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RE: Why Cody Rhodes vs. GUNTHER Still Feels Off - Smackdown 19th October 2024 Part 2

in WOOGame5 months ago

I totally get what you're saying here. Cody vs. GUNTHER does feel like it’s missing that natural buildup of tension and drama we expect from big matches like this. Cody’s promo was solid, but the emotional angle about his daughter felt a bit forced for me too. There hasn’t been enough interaction or backstory between them to make this match feel like a true “dream match.” GUNTHER’s an amazing champion, but this rivalry feels more like it’s happening because it has to, not because it’s something fans have been dying to see. Hopefully, GUNTHER’s promo next week adds some fire to it!

Also, you’re right—Cody on the mic is gold. Maybe he should run for office one day!

Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out at Crown Jewel!