Spread the Vibes - mixed edition

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

It's been a while, I know. Already for some time, I had this draft in PeakD, in this same inert phase. To be honest, there were just two links and two numbers... then the third official invitation from Edje came, and I still didn't have a word written on this topic. I just added the third one and hoped that soon I will be able to make it.

And you know what happened?

Edje made another one 😂

His fourth Spread the Vibes post came and me...? I am still silent on this field. {Luckily, it seems that Lady Memory messed up big time and made some minds occupied with other stuff on his side, so everything is fine, no mute and bans this post will face...yep, I can be calm, absolutely...😬}

Screenshot from 2023-02-19 12-33-24.png

Poor, abandoned draft... how many similar ones live in Hive?

There were different times when I barely waited 24 hours to make a response to a Spread the Vibes post. Sometimes two days, or a bit more, when I had to practice or find some interesting match to shared music. But never ever happened that almost a year passes and I don't make my response.
Just take a look, it was March 2022 when I was invited. Then July 2022 and later January 2023. Seems that his pace of writing the Spread the Vibes posts became so frequent that I couldn't keep the same pace. My inner metronome broke maybe 😂

But let's leave why and how before I start making up more useless excuses. The day has arrived, and the response to 1, 2 and 3 is coming bending the rules guidelines, mixing up several posts, users, vibes, and ideas. The drinks should not be mixed, though.


So, let's start with the invitation number een. It was March last year, the season of viruses that attacked the people who visited Thuishaven and the Circus. Even Sterac and Speedy J couldn't make Edje go home without those little creatures that make you have a runny nose and fever. The cages and big fans were not of help either, all played the game together to catch the innocent cameo dancers on the dance floor getting some headaches several days later. Maybe Albert van Abbe is a person to blame for the inconvenience? We don't know anymore, it is now just a matter of the past.


Oh, Trentemøller and the album The Last Resort! Although in the post we could see the track called Take me Into Your Skin, the small link for the whole album was below the video. Nobody knows how many times it was played on my laptop. Me neither. I didn't like the video, it was giving me distress. I felt I had to run as well, scared if I watched it. I just listened while I was writing my posts for the next few weeks. Apart from the first track, I really like this one, titled Miss You, and The Very Last Resort song. The deep notes of Vamp are cool too. All in all, an album played by my side many times - a sign that I liked it!


When I saw myself tagged for the third time, I just knew I have to move my ass my fingers and bring a response. But knowing something and doing something is not the same, so a month again passed...{do I start again with the excuses? 😅} Forget all this paragraph... Am starting from the beginning.

Childs and the album Yui came to spread some vibes in the third post-invitation. Was it a pleasant sound? Disturbing? Annoying? Calm? Everyone can decide for themselves, but for me, it was both. Edje was right, there are sounds that are not possible to label as relaxing ones. Some of the tracks for me were just too "happy" and tend to fall into the more commercial side. What I liked is the track S.A.D. and the sounds of Interludio Yui. My head is spinning a bit right now, don't really know if because of the voices of the children or something else 😂


I said I am not following the guidelines of our Spread the Vibes challenge not Challenge, but still, I have some main parts of it. I made my reaction to the music that was shared with me (though it was a triple menu here) and I will make my musical contribution. But here comes the real mix 😁

Why I have chosen to bring this song now? Well, the last time I played an arrangement of a rock song, everyone seemed to be surprised. As if Mipiano can't play other styles :D?

@freakshow90 was more than surprised:

Pensé (equivocadamente) que no te gustaba la música relacionado al rock and roll, pero me demuestras lo erróneo que puedo estar.

I thought (wrongly) that you didn't like rock and roll related music, but you show me how wrong I can be.

@edje said:

Rock in 'Ambient' clothes... Sounds almost like Wolf in Sheep clothes... Sounds quite dangerous... I mean 'Rock'... {LOL}

😂😂😂 I died while reading that it is dangerous 😂

post@whywhy, after listening to this cover made a response through a new as seems that the Pixies vibes were spread to him. He offered a weekend on a tropical Island with no phones, no TV just a great white house and a tremendous white piano. 48 hours of piano music that I would play and @hanselmusic, but I know we also have booked a midnight electronic music session with @edje, maybe in the basement, it must be underground hahah, so a full music weekend of good vibes. It is now "just" to wait for BTC to moon 🤣🤣

Frida and Queen. I know that she is missing them, a lot, but the name Queen came to me as inspiration. The song I would practice and record to spread some vibes would be by the iconic band Queen. Maybe the name of her beloved dog had nothing to do with this band... but, don't stop me now and let me bring this piano version of a song: Don't Stop me Now!!All this made my mind think about bringing another rocky thingy... but it was still not clear what. But then @nanixxx wrote a heartbreaking post about two of her dogs, the beings of light now,



To clarify right now - I didn't invent this piano cover. I play it from the scores upon the arrangement of a pianist Francesco Parrino who has his YouTube channel and makes covers.

The photo of Mister Einstein and Mister Mercury being in one window display was taken last summer in Italy while I was strolling through the streets of the city of Padua. Couldn't come at in better time than now for this post :))

The last part of a proper Spread the Vibes post would be to invite people to participate... but I will also leave it out, I mentioned here quite a few users, so it would be already tag spamming 😆

But the invitation is open to everyone who catching something from here and wants to make a post response :))

P.S. Sorry for the repeated tags, I had one typo, and then I messed up the cover photo! Had to edit, but not sure it would help...


▶️ 3Speak



still shaking ... so many funny writing you did


Thuishaven: a poetic story to my adventure 😍 absolutely 😍
Trent: I think I never watched the video; now I never will
Childs: same wave length 😉
New 'Family' Members: Mister Mind and Lady Memory... noted 😉
Rock: really? 😂
Photo: the first thing I saw was Einstein with the Queen tattoo 😱😂 so cool!
Queen: superrrrrrr ... owwww ... I meant .... SUPERRRRRRR at the end of the piece it almost felt like a small part of this title track from the series 'Cheers'. somewhere between 3:33 and 3:35. actually, more like a small part of those two seconds, not more than a split second.
Music and Memories: I know, not a topic from your post, however ... Earlier today I was writing a comment to some post saying I usually don't have memories connected to music. But that split second invoked visuals of this TV series 'Cheers'. I suppose either this was one of those rare exceptions, or I was lying earlier today, or .... {thinking: dont know any other reason, but don't want to let everybody know}

Seems that the meat was consumed just right on time lol


Thuishaven - a mi style resume came. Also, I had to make that mini-story and make sure that no clowns would pop up from that circus. 🤡

I am happy for the new family members, the number of them is growing day by day. Soon, when Miss Time and Mister Deadline decide to get married, there will be a lot of peeps coming to the celebration 😍 😂
But Mind is miss and not mister, it was resolved already in the other post. ;)

Rock: really? 😂

I knew you would simply love my choice of musical genre. 😁

So, now I have to confess, but nobody to know, I have never watched that TV series, never heard of it. However, I searched for the music now, so maybe indeed, a glimpse of the piano sound that resembles that intro from the series. Could be that you were just not aware that some sounds can provoke memories in your mind. Or it was indeed just a rare exception :))

😱 never watched Cheers? you missed something, superrrrr funny 😉

Not that I'm flattered to have been mentioned here, let alone that my heartbreaking post was the spark for you to do this, wich is something like.... 3 dots. It's not that and yet it is. But what I will never ever be able to thank you properly for is that you turned a sad thought into something so joyful and inspiring, to the point that I feel recovered today. Not because I wrote that with the intention of draining that feeling, but because an angel came and put his hand on my shoulder (the piano) and made me fly with him.
Just as Queen says in his song. You did it.
And that's what your publication is all about. Many here will feel differently how your good vibes reach them. I repeat I have no words to thank you as I should. If yesterday I cried with sadness, today I cry with happiness.
Thank you a thousand times. You are a very special person and you are in the best place in my heart.

You don't have to thank me @nanixxx, as if you feel better and recovered today, if the sadness was transformed into happiness, and this post affected a bit the change, then it was worth making it already 😇

And you are so right, everyone can receive the vibes in a different way, it is up to the reader and listener. :)) I am so glad it came in a positive way to you 🤗


I see that you have fun here! 👍

Absolutely!! It was a joy to play this one :)


By the way, I am the first (and second, also) reply here. So, all of you are beneath me, muahahaha. #JustKidding

PS (AGAIN): "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen, my absolute favourite song from them, ever!!!

By the way, I am the first (and second, also) reply here. So, all of you are beneath me, muahahaha.

Hahahha, made me laugh aloud 🤣🤣🤣

HAHAHAHAHAHA, glad I made possible! What a performance, @mipiano

I really like seeing your graceful hands playing with those keys. That cover makes me want to chill and have a sip of coffee on the couch.. But then, it's Monday, a busy day 😂. But thanks for spreading the good vibe..


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Monday! It is actually a perfect song to start this week with the beat this song has :))
But I would prefer playing it on the Yamaha piano you have in the house of your boss hahaha. A lot better piano than my digital one.
Thanks for listening, have a great week @jane1289 😃

Hehe. Then come here. I seldom hear the sound of it.

Maybe a teleport machine could help? 😂

Yes lets make the vibes great again......Again? Well let´s just make it great as it is a lovely way to not be challenged to write some personal good music related stuff.... And how can people think you don't love rock??? Your linkin parks second greatest fan after me 😎

Hey, hey, yes, let's make the vibes great again. ;)
Hope you will feel better soon, in every sense 😉

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @edje42 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads.https://leofinance.io/threads/@edje42/re-leothreads-2cmdjprub

Glad you had fun :))Oh, poshthreads? Thanks @edje42 for sharing!

Oyeeeee 😊 qué lindo eso desde el min 1:58 más o menos 💙🤗 toca escucharlo todo muchas veces!!!


No sabía si te va a gustar Queen, pero me alegro que sí 😇
Has visto que por allí justo pasé la página, jajaja? Me da un poco de risa porque es larga la partitura y en algún momento tengo que pasar la hoja. Forma parte de la canción ahora 😂😂😂

Sí, lo de pasar la página me dio risa. A ver... No sé cómo explicar porque no soy músico, pero hay otras armonías, ahí... Y es como si fuera otro tema dentro del de Queen y deslizas las teclas... Eso me gusta mucho. Ese piano tuyo estaba temblando. Lo veía temblar, era como si estuviese emocionado él también.

La parte donde paso rápido de una tecla aguda a más baja, creo que te refieres a eso? Eso se llama glissando, es como un adorno que se utiliza a veces, un efecto de sonido. Se utliza en todos los intrumentos, en la música vocal también, da un cool efecto si se produce en el violín o algún instrumento de viento. En piano hay que deslizar rápido las teclas, y da este efecto de sorpresa.

Y mi pobre piano está temblando por mi ignorancia jaja. Hay dos tornillos que deberían sujetar la parte de arriba (el teclado) con el soporte de abajo. Pues, nunca los ajusté bien 🤦‍♀ because I bought it from a neighbour who was moving from the building and didn't want to take the piano with him. It is a good piano btw, and my old one was dying anyway. He gave me all the parts and accessories but I just set up the piano just to use it as soon as possible and never fixed those "tornillos" well 😂 I know, a stupid thing, laziness so indeed I do have to fix it as one day the poor piano will finish on the floor 🤣

Sorry, it was just a bit faster for me to type in English 😅 and mix it with Spanish 😆

Interesting, así son los artistas... those minor details that can even acabar con el instrumento don't bother them. About Miss Mipiano tengo que decir that she is getting more creative with her writing techniques every day.
Ya understand.

😂 Gracias

¡Qué chula la mezcla de Spanish and English! 😂

Eso se llama Spanglish 🍫🌞

Oh Gosh, I can listen to this cover all day! I know I already heard it somewhere I just can't remember. But I know it right after you started the intro omg. So lovely ✨🤩🤩🎶🎶

Thank you dear @ruffatotmeee, that is a pretty famous song, I bet you indeed heard it many times in its original version. :))

This is amazing, well your head spinning might be as a result of the noise tho🤣🤣

Oh, could be, as a result of the noise, spot on!! 😁

Well absolutely true tho😄😄. That might also cause it

This is just lovely! OMG, I'm so flattered, you can't even imagine... By the way, @mipiano, I used to think like the quote on my reply, not anymore. PS: I didn`t know you could paint. So, art is your thing, definitely, no doubt about it. so, so glad to be your friend, mate and member of this Q-Inspired community on HIVE. Once again, you're absolutely impressive, babe!

It's not about the genre of music actually, of course, we have our favourite ones, but music as a tool of expression is one ;) We are also glad to have you here in Q-inspired!
Hmm, how do you mean I could paint?

Thoses painting over your post aren't yours? I mean, painting by you? I thought it was.

Of course those are not my paintings. Here I said it:

The photo of Mister Einstein and Mister Mercury being in one window display was taken last summer in Italy while I was strolling through the streets of the city of Padua. Couldn't come at in better time than now for this post :))


Damn, I don`t remember reading that part of your post. So, so sorry. I will pay more attention to it. Thing is, the whole post was a piece of jewel. One more for your collection, doll.

Well, you wanted to be first in commenting haha, so something had to be missed in the reading part 😂

Precisely, I couldn`t say it any better, @mipiano

que hermosura de melodia es muy relajante amiga gracias por deleitarnos

Gracias, me alergo que te haya gustado.

I find it strange how I never been experiencing listen to this famous music, glad and thanks for sharing dear. I like how the deep expression would express from your post.

It's understandable that life can get stressful at times, and we may not be able to complete everything we want to. Even though there were some delays, it's great that you were able to participate in earlier Spread the Vibes blogs. There will always be fresh opportunities to share positive energy in the future, so it's acceptable if you weren't able to join in the more recent posts. It's crucial to prioritize your obligations and take care of yourself, and it's acceptable to take a break from some of them if necessary. Whether it's through music or another medium, keep spreading happiness in your own unique way and know that your efforts are valued.

Then I am glad that I introduced to you this music 🎶🎶 ;)

Thanks for your words, I really appreciate them. Though I was not stressed, I just let the time go and escape from my hands :D And you are right, I agree with you, it can be through music or other medium, we should keep spreading happiness.
Even maybe just smiling to someone on the street we can make its day better :)

You are an extraordinary musician my dear @mipiano!!!! It was a pleasure to listen to you and to see your beautiful hands caressing the piano as if it were a back thirsty for love!!!!!

Thank you dear @aly.squid for stopping by 🎶

For sure, the piano is part of my life, it's a part of me actually, I can't caress it in any other way than with love 😇

I spread the vibe and forgot to comment in here, but I already told you that this was a great performance executed with high quality. Thanks for sharing!

Bravo 👏, es espectacular como juegas con los tiempos a tu manera. Es magnífico el arreglo de la canción solo a piano. Suena increíble. Te felicito por tu gran talento @mipiano

Otro gracias, por ver esta publicación y escucharme 🎶

Thank you! :))