Greenbrook is a small farming village located south of Lavan, in Aaval. It is nestled along the banks of the gentle Silverflow River. Tall ancient oak trees surround the village which has given it a reputation for its rustic and stunning natural beauty.
Greenbrook has a population of about 150 people, predominantly human, and grows a variety of crops and vegetables. Excess production usually goes off to be sold in Lavan.
West of Greenbrook is the Red Forest, and East are the Eldertop Highlands, and Eldertop Peaks, which represent the eastern foothills and mountains. North of the Red Forest are the Gloomspire Mountains, and what few foothills surround them are known as the Shadowmire Hills.
The Silverflow River eventually turns into the Shadowveil River, reaching Lavan and terminating at Balvorge Lake.
Village Landmarks
The Silverflow Bridge on the western side of town crosses over the Silverflow River and is made of well-constructed stone that is dutifully maintained by the townsfolk.
Harvest Festival:
- The players reach the village just in time to participate in some fun and games! It's a lively Harvest Festival, with prizes to be won!
Village Map
- No village map has been created for this town at this time.
Notable NPCs
Self-taught wizard.
Male, 18 years old.
Member of the Bandyhand Institute.
Dorin was afflicted with a curse that turned a portion of his body into living wood (right leg, right arm, 1/3rd of his right side). The player party subsequently broke the curse, after they found help from Tully Puddlefinger of the Bandyhand Institute. Since then, he's been working to understand his new body and new abilities. He has been working closely with Tully, and is an unofficial apprentice to the gnome.
Notable Events:
When Dorin attempted to use Gregor's Red Book of Automatons to disastrous consequences during the Harvest Festival Tallent Show, he was subsequently cursed and living wood began taking over his body. During that event, the party spotted and attempted to chase down a mysterious figure in a forest green cloak, who disappeared into a dimension door-like portal before they were able to even get much of a look at them.
Greenbrook was the location of the party's very first quest, and our official start to the current campaign.

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