I can't understand the lyrics in the song, but I like the sound of it...it's almost like syncopation. Sounds that way to me, anyway.
As for advice. When I was younger I used to offer it freely. As I aged, I realized how little I actually know :)) I only give advice now when it is sought (as the young student sought it with you), and then I am very cautious. But, I think you're are right. If someone needs it/wants it, we should do our best to help.
Perhaps it'll be better if you turned on captions for the music video.
It's a very beautiful song..
Thank you my friend. That's the problem with being a dinosaur. Captions. Of course. I didn't think of that.
I listened. It's beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing that experience with me.
Dinosaurs are still rather epic😂😂✨