The Queen Who Never Was

Music is interwoven in my everyday activity. There were times when it was all I needed to get up from very difficult times, sometimes it was all the memory I had of someone I loved ,and sometimes it was all that's left of a distant memory of someone from the past.

It was my third year in the university and just like everyday,I had just done the usual routine of getting ready for school and finding my way to class. Somewhere in between paying attention to the lectures and thinking about how to walk out to get breakfast, a phone rang loudly. "This town" by kygo filled the air as few students hummed along.

It was a different experience for me as I stayed still and couldn't think of anything else but Ijeoma. A day which had seemed promising turned gloomy in a split second. You meet someone new and you just think to yourself,this is the one.

It was January of 2016, a cold Friday morning, nothing seemed out of place and I felt the world at my feet as I had just gained admission into the university. A family friend had just visited with their daughter and as usual we(my siblings and I) all fled the sitting room as is the usual tradition. Loud voices and laughter filled the sitting room as my we struggled to listen to to our favourite show airing at the moment as we sat along in the staircase. We had never had anyone stay over in the house before as we were so distant from our relatives.

Footsteps approached the staircase and we all dispersed into our rooms while we eavesdropped. It was at this point we realized we were about to accommodate someone else in the house. "This room should be comfortable for her," my mother said softly. Minutes passed before we were all called downstairs to introduce ourselves to our new friend. She was about my age, dark, tall and the prettiest little girl I ever met. Over the days, we barely spoke and no one seemed confident enough to break the ice.

It took weeks before we got along.
Apparently she was in the house for her freshman year in the university as she had no place to stay. She was going to be with us for a while until she finds a place to stay. Every morning her alarm tone, "This town" by Kygo resonated throughout the house. This went on for all the weeks she spent in the house.

I got to know her too well and we became very close friends. We went on dates, saw different places, tried new things. We had the time of our lives.


"Nothing lasts forever", they say as what seemed like a never ending love tale came to an end. Times have passed but her memory is one I cherish so much.

For the times when I feel distant from her, "This town" by kygo keeps her so close - for therein lies all the good memories we had.


Lovely song by Kygo, my favourite of him.
I relate perfectly to this scenario, I really enjoyed the days we spent together and was saddened when distance came between us.

I like how you captured the events, great job bro👍

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May I ask why this bond between her and you stopped?
Kygo type of music isn't always my favourite, but this one gets to me somehow. Is different, mucho less dance-music than what I know from Kygo. Didn't hear it for a long time, but now adding it to my Spotify list. Thanks for the share