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RE: When life happens... music saves!

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

Oh, no, @alt3r, you think it is not just a phase hahaha? It will last...forever? lol

You got me worried about that. :D

Broken elbow isn't good for anyone, recovery lasted a bit longer than I was expecting, but let's mention that I was also expecting some nicely cream I can put on for a few days and puf it's gone!

But no it took months, now I'm finally ok, I can announce weather change now, basically I got a super power. Doing a gig when you are half mobile is triple heavier, but what disturbed me the most was actually their unprofessional behavior, I mean treating to someone cause of the Bday photos is a serious issue. If I was a bit more 'normal' at that time, maybe I would even sue them for 48hrs of psychical torture.
Photos are saved at the very end, sent and deleted from my sight 4ever!

No more Bday parties for me, babies only, I can handle them. 😂


babies only, I can handle them.

haaha, yes, babies are easier to handle 😂