Sitting now writing this post, while waiting for the end of the competition, that is, while Konstrakta.s turn on the stage come. This much from me is actually much :) because have not been following Eurovision for a long time; instead, I just watch the news next day, to be basically informed :)
But now is a bit different, and the story why goes like this:
The day after semifinal, when Konstrakta appeared for the first time at the domestic qualifications, kids in school came to me and said that I look like her very much. Then, it became a joke, that kids smiling in the hall to me and ask how preparations for Torino are developing, I joked with them with some quotes from the song, and step by step, Konstrakta became my nickname and alter-ego :D
So, needed to follow "my life" in Torino :)
At Friday, I came to school dressed and with makeup like Konstakta. Kids were woow, is that outfit for tonight, yes, sure, just after work I am taking limo then private plane for Torino, be sure to watch me tonight... :))
We took a lot of photos during class breaks, even some videos of me clapping hands and singing; the best part of it was seeing kids smiling and have fun, since stress from the oncoming exams began to rise rapidly.
I know that all those photos ended up on Ig and maybe somewhere else, but think will slide watching the comments lol
Whether I look like her, it is up to you to assess :)
And now, something about the song.
Strange sounding sentences that she is reciting, on Serbian and Latin, tell the story about our obsession with physical appearance, superficial topics like what is the secret of healthy Megan Markle.s hair and other clickbaits that does not require thinking and self-reflection, about how mental health is underrated and also about bad life position of artists (in Serbia).
What is interesting, those strange hand gestures are a bit modified version of clapping in sign language; first there is "normal" clapping and then gestural one.
In corpore sano
Whatever are the results of tonight.s voting, she made a performance that fast became story in many countries; In Serbia quotes from the song already became replies in everyday communication (which is big compliment and respect here).
Now going to watch voting, to see if I will win ;P
haha, just tried to vote for you, first time ever that I voted for ESC, but voting failed, because it's a 0901 paid number, it's a shame that you have to pay €0.50 for voting.
Ooooww thank you for voting for me :D
Our prices are 40din per sms, which is around 30c...well, all this huge organization (and scenography that failed just before semifinals) has to be paid from somewhere :)
Omg you look so much like her! 😀 Congratulations to you on a great success!😀 I totally agree with you, Konstrakta did a great job, left a great impression and made us proud. Her artistic performance made a real boom. And I have been respecting her work for a long time. I'm sorry that many people heard about her for the first time when she qualified for Eurovision. Nice to meet you Konstrakta 😀 thanks to @mipiano 🤗
Nice to meet you too and thank you for the reblog (as you could see, I am not here frequently and don.t have many followers, more like a diary :D)
Great success indeed, think it would be greater if politics was not included...
Entered to a store today, a guy working there asked me if anyone told me I look like Konstakta :)))) yes sir, many told me :D
I do not find that much similarity as others, just hair bangs and blue eyes but heey, why not be celebrity for a while ;P
Cannot say for myself that am a fun of her work but have some songs that I like quite a lot
I agree it would be greater if politics was not included. As always. But I'm really sorry because we got a lot of votes from the audience and I've never liked a Serbian Eurovision song like this now, not even Molitva. 😊 When I saw your photo, I immediately thought it was Konstrakta 😊
I knew you were she hahaha
post where we had a small chat about your song :DBtw, I heard the song for the first time in @bil.prag's
Sta cemo sad question got me 😂