I'm very happy when...

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)


I paint...?

No, it's not my phrase. It's a friend of mine, an artist who is happy when he paints. And it is not just because he said it here. I know it as I could see it from his attitude and approach to his work. I learned it from all those moments when he was showing us the process of creating a sculpture or while he was painting his furniture in yellow, full of little white flowers (his work Redesign). Or showing us the two mannequins that were the protagonist of the project Love Story... I could also see it from the works we received as a gift, back in time.

These red artworks you see hanging on the wall of my living room (though in my old house) are examples of how some old, thrown-away pieces of wood can be converted into more valuable items. They got an artistic value, rescued with the artist's imagination and skills to convert them. To give them a new life.


My field is music. I can't really describe now how he remodelled these pieces of wood... but I certainly see a huge difference between useless trash (as to be honest, they didn't have any purpose anymore, maybe just to be burned) and a piece of art that I can proudly show to my guests in my old home. Nobody stays indifferent, but the reactions can vary. It depends on the person who sees it.


You could hear:

Just pieces of wood, painted in red and black.

What do these ropes represent?

Hmm, they are interesting...

Why they are all different?

Oh, here we are. Isn't a piece of art a unique representation of a vision that the artist had in his mind? Thoughts and feelings (positive or negative) made visible? The inspiration can come from anything, what we see, hear, read, feel, listen to... from a little conversation or just from silence. From unanswered questions too. It is a world of treasure chests where gems are kept. Where stars burst and ordinary objects can receive unconventional touch. Like the next of his works, made exclusively for my son when he was small.


It was also made of an old piece of wood. Cut in the form of a car, painted with colours that would represent happiness, imagination, and energy that will never stop. When I see the wheels, I see motion. Just spin it in your mind. You will maybe feel fuzzy, but pleased.


A little detail from the other side of this same special car. A blue surface, with cracks, etched lines and scars... And the sticker with our friend's name and the phrase I'm very happy when I paint...

Do you believe it can be true, that some mysterious energy, or call it feeling, talent, touch, vibe or whatever can transform a cracked piece of material into art?


What is certain is that we can also feel some kind of transformation in the process of creation. No, it is not always going smoothly. In my case, I need to practise to get a piece of music going well. Or at least, in a decent version. But if someone would ask me when I am happy?... I think I could respond that it definitely can happen when I play the piano. And a myriad of other moments when I can feel the same ;)

Now I am off to practise some music! But not this one right now, it got stuck.

If you got something from this little writing and you would like to let us know what are the moments when you feel happy, you can finish the phrase (or transform it freely) in your own way: I'm happy when I...



I'm happy when I...

I am happy when I see a rainbow, I am happy when I communicate with nature.
I am happy when I manage to take an interesting photo, like these for example:

I could give many more examples, but suddenly I thought...
Are happiness and joy the same thing?
And we just call the same feeling with different words?
And if not, then what is the difference between them?

Oh, I missed responding to this comment 😬

I am sorry for this delay.

The photos of the butterfly and these insects are awesome, thank you for sharing them with us @ludmila.kyriakou 😇

Thank you so much!

I love how your friend can turn ordinary pieces of wood into such beautiful works of art. As for me, I'm happy when I create something that makes people smile or feel good, whether it's a craft, a story, or just a simple act of kindness. It's a great feeling to know that I can have a positive impact on someone else's day.

This!! 👆

This makes me happy too 😇

And clap along if you know what happiness is to you... and you seem to know :)

Morning, Piano!!! Qué rico despertar viendo tanta felicidad. Eso me hace muy feliz a mí.

Morning 🌞

The qué riquera people know what is rico ;D
I am happy you woke up happy 😋

Another morning to wake up happy, as long as there is no new post on mipiano's blog we are still here talking about the things that make us smile.

For example, I saw some insects over there that made me laugh. I talked a bit with the AI but she says she doesn't understand that I should be more specific. My wallet in keychain has gone into the past. She says I have less HP, what HP is she hahaha (and this will be in Cuban, guess what). Ay Piano. I feel happy when I write stories and go there to live in them.

Hahaha, I can imagine that conversation and the laughter 😂 (HP in your language... is it a guessing game now, or a lesson? 😂😂😂) I had now siesta, got two pieces of apple pie and one cup of coffee, but I still can't think a lot. I will find it out later, don't speak! Hahaha.

Lo siento, a mí me dieron batido de mamey 🤤 y me hice un 🍞 con mayonesa, ajo y tomate, jajaja... Y café.
No puedo dejar de hablar cuando estoy feliz 🤣

Estoy segura que estaba rico el batido. I didn't take a smoothie this morning in the hotel, it was spinach and celery haha, but I needed a cup of coffee. I didn't hear the alarm, well, I heard it, switched it off and fell asleep again 😳 Luckily, my husband woke me up so I arrived at time there.

Hahaha, el don't speak era solamente para que yo piense y busque que podría ser eso, lo que ahora ya sé lo que es.
Es claro (edit: creo que tenía que poner "está claro" en vez de "es claro"... que mal se me da este verbo 😑) que es Hewlett Packard 😁

In some point D or D point (qué mal se me da el inglés) you have the answer.
Lo consigues siempre, que suelte una carcajada. Gracias.

🎹 Is very funny

Well that is easy I'm happy when I take pictures, when I paint, when I made croosfit and I can continue the list ...😂😂😂😂
By the way I loved those paintings in the wood they look great, when I went to Casablanca with my friends painters I paint my own pieces and we use the old wood from damage boats , and we painted over there , let me show you the two I made


You are definitely a happy man, or maybe it's better to say that you know how to identify the happy moments. Choose them and stick to them. That's a great attitude @pumarte 😇

Your paintings on the pieces of wood are beautiful. Love them 🤩

Thanks! 🤗

What good paintings. Each artist finds his inspiration where he feels most motivated, because we are a reflection of what we like. Beautiful works of art on wood. Any surface is suitable for artistic manifestation. In art, all visions are valid. Hugs @mipiano.

Que buenas pinturas. Cada artista encuentra su inspiración donde más se siente motivado. Somos un reflejo de lo que nos gusta. Lindas obras de arte sobre madera. Cualquier superficie es adecuada para manifestarse artísticamente. En el arte todas las visiones son válidas. Abrazos @mipiano

Wow, that's very nicely said, @denisda. But I would also add that we can find inspiration in things we are aiming to achieve.

I see, any surface can be a good material for art expression. Like in music, every musical instrument is nice but we do choose one (or the instrument chooses us) to walk together on this musical path :))

😂😂Each musical instrument has its own characteristics. Here in Cuba they teach piano and guitar. During the student years, if you are able to learn more, you are free to learn as many as you can. When I was a student, I saw the musicians with their instruments, they slept all day. What beautiful memories those, they played in the sports area, in the corridors in the bedrooms, everywhere.

There is a mutual complicity of body and soul with the musical instrument. We artists are driven by passion and love. That's where our inspiration comes from.

I think yours is the piano, hence your #hive profile name. Isn't it?

😂😂Cada instrumento musical tiene sus características. Aquí en cuba enseñan piano y guitarra obligatorio. Durante los años de estudiante, si eres capas de aprender más eres libre de aprender tantos como puedas. Cuando yo era estudiante veía a los músicos con sus instrumentos acuesta todo el día. Que lindos recuerdos esos, ellos tocaban en el área deportiva, en los pasillos en los dormitorios, en todas partes.
Existe una complicidad mutua de cuerpo y alma con el instrumento musical. A nosotros los artistas nos mueve la pasion y el amor. De ahi sale nuestra inspiración.
Creo que el tuyo es el piano, de ahí tu nombre de perfil de #hive. ¿Verdad?

When I was a student, I saw the musicians with their instruments, they slept all day.

Pero, pero, pero, cómo que los músicos dormían todo el día? 😂😂😂
O tocaban toda la noche... jajajaja, y estaban cansados durante el día por eso, o es por pereza jajajaja?


Aquí en cuba enseñan piano y guitarra obligatorio.

Sí? Que chulo 🎶

Y sí, el piano es mi instrumento de toda la vida. Literalmente 😇

Jajajaja. Quise decir que tenían el instrumento pegado a la espalda literalmente. Que no descansan, son muchas las horas que pasan practicando. Jajajaja

Que lindo el piano. Un instrumento de lujo. Felicidades.
La plástica y la música van unidas de la mano.
Nosotros los plásticos utilizamos mucho la música para crear.

Hahahaha. I meant that they had the instrument literally glued to their backs. They don't rest, there are many hours they spend practicing. Hahahahaha

The piano is so cute. A luxury instrument. Congratulations.

Plastic art and music go hand in hand.

We plastics use music a lot to create.

I am happy when I am tripping through a youtube loop and come out at the other end with an awesome mix-tape....guess the things that truly make us happy are the small things we really enjoy doing!

That's true. I agree with you!! Little things and little moments, those that can give that boost to walk this life with pleasure! 😉✨🎶

Your post is a beautiful tribute to your friend's art and his ability to turn ordinary materials into something extraordinary. It's clear that his passion for painting and creating brings him immense joy, and it's wonderful that you can appreciate and share in that joy through his work. It's also inspiring to see how your own passion for music brings you happiness as well. Keep practicing and creating, and continue to find joy in the process. Thank you for sharing your story and reminding us all of the power of art to bring happiness into our lives.


@mipiano! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @old-man-chu58. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Although this friend is a bit silent here on Hive, he was grateful and loved this post (they said me off chain). I like his style, which also changed a lot during the last years, it's all inspiration that moves and transforms into a different way, or style of expression. But one stays - what you say at the end: the power of art is bringing happiness to our lives 😊✨

I clicked the wrong button so sorry I meant to upvote. Got to exited clicking on buttons LOL
I appreciate your comment too
I'm glad you like my quote and comment bring me joy making other happy
Happy to be !ALIVE

Hopefully later I can Upvote it

Hey, no worries :) It can happen hehehe
I guess through Hiveblog it can be easily confused. In PeakD it is great, as there is a heart, that can't be missed. (Just guessing which frontend you use, as there were users getting confused with the same in the past) ;)

I hope you are having a great day 🌞

@mipiano! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @old-man-chu58. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

It's like painting is his happy pill no, as for me I am happy when I have money on my wallet HAHAHA. Money is my happiness you see, coz I can get anything that makes me happy using that money.

Anyway, I love the first art, I dunno, I just love the color of it, it looks pretty to my eyes.

Hahaha, money... Well, it can buy many things, but maybe not everything :D

When you said money I immediately remembered this song

With a talent like that, I would be happy too!

Hahaha, me too 😂

How lucky you are to have a friend who makes such wonderful pieces of art out of pieces of wood. I also have a painter friend called David Santa Fe and he is a terrific landscape painter but he also transforms the useless into art. I am happy when I delight in his painting, I share with him poems that I write inspired by his work. I am also happy in Amautacultural in this place there is always an art exhibition and piano concerts. This coming Tuesday there will be a wonderful concert by Franco Rivera Bueno with the interpretation of music by his autiria and Lecuona. I invite you to follow him on the site Amautacentrocultural.es

That is so nice, to be able to transform ordinary things into something that will get more value. Thanks for the name Franco Rivera Bueno, I found now the webpage. Thanks 🙂

Who would thought that those woods can transform into a great masterpiece.

The artist knew ;)

Love it, right up my street as pieces of art!

Good afternoon @mipiano!

What a nice post and images, I loved it!!!

As for your question, I am happy when I paint and when I design, that above all. I lose track of time and space and there is only my design or my painting and me.

I am happy when I am in contact with nature, especially the sea makes me happy.

Thank you very much!❤️

Finding happiness in the process of painting, or making a design - that's great. It can be also finding happiness while writing or making music. Or as you say, being in nature 🍀 So many things! And actually, lucky people are those who can find happy moments in creativity ✨✨✨

I am very lucky because apart from my kittens I find immense happiness in creating.

Thank you beautiful❤️

Oh, that is so nice, having kittens 🐈

I have always had cats, but not right now (I am living in an apartment, and I would not like to leave any pet alone when we are not at home because of our busy schedules 😉)

I brought them with me from Argentina when I left, I wasn't going to leave them, they are my family. They are 10 years old each.😍


My complete respect for your decision not leaving them 🙌


Painting inspiration can come from a lot of angle which is only known to the artist, i feel my own happiness comes from just listening to music generally and not just any type of music but a soulful one, they come as a relive for me

Music can give a lot of inspiration and happiness 😊 and when we are musicians then we can also enjoy the process of making music 🎶 ;)

I think that is a topic to write on for me🤗

I would keep this hypnotic vehicle in bedroom to help me fall asleep faster. 😂

I thought it's drawing, kudos to Milan!

It's actually here, close to me but seems that I don't watch it right now. It's 3:23 and I am still awake 😳

Ok, I should start to watch the wheels and imagine them spinning 😂

🦉ćuti ćuti i zaspaćeš. 😂

We all have our stress relief methods 😂 I do release a lot of stress when I jump into work or something productive... And every now and then picking up a book seems to do wonders!


It makes sense 😁
But I would say that it's not just because of stress relief. It's the thing to be satisfied and find happy moments in those things we do. In that process!

Books. My ones are still waiting for me, on the bedside table to make those wonders hahah 😁

What beautiful pieces your friend makes, I would love to have some in my living room too haha, I'm happy when I eat something I love! <3

Yummy 😋
Me too hahaha.
And also it works in reverse. I am nervous when I am too hungry 😂

From an ordinary wood into a beautiful creation! Talented works of the hand it is!

I'm happy because I choose to ☺️

Oh, how cool answer - we are happy because we choose to. Sometimes it's difficult to see or achieve, but in the end it comes as the most logical and truthful thing!

At the end of the day, it is our choose to be happy. ☺️

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(solamente voy practicando 🤣)


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Hi @mipiano

It's really beautiful and unique, everything I love like I have to learn a long time to be like this and it's not an easy thing but you are so good at making it, even wood that is not in use trying to reuse is amazing @mipiano 🥰💯

That's a friend of mine who made these works ;)

Honestly I really liked it

Préstale atención a ésto que has escrito:

What is certain is that we can also feel some kind of transformation in the process of creation. No, it is not always going smoothly. In my case, I need to practise to get a piece of music going well. Or at least, in a decent version. But if someone would ask me when I am happy?... I think I could respond that it definitely can happen when I play the piano.

Por eso es que eres fenomenal. Genia, me encanta lo que has hecho. Saludos, @mipiano