I listen to music every day. I mean, there's no day that passes without me tagging along with music.
Whenever it comes to Thursday, it takes on a special vibe because I tap into the culture of #ThrowbackThursday. On Thursdays, local TV channels and radio stations that truly understand the essence of entertainment can't resist bringing up throwback moments. This is why I tune in to my favorite radio station every Thursday to enjoy throwback songs that I haven’t played in a while. Radio stations often curate random playlists, and it always feels magical to hear an old favorite you haven't played in ages.
Today is Thursday, and I got deeply entertained. I found myself walking down memory lane as I listened to those nostalgic songs.
Some of the songs I enjoyed today include:
"Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira and Wyclef Jean
When this song was trending, I was in secondary school. It was one of those songs we used to gyrate to in class during party time, especially when the teacher wasn’t around. We would beat on tables and chairs to create beats, while one of us sang the exact lyrics in the same tone as Shakira. Whenever it got to the part of "Shakira Shakira," we would all echo it aloud in joy.
Listening to this song again today was a pure delight. This is a timeless song that, as the title suggests, will never age—unless hips suddenly start lying! Lol.
The music video is magical. Shakira looked almost robotic with the way she moved her waist.
"I Am the Ruler" by Timaya
This song was a massive hit when it was released, particularly because of its unique beat. The lyrics are rich and meaningful—not like many songs with repetitive lines.
Back then, we could sing this song word for word without missing a line. Listening to it today brought back so many good memories. Before I knew it, I was nodding my head and dancing along.
"Over the Moon" by Dr. Sid and K-Switch
Oh, come on! Today was a whole vibe. It felt as though the DJ on the wheels of steel knew exactly the kind of songs I loved.
"Over the Moon," from the defunct Mo'Hits Records crew, was one of my absolute favorites. Hearing the intro today blew me away, and I couldn’t help but smile ear to ear.
Let me stop here...
Thanks for reading!
Video source: YouTube
Image source: pexels
A mí también me gusta ver tv y escuchar los canales de música, lo suelo hacer cuando trabajo, "siempre pongo MTV" y trabajar así es una forma en la que logró concentrarme. La música es maravillosa
Esto es bueno. Incluso mientras trabajo, mi teléfono con auriculares está conectado a mi oído mientras escucho música. La música es lo que siempre hago. Gracias por pasar por aquí.