I was homeless twice. Thanks to Crypto, Steem and Hive

in HIVE India3 years ago (edited)

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Extreme people get extreme results. Maybe I'm not a normal person.

I'm a little hesitant to write this post but I'm very happy to begin sharing some of the worst experiences now when Hive is more than $2. I feel happy that I can finally be able to share the lessons that I learned from my own life experience.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Few months before I went all-in with crypto. In early 2017, I decided to move to silicon valley so that I can learn from the best entrepreneurs and build a meaningful business/company. Since quitting my job in 2014, I always wanted to build something Big and become a millionaire. I thought being in a committed relationship was holding me back from becoming the person I wanted to be. So I and my partner entered into an open relationship (This allowed me to do anything I want without seeking approval from anyone) and I arrived in San Francisco a few days later. After spending a few days there I decided I'm going to build a business around travel. So I went to Honolulu Hawaii. Because I had lots of money in the bank and some Bitcoins plus ETH, I never had a money problem back then. The first month, I was living in AirBnb paying $50 plus per night. Also, I was renting a Jeep and bought a surfboard. During my time in Honolulu, I took many homeless people to dinner and spend time with them. Sometimes I bought them clothes and try to help them to get a job. I did these things from bottom of my heart without expecting anything in return. I would say that I had an abundant mindset back then.

During the time that I lived in Honolulu, I made so many friends and some of them were homeless people. I had this idea in my head that I wanted to experiment living homeless and soon I found myself sleeping on the beach, sometimes sleeping back of my Jeep.

However, this little experiment only lasted a few days and I was able to find an awesome hostel by the beach for $20 per night in Honolulu.

While I was staying in this hostel, I made the decision to go all-in with Crypto and it's probably the best decision that I made in my entire life so far. Since going all-in with crypto I become homeless Twice. First during my break from Steem then recently the little break from Hive.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything

All I wanted to say is that I learned to be humble because of those experiences. In the past, I was ashamed to tell other people about what I've been through. Now I'm slowly and slowly I'm learning to be fearless.

Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real

I want to be real. So I will share both stories of how I bounce back from being homeless situation in between my all-in with crypto journies very soon.

I remember asking someone who appeared to be homeless in Hawaii, and he responded to me

I'm houseless, Hawaii is my Home. So don't even dare call me homeless in my homeland.

Maybe I could say, I'm houseless and crypto is my second home.


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This was very nice to watch and read and yes it takes courage to open a heart and share the painful experiences. I call them, as you did too, character building experiences. Being homeless is tough if you remain in a victim mindset mode. I was also in this situation for 3 years, living clandestinely in the back room of my rented beauty salon. It was a grueling experience mentally and I now thank God for it because it made me who I am today. At that time I thought it was the worst thing happening to me, now when I ponder I realize that it was exactly what I needed: to discover who I am between four walls.
Only a strong person will come out of a situation like this with their head held up high. You gain an inner power that no one could take it away and I also rediscovered a strong connection with God and I realize I was never truly alone

 3 years ago  

Being homeless is tough if you remain in a victim mindset mode.

Luckily I was able to take responsibility and appropriate actions sooner in both cases. Blaming others does not solve our problems.

I was also in this situation for 3 years, living clandestinely in the back room of my rented beauty salon.

Thanks for sharing your experiences and I know how this affects our mental health.

As you said, We gained wisdom and we learned to trust the process.

I truly appreciate your positive comment!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Blaming is an intrument of the Ego which makes the person even more trapped and consumed by what they perceive as the worst misery. Responsibility is always the key. I think it takes the biggest amount of power to dust yourself off, admit that you are partly responsible and just see how to get out of the rathole. It's hard, very hard. Only a person who has been in such an experience knows. If the situation feels so bad then there is also depression. And that is tough on anybody. I can remember days when I barely wanted to get out of the couch because I felt that living there made me a failure, a nobody, a loser. Sometimes even making a shower looked futile, like why wash if you are such a failure. It was hard. Now when I go and see the room....I feel proud. I feel like I managed to find myself as a person in that tiny cold room. That somehow I got reborn. I kept some of the furniture and threw some as it got mold. Just before managing to move out the heating device I had broke down. I sometimes wonder how I managed to live there for 3 years. What a powerful gal! Looking back I realize that the biggest battle was with my mind and what I feared people will believe.

You know what I also realize? That us people need very little to be happy. That we can teach ourselves to see life with a different lens.

I am excited that I have a proper kitchen. Let me tell you that I hope I can still know how to cook after 3 years of not having the proper means to do so. Haha. A basic simple thing many take for granted. A kitchen. A proper bed. A freaking bathroom that you do not have to share. Yup...happiness is in small things.

I gained myself back and my connection with divinity. Nobody can take your power away after you go through a homeless situation and you come on top. You become so resilient and so aware of the fact that life is so much more than material possessions. It is about who you become in the pursuit of those. When I now look in the mirror I know that I can live with what I have become. I am not my trauma and not my past. And I am commited to becoming a better version of myself daily.

 3 years ago  

Appreciate your meaningful comment.

aware of the fact that life is so much more than material possessions.

I'm happy to be connected with like-minded people like yourself.

I am commited to becoming a better version of myself daily.

Me too!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What a story bro, didn't know that you tried that life at end of the world I can say.
Never was outside my country, but I think it was great experience for you.
You have right, we thrive when we lose money. Then we think bigger, we look into out mistakes and we make decision to make things better.
Nobody is successful from start. There so many dissapoiments during your way to success. That makes you stronger and change your thinking. Many people give up, many of them are just to weak to live like that. But the only thing, which really matter is having goal and passion who drives your life over your own limit.
You are a great person, who help people a lot and for that you are a worth person for many people.
I wish you all the best in your crypto journey and in real life!

 3 years ago  

There so many dissapoiments during your way to success. That makes you stronger and change your thinking.

I truly appreciate your positive words!

Never was outside my country

I hope you will travel the world soon because Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart. Some people think that success is something you achieve overnight, with your eyes closed, sleeping comfortably in your bed. BUT you come here, bearing your truths, reminding them that true success you have to sweat it. It might come with a lot of difficulties but it's your mindset what will let you accomplish your goals. I feel pride on you being here and believing in Hive, and in the crypto world in general. I wish half of Hive users were half as committed as you! I'm happy you have managed to overcome your life obstacles and that you feel more mature. Thank you for sharing this so those who have struggled on the path to success can see they are not alone. 👏👏👏

 3 years ago  

I feel pride on you being here and believing in Hive, and in the crypto world in general.

I'm super happy reading your loving comment and it's so sweet of you.

In the past. I could never able to do anything half-heartedly and I'm learning to find some balance now while being fully committed to Hive.

Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

nZathan in the first vaccine votes. atriva.

not sure how my comment got mashed and garbled like that...

Oh wow @nathanmars
That explains a lot and thank you for sharing
I would like to know how you bounced back not once but twice
And I love this too - "I'm houseless, Hawaii is my Home. So don't even dare call me homeless in my homeland."

And yes, you have always been generous, even when you first came on the blockchain. You were just delegating big.
Extreme or passionate - I think you do things all the way, go big or go home and in this case, go homeless.

Glad things are better for you now

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your positive words and I appreciate our Hive community that help me build good character

I would like to know how you bounced back not once but twice

I promise to write a blog (little book) on Hive blockchain soon :)

Extreme or passionate

I think I'm both.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Brother, your story relates to mine in some aspects. Incredible. I've met a lot of hobos on my trips as well and had the same response from a harmonica player somewhere in Chile. "I'm not homeless, I'm houseless", he said. I wondered for a bit and he continued. "See, shelter is the easy part, I can sleep in my car and have the world as my home." Since then I've set as a goal to have enough income to cover expenses to live in a van (not there yet). That's the beauty of travelling; we learn to see life from a different perspective. Don't we?

 3 years ago  

shelter is the easy part, I can sleep in my car and have the world as my home

I see myself as a citizen of the world and I can relate this quote too

That's the beauty of travelling; we learn to see life from a different perspective

We see world differently :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeeees, it becomes... simpler, I guess.

To have the world as my home, what a great attitude!

Awesome @nathanmars thanks for sharing your story, i know exactly where you are coming from i was homeless on the streets of London for years.
Now i live in the countryside with wife and children.
Keep moving forward big respect my brother.

 3 years ago  

I know exactly where you are coming from I was homeless on the streets of London for years.

Thank you for sharing your situation and I feel blessed to be connected with you. It was not easy for me to share my homeless experiences but I'm so happy I've finally started to share.

Let's keep moving forward and be humble :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely @nathanmars
It is what it is mate.
We can't change the past, just learn from it.
However the future, well that can be anything we want to make it.
Stay strong brother there are only a few that really know you know.
blessedplate (1).png

Although I wouldn't like to go through such an experience, I believe it's a good teacher. You will be a millionaire before you know it, I bet on that. Hive is going to create a lot of millionaires around here. In your case, what's great is that you share your wealth and proved to be a great community member.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

Hive is going to create a lot of millionaires around here

Me and you will be happy crypto millionaires of the web3 creator economy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly! Houseless but with a home is more like it! I think we all have been able to share vulnerable parts of ourselves in this platform. Not too long ago I went through some major life changes aside from my business drastically getting hit through the pandemic. I’ve humbled myself and I’ve grown and I think that’s the upside to the downside.

 3 years ago  

Not too long ago I went through some major life changes

I'm sure now you're stronger because of it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to read the whole story. When you publish it, please do it in text so I can translate it. You've left me wanting more....

 3 years ago  

I want to read the whole story

I promise to write a little book on the hive blockchain with text format :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow such an experience. The way you've bounced back with hive showed that you never gave up on the blockchain irrespective of everything. I've experienced homelessness and had to live in very terrible conditions as well. I'm totally glad you're getting to build back everything you've lost.

Its the hat. It’s definitely the hat xx

 3 years ago  

hat is my trademark.

Used to wear yellow during my Steem journey and now I'm wearing blue. I guess I should wear Red :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm a little hesitant to write this post but I'm very happy to begin sharing some of the worst experiences now when Hive is more than $2.

Why is it depending on the price of Hive? I already shared multiple times what I went and what I am going through, including being homeless multiple times (even as a child) with multiple disabilities, and everything absolutely independently from the price of Hive or anything else.

 3 years ago  

Why is it depending on the price of Hive?

I thought it's good to share my story when our community is enjoying the price pump.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh I didn't realize that you were facing those issues. As long as you don't repeat the same mistakes, I think those experiences will be worth it. We will always be around here so don't feel bad to ask for help here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

those experiences will be worth it

Unexamined life is not worth living :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post is a huge inspiration, Mr. Mars... I was not aware of your story. These details were very nice to get. I respect you even more than I already did. Glad we have you here to celebrate our success together as one strong conglomerate.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your warm words brother:)

Road less traveled will not be smooth

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You are such a motivational person to look at.

A lot of people want to be like you but they don't know what you have done to get there.

Keep your good heart and I pray you hit your heart desires eventually

 3 years ago  

Keep your good heart

I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know right

Bro! This takes me back to a post I did on Steemit in 2017 about this very subject when I was homeless.

Thank you so much for sharing your story mate, it takes a lot of guts to bare all and help those unknown to you.

If ya ever wanna talk hit me up bro I got some tricks too! I also do an Interview show, it sounds like you would be the perfect guest for a 5-10min video Interview to talk about this, it could help thousands if your keen!

 3 years ago  

Because I openly start to talk about my homeless experiences, I found out there are many people who went through similar experiences like myself.

I would love to do an interview with you.

Could you please get in touch with me via Telegram (@ nathanmars7) or Twitter ( (@ nathanmars7).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey man I added you on Twitter! That would be really cool to do that!

 3 years ago  

Awesome dude!

Talk to you soon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m proud of you, Nathan. This explains to me why you’re so positive and good — you know the other side... Stay blessed, brother & thank you for the Inspiration ♥️

 3 years ago  

Thank you for the positive energy brother :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wishing you a safe, restorative weekend 🙏🏽✨

Bold, what you went through. Bold, trusting the process!

 3 years ago  

I guess we can only connect the dots looking backward.

Everything that we experienced will make sense one day:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree and even if it makes no sense, trust, let go, surrender to whats happening.

I was wondering why I do not hear from you, and you always kept it very cryptic on twitter. The community is here for you and if you need help it can provide!
!PIZZA my dear friend!

 3 years ago  

Many things happened in short period of time during May 2021 and I had to completely shut myself off from everyone. Couple of bad decisions made me homeless for second time. I’m humble and stronger because of these experience.

I’m always grateful for our Hive community for unconditional love.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your life journey is inspiring and there is lots to learn. Life is part of ups and downs and during tough time we learn the best lesson in our life.

What a vulnerable post my friend. You have a great spirit and a desire to help others. Even if you ended up broke or homeless, I think the life experiences you gain from those things are invaluable and, like you said, help build character.

Happy to have met you in person bro.

 3 years ago  

Even though I found it hard to open up and I'm glad I was finally able to start to share these experiences.

And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in.

I'm stronger and calmer now. Thanks to these experiences.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything

All I wanted to say is that I learned to be humble because of those experiences. In the past, I was ashamed to tell other people about what I've been through. Now I'm slowly and slowly I'm learning to be fearless.

Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real

I'm a bit dramatic and I cry about the littlest of things including this post. But beyond the tears, I'm just so happy for you and everyone else who gets to see the fruits of your labor for the past years. This serves as an inspiration to me and all newbies in Hive, and the cryposphere in general, to keep moving forward. There is so much to learn, unlearn and relearn. Grateful to have read your story. 😊

 3 years ago  

There is so much to learn, unlearn and relearn.

Thank you for your uplifting comment.

Experience is the best teacher.

Our worst experiences teach the best lessons and I'm grateful for these experiences. Happy that I could finally able to share it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I couldn't agree more. Right now, I'm just excited for what's next for you and everyone. One thing's for sure, we just have to make our way out of the difficult times in order to shine bright one day. 💖

Glad you were able to bounce back.

Honolulu is expensive though. Sometimes going somewhere like rural Montana is the smarter move because expenses are low and you can work online. Warren Buffet still lives in Omaha.

 3 years ago  

I became anti fragile.

Most people benefit from shocks, they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, risk, and uncertainty.

Honolulu is expensive though

Honolulu was the place I experimented living like homeless first and tropical weather made this experiment easier. Then I did become homeless twice in London because my own circumstances. I can’t wait to share the full story!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This will be very inspiring to read, I can't wait

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Really appreciate your openness, Nathan. So glad that HIVE is rocketing for you.

 3 years ago  

It’s always easy to share good moments with others. I think sharing bad moments is a sign of my maturity. Can’t wait to share the real me!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting to hear about this side of yours, for a change. It was clear to me that you were struggling but I didn't know about this.

I love these kind of personal stories. They are the best kind of lessons.

Cheers for opening up!

 3 years ago  

I appreciate your kind words!

I love these kind of personal stories

I think most people do and I can't wait to share the true story and all the lessons that I learned from it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're welcome. It's valuable for each and all of us, indeed.
Also - as a writer and storyteller, myself ( with a past in filmmaking ), I can appreciate this even more. Small talk has never been my thing ;<)

Sounds like you are making the most out of your life!

What an adventure man! Wish you the best of luck in your adventures, maybe when you're back from Sri Lanka and we go grab a beet you can tell me some of those adventures.

Allows remember those times and you will never repeat it. You have great determination, success will happen.

 3 years ago  

Appreciate your positive words!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel happy that I can finally be able to share the lessons that I learned from my own life experience

You're indeed a leader and I like your quality of not giving up keeping peope together. Thanks for sharing your story and its so inspiring. Stay safe my friend.

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for being part of my journey :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

Whatever I went through I always came back to my second home Hive.

Glad to be part of this amazing community:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Uffff.... @nathanmars so ups and down....just came across this post.... falling and getting up to face all adversity. ..... the courage and patience is quite clear the way you have narrated your personal story...I must say crypto makes you confident and bold enough to face any tough situation....

This post given me a lot of strength , going through odd phase but having some chunks of Hive is enough to bloster me from any adverse condition.

I hope to see it $5 soon .....now I have to go all for crypto and must diversify out of Hive

 3 years ago  

I hope to see it $5

I feel $5 HIVE not far away :)

It would meant a lot....

When the hive movie comes out i wonder who will play you in the lead role,
But im glad you came from a bad place to where you are now.
For what it is worth you have my respect

 3 years ago  

you have my respect

Thank you my man!

Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Broo this is really a nice experience,there is nothing like being humble because it will enable you to learn certain key lessons in life and you also took a good risk by going all in with crypto which has actually paid off,I really love this your experience,I wish I am close to u to learn more from you,if not for anything at least to be humble too.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons.

Everyone is unique and our journey is different. I'm sure you will learn to be humble.

Ps. by reading your comment I can already say that you're a humble person :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much bro, I really appreciate,I am really glad that someone like you is part of the hive community.

This is such an important topic to speak about. Thanks Nathan and I look forward to watching the future videos.

 3 years ago  

Can't wait to share it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



 3 years ago  

Thank you my man!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

great to hear!

@tipu curate

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's really a source of motivation hearing and seeing life changing stories about cryto, thanks for sharing and being a positive influence for newbies like me

 3 years ago  

Reading a true crypto story will inspire many people. I'm not good at explaining anything in writing so I continue working on it.

Crypto is a positive-sum game and I look forward to playing this game together :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Inspiring story! Thanks for sharing!

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Look forward to hearing more!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Inspiration and motivation. Thank you my brother.

 3 years ago  

Thank you :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, what a refreshing read, interesting and unique perspective :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

Thank you :)

Can't wait to share more!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@nathanmars am so happy for you that there's a turnaround and that is a lesson to others to never give up in achieving success because it all requires determination and commitment in achieving it.

 3 years ago  

Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

La verdad es muy inspirador y da mucha fuerza, me agrado, te dejo mi voto y te sigo, saludos.

What I like most about cryptos and blockchainis that they can help poor people to recieve some income. They don't need to be hired by anyone. Blockchain is a big chance for all of us.

 3 years ago  


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for sharing. So brave!

Thanks for sharing your own life experience in so much detail, @nathanmars.

 3 years ago  

I'm happy to share with our Hive community and I should consider writing a book about it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I took you should and it might turn into bestseller. You should try and do that.

The fruit of hard work is always sweet. You are working hard which is why you are self-sufficient today. Every step of your life is a new level. You have never given up on any level. We have a lot to learn from you

 3 years ago  

You have never given up on any level.

It’s not always the case. But I can I never given up on something that I truly believe in!

Thank you for encouraging comment:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much We have a lot to teach in each of your stories I thank you for trying to correct my own mistakes in each of your stories

Wow what a story! Thanks for sharing!

 3 years ago  

Thank you. I just can't wait to share the real me!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to see you back and good that you are now happy with your decision of getting into crypto and Hive :)

 3 years ago  

No regrets and I made peace with my past :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Look forward to hearing more of your story.

 3 years ago  

I can't wait to share it!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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