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RE: 43.9 km traveled from the central regional highway to Naguanagua

in World Roads3 months ago

Hello dear friend! It's true that it's been a while since we last talked, but we are always attentive to what you do in the blockchain, you are an inspiration for us.

Here in Venezuela there is the city of Valencia and Barcelona, as well as there in Spain 😅. And well, as I'm sure you already saw, the community consists of showing the roads we travel, so if you are often on the road it would be great if you share with us how these look like.

The holder I use is exactly this one:


So far it has worked well for me, but sometimes the road doesn't help with stability 😒.

It was nice to read your comment, we hope to see you soon, feel free to ask anything. A hug from Dina and Omar.


Oh, thank you, I am glad that I served as a bit of inspiration, although now I am not as active as I used to be. (It is almost midnight, and I just arrived home 🙄)

The holder looks great; I will try to find one like that or similar. Today, the sky was so nice, with awesome clouds but I will try to record just when I have a phone holder. Thank you for the info, un saludo a los dos 🤗