in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast month (edited)

Image is mine

Life does not always give us all we ask for , i think this is actually useful in other for balanced to be retained. Well, there are things that happens in our life which we don't have control over but we can actually control the way we react to it.

One of those things is actually the "incoming and outgoing" of people in our lives. Man is by nature a social being , we meet people everyday, some we end up being in a relationship with while some , we end up living.

But it got to a point i started asking myself this question, why do people come into our lives , hurt us , and then leave. Why come into someone's life in the first place when you actually know that your intention about the person is not pure.

Some purposely left , while some left as a result of misunderstanding. Some came back and asked for forgiveness while some never returned . well , that us life for you. Right from my early childhood, i have been a great fan of music most especially rap music, i believe in some cases that those rappers are actually passing message to us through the lyrics of their song but we are most times carried away by the lyrics that we actually don't care to look into the lyrics of those songs.

Some of these lyrics are actually , while some are bad, corruptful and demonic.

A personal story about my life .

My name is Ogbuabor Chimaobi , I am a citizen of nigeria and was born and raised in Enugu state. As a kid, between the ages below, i actually thought people were meant to stay in our lives forever, until i got the shocking news of the demise of my grandFather who really Loved me so dearly. I could remember asking my mum " When will i see Grandpa again ?' , she smiled , told me that " my grandpa" Went on a long journey and will not be back anytime soon.

When i becam an adult , I came to learn that the people around you are just temporal and things can actually change within seconds. At this my adult stage , things became more real.

I realized that nothing will be handed over to you, i started thinking like a man, althoug my parents were providing my basic needs, i thought that not everything should be left to. I took up side hustles , gigs and other things to complement the ones my parents were giving me.

Adulthood taught me a great lesson, You really need to make yoursef, growth, happines , well-being a priority. No one will save you. I will be a liar if i told you that i was not supported in anyway by people around me , most especially my sisters, but at the end of the day, the grind is still yours.



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When i first heard this song , i was fascinated by the beat but on a closer attention the lyrics , i was fascinated by the work done by the artist and the message he was trying to deliver.

  • Transition of life :
    The lyrics represent how fast things can change, how fast people can come and go. The unpredictability of the world we live in and also the people inside it which makes it even more hard to trust people.

  • Struggles :

Growing up in nigeria was not a rosy bed, the struggles and challenges were very evident. I can't really say that its all cool now but this music gives me the motivation to keep going and that challenges only makes you stronger.

  • Emotional Hardship :

I have also experienced my own share or relationship struggles , in 2023, my relationship of 3years came to an end. I was pained but with this song, i now have a clear understanding that people can come and go, don't put too much trust on them, this will actually reduce your attachment to them and won't be easily pained when they actually leave.

  • Stay Focused :

In my own opinion, all these challenges actually made me a strong man and more determined for success. The song also motivated me to learn to do things myself and not actually always trusting people.


That is life for you, not everyone is main to remain your life for ever, some are temporal while some will remain with you for ever, life is full of soldier come, soldier go. barracks remain. thank for sharing your interest of knowledge.

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