will become shorter. Just 17 ideas will remain unless my mind creates a new one to add.


I don't like blunt pencils. This is how I like to have them!

Sometimes happens that we have ideas but everyday tasks make us blunt. Time can be a tricky player too, it seems that is always winning... I think that it actually cheats on us somehow, but we just have to find out how to overcome it. Mind also likes to enter mousetraps and leave us on the edge of an abyss. It can come for a myriad of reasons, doesn't matter at all, but in the end, it's only we who have the access to our own chests where the prudence is stored.

In any case, I think that noting down the ideas can help us later get back on track. Ideas can come and go, and it also applies to music and composers. When about a week ago a friend of mine recommended me a piece called Idea 10 by Gibran Alcocer, I asked again for the title.

¿Cómo se llama esta idea, qué canción es?

(What is this idea called, what song is it?)

He repeated - Idea 10.

Ah, so it was the name, I understood in the end. He explained that probably this musician writes down his ideas, and this one is idea number 10. Disclaimer: I don't know if that is true at all, or if it is what that friend just suppose... However, I found the composition by Gibran Alcocer and the practice part started. 🎶

As it sounded nice I decided to record it, but this is a post about ideas... so let's mix a few of them. I had some video footage of the place we visited in January, shot from the cliffs of the town of Nazaré (Portugal). From the same journey, I had a super short recording of Lisbon, from Sao Jorge Castle. I also recorded a performance of a street artist in Valencia a few days ago. Those were maybe also some ideas, but now I mixed them, all combined in one video as there were too short to come in an individual form. The music comes as background, and for me, it definitely has a sound from the past. Who knows what was the composer thinking, but in my opinion, it reflects memories and ideas, all mixed up.

Ending note - this post comes without an ending note.

Oh, well, maybe just a short conclusion. The pencils... let's sharpen them and write when the right time comes for it! ;)


▶️ 3Speak


Hahaha I loved the final note... my dear @mipiano when in a post of yours I see you play my fingers compulsively click to listen to the repertoire you have for us... this was... beautiful 🌹😍💖!!!!!

I wish you could see my face when I hear you play, I look like a little kid in front of the PC admiring each stage of the melody, and for me it has more value coming from someone special to me 💞... I congratulate you for this presentation, you always manage with something like this to make me feel in more direct connection with the excitement of life.... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I loved the videos you used inside the video, it gave the relaxing aura that the piece should have, I mean, the ideas mixed together created something magical and sublime... for me that is the essence of the musical artist!!!!

Look, this may be funny, but I identified myself a lot with the pencils and their tips like this hahaha, it frustrates me a lot to see pencils or colors without tips 😅!!!!

Writing down ideas is the best, I have 2 notebooks that are my talismans when creating, there I write everything that comes to my mind to avoid missing any detail or something important of what I want to project in my content mainly!!!!

I send you a warm hug, it has been an immense pleasure to visit you and enjoy this beautiful presentation... and you know what... I think you do know.... You Classically Rockkkkkk!!!! 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

Brindo por estos hermosos posts musicales y que vengan muchos más ❤️... ¡Salud! 🥂

The final note is not a real final note, just a tiny, little, short conclusion, but maybe can help others who read it. Maybe not, but the intention is here ;)

Yes, it would be cool to see your reaction while watching my video hahah, but I don't have to see it, I know from your comment that you completely enjoyed this music and the audio-visual experience. The pianist. The music. And the street artist. And the sea. And all :)

it frustrates me a lot to see pencils or colors without tips 😅!!!!

Hahah, so you too like to have the pencils sharpened, may we have a club already :D The Hive Sharp pencil tips club 🤣 or something similar!

I do imagine you as an organized person, with notes and well-elaborated ideas. You just simply Rock, so we don't have to discuss it :D

to make me feel in more direct connection with the excitement of life.... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

You are most welcome!! 🤗

Y ya veremos, espero seguir trayendo cosas útiles por aquí. Si no, te pido que me lo digas para seber mejorar. 😇

Everything was masterful and indeed, you describe me well regarding the ideas, that's right 👍😉 and hey hahahaha that was very funny, that title for the club is great, I like it 🤣!!!!

You always bring spectacular content, but it is a fact that when you play the piano, you make me vibrate with emotion, personally that for me is the best 🌹💖!!!!!

You Absolutely Rockkkkk!!!! 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

It happens to me that I saw everyone talking about the ice cream shake with passion... it is a vanilla shake, and I would really like to explain in exact words how its taste came coldly into my mouth and then it was kept there until it became lukewarm. The little bubbles of the whipped ice cream exploded imperceptibly with the touch of my tongue and I could feel it all over my face, and even in my brain, which was hit by a ray of coldness, which hurt for a moment, but then transformed into pleasure... When I look at that sea, that foamy strip, I feel that I can perfectly well talk about what that ice-cream milkshake provokes in me. Of course it was in a bygone era, because ... dear @mipiano, I have the joy of attending your concerts having just woken up, hungry, or late at night, hungry too.
Then the ideas come. They turn into an OCD. And I'm not so conscious of it, but before I hit the publish button on this comment, I've already checked it about 10 times, having perhaps left something unsaid.
The elements water, air, sharp pencils, the houses on top of each other, the spinning hoop (reminded me of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man)... complement that dance on the black and white keys game, making your publication a unique piece, not to be missed by anyone who feels the urge to create and for some unknown reason falls into some bottle trap.
I think I'm going to grab some HBD's and order the blissful milkshake.

Oh yeah, the street artist indeed reminds us about the Vitruvian Man, nicely spotted nanixxx. 👌 And you awesomely described the experience of enjoying an ice cream shake. There were a lot of foamy waves in the ocean that day, in Nazaré.
Thank you for listening to this mini-concert and for everything, I hope I don't have a lot of typos this time and no edits will come (I will not mention killers and flowers 😂 so I can be calm hahaha)

Well done. Even with the pencils it's quite obsessive-compulsive disorder but I understand you. I don't like blunt pencils either and I change them if their strokes are dull. Pencils have to be sharp and write with passion, creativity and a lot of vibe.

Ideas are so interesting.
I am writing creative ideas on little notes all the time. Hehehe
And some of my pencils are blunt 😉 as they draw better in a drawing. For shading for example. But some are as sharp as they can get when I draw the finest details.
Good morning @mipiano 👋🏻😊 have a lovely day…
Here it started snowing again yesterday ☃️☃️☃️

You too, writing them down?
But then make sure those little notes don't get lost... I sometimes lose those papers 😂

I know what you mean with the pencils, they are better for drawing and shading, I know. My niece is drawing, and when she is doing it with pencils there are a lot of different ones, to highlight some lines, to shade, to give body etc. Good point @littlebee4
It is just that I love when they are this sharpened to write in my notebook, or students' scores. Maybe I like the sound that the sharp pencil tip makes when writing on paper and the shape of the letters when written thin 😅

Oh, showing again???
Wohooooooooooo, enjoy it :D

Yep… on every table or cabinet you will find my little notes hahaha 🤣
Sometimes I do loose them. Luckily I made a habit out of it, to put the most important ones in a specific place and folder 🤓

Yes, for real notes it’s different. Sharp is good. And you are right, it makes a nice sound 😎🤓

Yes… all winter wonderland again ☃️☃️☃️ so pretty.
I will every moment of it. Love snow ❄️
Have a wonderful afternoon!

Winter wonderland... hope to see some snowy posts then :)

It is becoming warmer here, a warm wind was blowing today. That reminds me of Sahara sand that will come soon 😑

Yep… on every table or cabinet you will find my little notes hahaha 🤣

It is good until others don't touch them and leave those little notes on their place :)

Will try to post some end of the week 😃

Already… early start for warmer weather. It’s -5 at the moment and all white ☃️☃️☃️

Yes, I know. Hehehe when other clean up or search something I can’t find my notes 😄 sounds like you know the drill…

Awww.... The video... It captivated my heart. I was like "wow, you did amazingly combining those short videos into one and came out rhythmic". I had my eyes fixed on your hands as they were moving on the piano. So great!

Yes, I also write down ideas on a sheet and when words keeps coming, I set out to begin writing. I do not hesitate to jot down whatever ideas that comes to mind, then later, I would think on how to make a post out of them.

I was nicely surprised when I put together my recorded music video with the street artist. It's as if he performed to the pace of this music. You are singing, and you do know how we have to feel our instruments to bring some music, right? ;)

Thank you for listening to this video, @princessbusayo 😇

The list has grown to 10 and yesterday finished at 18.



I know 😂

I see 4 pens x 18 ideas per pen? :D

Love the part when the waves hit, goosebumps!

Hahaha, yeah, multiply the ideas by 4 hahah
And anyway, one new idea arrived in the meantime. I just noted it down 😂
It will be a challenge in Q that I had almost a year ago but forgot about it. Prepare your musical pencil 😉

Love the part when the waves hit, goosebumps!

I am loving that part too... ✨

Wohoo, I have the whole jar of pencils for sharpening!😱

Good things takes time! (use this sentence in emergency of procrastination)
Wish you a wonderfully productive day 🤗

(use this sentence in emergency of procrastination)

I have several sentences for this kind of emergency ;)

and thanks, I will indeed use it in need 😇

You too 😃, have a perfectly sweet day with currants, s..., cakes, garden and ideas 😇

Today I'm staring at the ceiling and cursing mother nature a bit, but will pretend, will pretend.

8 hours passed... hope the days was better than when you wrote this comment :D

Haha, I would laugh if cramps allows me... :D
Now I'm staring at the flame.
Change is a change, right? :))

Beautiful piece!

Thanks, stickup guys 😎

I loved it, I don't know about the other 9 ideas of the author of that composition but that one was beautiful ❤️
Ideas are very crazy things,one day you set everything, your desk, computer , blogs or something else, and nothing comes 😅🤣 others you are sleeping , in the bathroom or a bus and right there they come up like a magic act and you have to run to capture then other ways you lose the greatest ideas 💡 🤣🤣🤣
We must be all the time ready to capture them around like you do 😉

I don't know about the other nine ideas of the composer either... I just know that I have again 18 ideas on the list 🤣

Indeed, ideas and inspiration in general are crazy things, they just come when it is the right time for them. Be quick in noting them down in you mind, or on a piece or paper as I do hahaha :D

It sounds as though you're entering a creative patch :)

This was really inspiring to read, listen to and watch. Bravo! 👏

I don't know. On the list are also things I have had in my mind for some months, it is just now that I organized my mind and wrote them down. A lot of travel things still, from the past months. The realisation is again an issue for itself, finding the strength, time, and spark to put the things together and create. I do have phases when I die for myself and later come back to the world of living creatures 😅
Just checked your blog, and will read your latest one this evening, when I am better with time. A hug 🤗

Oh I hear you in full!

Hey hey... no rush my side. I'm on a go slow and redirect myself right now. It's important for us creatives. Yessss ❤️

Woah, lots of pencils. I admire you for being always ready.😊 I also like how the they are sharpened.😊
Indeed, you a re a passionate musician.

Well, to be honest, I am not always ready, maybe it is just my goal to become :D
Thanks for listening, I hope you liked the music 🎶 :)

I can only tell you, what a beautiful song, what a beautiful theme, and that video, the calm and tranquility that transmits, is unique the truth, thanks for sharing it, and I congratulate you for the great talent you have, greetings.

Hey there @ikigaidesign

Thank you for listening, I am glad you liked the music and this little video 😇
Greetings to you too 🎶

Love the video! The music and the images transmit peace and a sensation of calm. Love your piano 😍

Gracias @garorant, es un honor recibir este comentario de un DJ de un programa de riquera jajaja :D

{estoy ya estudiando lo de Golden Hour}

Good to know! Remember to tag me in the post 😉

Of course, a tag will come :)

Though it needs a lot of time, this one is not easy... so, puede ser una mañana, un poco más lejana... semanas o días, no se sabe de momento 😅

Take the time u need. Hope to be in Hive when the post comes tho 😄

Hope to be in Hive when the post comes tho 😄


Hope you are not here just in short term lol

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Wow, 250k upvotes is an awesome milestone @mipiano. 🎉🎉🎉

I really can't express how I felt listening to this lovely piece. The ecstatic feelings it erupts, accompanied by the calm motion videos of the ocean, and the street performer. It was so good... and it's nothing short of professionalism.

Who knows, it may be idea 10/200 😅 Its a good thing he didn't forget to put down the idea... and that has birth forth this awesome piece.

Hehe, 1 down, 17 more to go. By tomorrow, you may have more ideas, and you'll have to battle with 2/ 30 ideas 😅😅😅

Dear @mipiano always listening to you and reading your posts is always an experience. It was really magical and I thank you for sharing with us the videos of your trip, that made the content more complete. I am always fascinated to see your beautiful hands on the piano doing wonders.

Tus composiciones siempre están cargadas de esa aura un poco triste. Pero no me malinterpretes, no es una sensación de desolación o angustia, sino un fino detalle de melancolía. Desde que vengo escuchándote, lo he notado. Quizá sea la primera vez que lo escribo y lo confieso pero es así.

I'm so glad to listen to you play @mipiano. You just blessed my day with this wonderful piece. I can confidently say that 'YOU TOO MUCH' 😍❤️