My Journey in TEW IX

in WOOGame4 days ago

Running New York City Wrestling

Welcome to the first chapter of my TEW IX series! I’m excited to share my experience running New York City Wrestling (NYCW), a small but historic promotion in the Tri-State area. Throughout this series, I'll cover the challenges, strategy, and fun of booking events, creating storylines, and building a wrestling company. As a note of transparency, I’ve used AI to assist in generating some of the creative content for this series, but all gameplay decisions and strategies are my own.

Introducing Axel Brown

Here is where my journey begins: with Axel Brown, aka the "Big Georgia Bull." Axel is a 6'6", 272-pound powerhouse who stands out for his raw physicality. He’s a rookie with immense charisma and star power, making him the perfect candidate to build up slowly into a top contender.

As you can see, he has a low booking reputation but a decently high booking skill. It seems he has a good natural ability for the business.


As we look deeper at his stats the thing that jumps out at me is he has a menacing of 89 which will make him a great "heel" who can cut amazing menacing promos. I also see he has great Star Quality and Charisma which makes him a good option for promos and interviews. His fundamentals are pretty trash but that will increase with more time in the ring.


As you can see he is completely unknown worldwide. Let's see if we can change that within a year. Now, let's take a look at his abilities.


He has some pretty good stuff like bodybuilder and stud athlete. He is also intense and plays dominant and bad ass well, so we should make sure his character reflects that.

The Company: New York City Wrestling (NYCW)

NYCW is a tiny wrestling promotion that’s been around since 1988, running a slow-paced, traditional product reminiscent of 1970s pro wrestling. We may not be a global juggernaut, but we have a rich history and plenty of talent to build on. With a budget of $44,000, we rank 21st globally and are the 30th richest wrestling company out of 35.


Here’s a look at some of our main stars, the pillars of NYCW:

  • Tennessee William: A brawler turned heel, whose journey has taken him from tag team specialist to one of the company’s most dominant singles stars.
  • Riley McManus: The reigning NYCW Empire Champion, known for his technical prowess and southern wrestling style.
  • Masked Stranger: A black-hooded villain with a history of wreaking havoc on NYCW’s babyfaces.
  • Hawkeye Calhoun: A fan favorite and former NYCW Empire Champion who’s known for his baseball-loving persona.
  • Brutus Milano: A menacing heel who brings an imposing presence to the roster.


The DiMeo Family Faction

One of the highlights of NYCW is the DiMeo Family, the only faction in the company. This faction embodies the classic "mob family" dynamic, with each member bringing a unique flavor to the team:

  • Sweet Sal DiMeo: The charismatic and tough-as-nails leader of the faction, whose brawling style and mic skills make him a standout performer.
  • Luca Sacramoni: A lumbering powerhouse who uses his size and strength to dominate the competition.
  • Jimmy "Machine Gun" Marino: A quick-striking brawler, always ready to back up his fellow DiMeo members with a rapid barrage of punches.

The DiMeos are currently in a heated feud with the Casey Brothers, our tag team champions, and they're out for revenge after losing the titles.


Starting the Journey

Now that I’ve set the stage, here’s where it all begins. I’ve chosen NYCW as the company I’ll be managing, with Axel Brown not only entering the ring but also stepping in as the booker of the company. It’s time to build storylines, manage our roster, and make NYCW the top promotion in the wrestling world.


Storylines & Plans Moving Forward

As we prepare for our first event, NYCW Rush Hour, I have several things I must do as the booker. I was given some exciting storylines including:

1. NYCW One True Champion

This storyline pits NYCW Empire Champion Riley McManus against Tennessee William, who claims to be the "one true champion." These two top stars are on a collision course that could change the landscape of NYCW.

2. NYCW Masked Mayhem

Hawkeye Calhoun seeks revenge after being viciously attacked by the Masked Stranger. With emotions running high, this rivalry is sure to reach new heights.

3. NYCW Family Matters

The Casey Brothers, our current tag team champions, are defending their titles against the DiMeo Family. The DiMeos are seeking to reclaim their dominance, making this feud one to watch.


Plans Moving Forward: Introducing New Talent

Since I have Axel Brown positioned as a heel, it’s time to scout for a new babyface who can be built up alongside him for a future showdown. After consulting with my creative team, they’ve identified Papa Swoll as a hidden gem worth considering.



Papa Swoll is a 6'7", 347-pound powerhouse with five years of experience. He has a menacing stat of 84, high star quality, and charisma. What’s more, he performs better as a babyface, making him the perfect foil for Axel down the line. He’s currently on a handshake deal with GSW and costs only $30 per show to book. With his hot catchphrase and in-ring ability, Papa Swoll could be a future star in NYCW.



Building My Booking Team

With NYCW’s growth in mind, I’ve also assembled a talented booking team to help me with creative ideas and direction before each show. My team includes:


  • Steve Flash: With a booking skill of 82, Steve is one of the top minds in NYCW.


  • Larry Vessey: The owner of NYCW, who brings a solid 72 booking skill to the table.


  • Crocket Tubbs: A wrestler who’s still active but also has a booking skill of 67, making him a valuable addition to my team.


Crocket Tubbs is the only other active wrestler besides myself on the booking team, and with their combined expertise, I now have about 243 Creative Energy per booking meeting. This will help tremendously in developing new storylines and ensuring the company moves forward creatively.

Stay tuned for the next post, where I’ll dive deeper into booking decisions, match outcomes, and the growth of Axel Brown as both a wrestler and booker. With so much to juggle, it’s going to be a thrilling ride!