The Quest to Become a Top Musician

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago





Becoming a top musician has always been my greatest dream and goal in life. I’ve always imagined myself singing or playing a Grand Piano at the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal (“Montreal International Jazz Festival”), which is obviously one of the Biggest Musical Events in the world with over 2 million attendees. Likewise, I’ve dreamt so many times of being a celebrity. Well, if I could dream about taking a piss and it comes to pass instantly, why not this? (this is a serious matter, please don’t laugh).

Sorry, this post is not about me but about those who share this kind of dream. As for me, I fall under the category of “quack musicians" or "manage-manage musicians."

That reminds me... Why do we term those in my category as musicians? Are we truly musicians?



Off the top of my head, I believe we can classify musicians in the loose and strict senses: The former allows the gate to be widely open for those who have direct or indirect relationship with the world of music. Put differently, in so far as you can open your mouth waaaaaah and sing something, you can be termed as a musician, you know?

This category admits of all singers, DJs, Composers, Musical directors, Instrumentalists and everyone connected to music in this universe and other existing multiverse.

On the other hand, the strict sense of the word “musicians” raises the standard high and only admits of people who are qualified to demonstrate the “science and art” of music.

“Science and art of music?”

Is that strange to you? Don’t you know that musicians work in the lab with lab coats, mixing different chemicals to form compound?


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Oh well, don’t think too far.

In my own opinion, the scientific aspect of music deals with the formulation of methods, theories, patterns, structures, formulas and key definitions for musical notes, scales and chords, among others. Following the unique rules meticulously will aid you in learning Jazz, Classical and other genres of music.

But this isn’t complete without the “artistic” component of music. The artistic aspect deals with the individualization of the music; how the musician expresses the music and communicates with their audience in the most outstanding way.

So, yes, this category is only open to a few who understand the science of music and are able to express the music in the most artistic way. Similarly, one may be a musician here without having a celebrity status, or a celebrity musician without being a musician in the strict sense.



To become a top musician (obviously in the strict sense) one has to be equipped with the theoretical knowledge, techniques and practical skills. In the same way, one should also master the art of expressing and communicating one's thoughts and emotions via music.

Before I forget, this post was prompted by the series of questions asked by @mipiano’s niece who needed some answers in her questionnaire for her research paper. I would respond to few questions out of the many provided. You can check the post here if you want to contribute to this discussion.

Communication in Music

To a very large extent, I believe that Communication in Music is paramount, albeit undermined. This is beacause Music itself communicates directly to the listener, and conveys various messages to respond to different emotions. This shows how important it is for the one who creates/composes music to harness the superpower of communicating in order for the music to be effective.

In the same way, communication in music can also be viewed in the aspect of relating with one's musical script, playing music to a listening audience or playing music with a musical crew. In these instances, communication is highly important if not the music will be chaotic.

However, communication in music doesn't imply that all musicians must be great communicators or live great social lives.

Expressiveness in Music

Another great superpower needed by top musicians is the ability to be expressive.

Like we said earlier, music is an art and that artistic aspect defines our individuality and uniqueness which is more pronounced in our expression of music.

Everyone's expression is unique even if they perform same song. Thus, that expression defines who you are, musically.

Adapting the Music to the Kind of Audience

Communication is effective when the sender passes across a message to the receiver and the recipient understands this message, and gives feedback. If the receiver doesn't understand the message, then communication will be hindered and impeded.

Likewise, if a musician fails to adapt the music to the audience, then he or she stands at a risk of communicating ineffectively.

To what extent do external factors influence formation of knowledge and skill of musicians?

The environment we grow up in influences the kinds or genres of songs we listen to. It configures us to those genres and helps us appreciate music better via those genres. Thus, it becomes easier to learn more about such genres and easily assimilate the knowledge and skills therein. However, this can be changed with time if we grow up with an open mindset, appreciating music in other genres.

To what extent do internal factors influence the formation of knowledge and skill of musicians?

The state of our minds affect the kind of songs we listen to as well as the kind of songs we create. One who just experienced heartbreak tend to listen to more of heartbreak songs; and one who just experienced a big favour from God will sing more of thanksgiving songs to God.

In the same way, the emotional and psychological state of musicians also affect the kind of songs they perform. Thus, it affects the knowledge and skills they'll seek after to enable them give their best in their performance.


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I may not be your favourite author, but you can journey with me to help me develop my writing skills. I am always open to criticism, correction and learning 🥰. (1).gif


You made it!! You answered the prompt!! 🙌🙌🙌
Thank you for doing it this quickly (no jokes, I think it is quick, no real procrastination was involved here :D ) and thank you for spreading the word in this way, through your views!

Don’t you know that musicians work in the lab with lab coats, mixing different chemicals to form compound?


I would say, maybe a kind of magic that happens in music, but, this is also true :)))

Haha, the scientific dog gif is so funny 😂

You made it!! You answered the prompt!!

I did it 😂😂
I'm proud of myself 😂

no real procrastination was involved here

There was a tiny little piny winy piece of Procrastination 😂😂😂

I became free on Monday, but I gave my life to Netflix for short term relaxation to ease of the stress 😂

I didn't know what happened next... it seems I black-out. Then I discovered that it was Wednesday already.... shit! I also discovered that I finished watching Wednesday - season 1, Far From Home - Season 1, the Warrior Nun - seasons 1 & 2, and The Witcher season 2 (episode 1 & 2).

I only discovered after I had subscribed for data multiple times, as though I were acting against my will. 😂😂😂

Yea, the magic happens a lot 😁 and the chemicals created affect the souls directly.

😂 I tried to be serious in this write-up, but I couldn't help but place in the scientific dog gif 😂😂

Writing in a fun way, or just adding at least a few funny moments is more than welcome :))

😱 OMG, Mister Netflix robbed your life for some days hahaha

We are lucky to see you back!!! ;)

Music is such a wonderful thing!

Yes, it truly is 🥰

To be a musician is not something that easy.

Talent is what determines where we will be if we determine to make good use of it.

I used to be a boy who admired singing and loves to be a musician but the problem is that "the starting point is the foundation" to see a good standard support to serve as a solid foundation is what making me stagnant in my musical journey but am looking unto God and what the future says well hustle hard is still on.

Wish you success in your musical journey mate


Hope it works

I didn't actually say it is my quest o 😁 but that's fine

Well, I believe with hardwork you can become a great musician. Talent does not really make or mar you, if you want. With hardwork and consistency you can overcome the stumbling block and rose higher.

Well, if you are a fan of online learning, you can learn online if there's no physical tutor.

I didn't have a physical tutor, neither an online one... I relied mainly on research... it took me lots of time, but I learnt a lot. However, with an online teacher it'll also be easier to learn.

I wish you success

Thank you
Although it's not my wish though

You have done justice to the question Sam, I agree with your points you've discussed on. There is more to just to being a musician than just playing an instrument or being a great singer, I once saw a movie when someone actually described music to have a soul and I totally agree with that.

Most people claim they are musicians but in the actual sense they just sing because of the benefits they get and that's why when it get to a point they feel reluctant to play or sing as they should even when nothing is actually stopping them.

Thank you so much for sharing these tips with us, I do have a lot of work to becoming a good singer and musician, hehehe.

Manage manage musician indeed 😂😂.... Truth is that they, the people you call real musicians all started somewhere and they were once manage manage musicians also

It's just a thin line between them and you.
Your dream can come through... I'm not doing some motivational sh*ts here but I know that with resilience, you can get there.

I really thank God for good musics, they are the best creativity that has ever happened to the motherland, earth.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post and for the arrangement, it made reading it interesting.

Popped in via @dreemport

thanks for your thoughts.

i'm always reminded of the answer given to someone asking directions to a famous music venue in NYC venue:
'How do you get to Carnegie Hall?'
'Practice, man, practice.'

its a gradual process. but you made it look simple. thank you for sharing my friend.