Attracted By a Song, Bonded Through Music

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago


I was seated in this conference a few years ago and I was just singing during the worship session. It's one conference I'm always looking forward to. It's hosted by my church annually. I wasn't deeply involved in church activities to be honest, I was just always looking forward to this conference because it was a means of bonding with my friends who lived faraway.

The conference involved all members of the church from all the branches nationwide coming together to praise so it is usually a very big one. After the conference that night, I went home and uploaded pictures of myself on my Facebook page. A girl commented saying she wished she was part of the conference till the end. I also got a message from the same strange girl who seemed to know me.

The message said I looked lovely and I was greatly admired. I blushed so badly. I took a look at her profile and figured I could recognize her. She sat close to me in the conference and she was reading a book. We got to know each other and she was a total sweetheart. I was honestly amazed. It baffles me how someone who barely knew me was so jovial, alive and open with me and so I asked her what attracted me to her. She said it was my voice. She was so surprised at the way I sang with so much passion and power.


That's how we began to bond. Music was our bonding gum if there's any such thing as that.😄 We met up subsequently and one day we were just singing along a song from my phone. After the song ended, the next song that played was one she knew too and the rest that played as well. We were both surprised. It was just wonderful to meet someone who has the same taste of music as me.
We began to plan and rehearse on how to perform a duet in an upcoming youth conference the next year. On our days of sadness, low energy and negativities, when things get overwhelming, we sang for each other and it was just wonderful.


It's simply amazing the many wonders music can perform. To me it's very soothing to have someone who shares the same taste of music as you. You can always vibe to the same kind of songs, share inspiration and so on.
So how about you? Ever met someone who shares your taste of music? Who is as enthusiastic about music as you are? It would be nice to see some responses in the comment section. Thank you for reading.

All pictures are images of the amazing soul I connected with and they're posted with consent. She is Fae, an amazing singer and guitarist.


You made a beautiful soul connection and that is truly one of life's gift to us.

Ever met someone who shares your taste of music?

Not yet but in other aspects of life, YES!

Thank you dear and I hope you meet this kind of person too. The feeling is everything.☺️ Thank you for stopping by

Aww such a wholesome story.
I can imagine you two vocalizing with your heavenly voices.

I also have a good friend that I can boldly say what bonded us closer was just having the same music taste.

I love your title by the way, it fits perfectly.

Thank you so much dear. I'm glad you can relate to this. ❤️

This is so inspiring @didiee, meeting someone that relates well with you and all, I'll say is a rare privilege. I'll advise you to always be by her side no matter what because this type of friendship hardly comes by.

Owww yes, I have the experience of bonding with someone over music. I think it is something like 23 years ago I met this girl on stage at some electronic indoor party. Well, it was not just some event, but that's beside the point. Anyways, since she showed a true passion for the music played by the DJ that was one of my favourite ones, I got interested and I think she had the same feeling. After this event, we met by chance at other events, and slowly we grew a friendship. It didn't take too much time before she became my best friend, whilst for her, it was totally the same. Still today we feel both very much the same about the music we love. A super connection I never felt with anyone else.

It's amazing how passionate music can attract people to you.
Kudos to you dear!!!
Hey @didiee beautiful story you've got here I really enjoyed Évry bit of it. #hive-105786