A Rare Chance to Come Together and Celebrate Something Very Dear to Us All On This Special Day.

in Feel Good2 years ago

I have been feeling that life has gotten a a little [LOT] heavy recently.

In fact I feel that the world in general has become a little heavy for most people recently.

I decided I didn't want to write about my health, job issues, financial struggles or the fact that many across the world think we are heading back to mask mandates and lockdowns again... NOnonono not tonight...

Tonight I am writing more in the vein of 'a little light relief', and more importantly, I am writing about a topic that is close to all of our hearts...

Stephens Stevens!!!

OK I will back it up a bit and explain.

Earlier in the day my partner giggled to herself as she came in to the house after popping out for some shopping. She had a slightly mischievous glint in her eyes as she asked me what important day it was today...

I did that terrified mental checklist... Birthday? valentines day? I was already fairly confident that it wasn't Christmas day as the weather has been pretty warm... I felt confident I hadn't forgotten some important date that would make her beat me to a pulp.

After a while she asked if I give up, I told her I did give up and she told me that on the radio she had heard it is national Steven's day!!!

I wondered if it was some kind of bizarre, obscure joke so I googled it

National Stephen Day takes place on September 3. It’s a celebration for all the Stephens out there to help them recognize the name’s origin and appreciate its meaning. Stephen is a popular English name. It’s also spelled Steven, which is a popular English first name.

As I am entirely sure, everybody here knows there is only one proper way to spell Esteban and all other variations are simply cheap, unsatisfying substitutes.

I also learned that Christians have a strong affinity with the name as the first martyred Saint was Stephen who was apparently stoned to death...

sigh... Always the Stephens Stevens, right?

I gotta be absolutely honest with you folks. I wish I had heard about this very special, some would say reverential holiday sooner, I think it is long, long overdue. I am absolutely certain you feel exactly the same way too.

The name Stephen Steven was hugely popular in early Grecian culture where it was derived from Stephanos [meaning crown or wreath] and has many variations in a wide array of languages and cultures such as Esteban Stefano, Stefan, Étienne, Stephano, and so many more that I am not going to bother to list as we all know there is only one proper spelling and version and that is Stephen Steven.

I don't know if you noticed, but I have subtly interjected some of the finest Stephen Steven related imagery throughout this post. I kept it quite neutral so that it wasn't too distracting from the story on a topic that is very special to all of us.

Stephens Stevens

So take a moment to celebrate that special Stephen Steven in your life, and don't worry if you don't have one, you can write a post on your top 100 favourite things about me... I will graciously allow you to do that.

Now I have a confession to make. Although every word I have written about National Stephen Steven day is true, I found 2 other dates for the day, although, maybe they have been added to the calendar over the last couple of years as one day is just not enough to celebrate everything Stephen Steven.

Furthermore, I found out that it is also merchant navy day, national skyscraper day and national pet rock day as being one small part of national waffle week. I think we can all agree that those occasions all pale in to insignificance when held up against the chance to celebrate the enigma, the hero, the institution that is Stephen Steven.

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...

Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

Most designs/photos are my own or created in Canva.


And you celebrated your day with two pot noodles!! 😀😀

I bought some ☀️🌞🌞 to start your week off Steven Stephen

Let nobody ever say I don't have style and an element of class. I always enjoy a pot noodle and cognac, wearing my smoking jacket to enjoy Estebans day.

The sun has been more than welcome. I always try and make the most of those bonus days at the end of summer, heading in to autumn.

Although My amazing lady has ensured I get some real late sun this year. She thought it would cheer me up as I haven't been very good of late.

Money is incredibly tight right now, so she had to choose very wisely, she chose well as I have long since wanted to visit Croatia and Bulgaria

I sense a proper @pinmapple post or 2 in the next couple of weeks. It will be fabulous as we haven't had a proper holiday since long before covid. After the expense, we will probably be seeing a lot more pot noodles before payday lol. 😎

Nice write up dear friend
Obviously coming together is a good feelings

Without others, life would be barren, lonely and unfulfilling. Even though sometimes, other people annoy us, it is always important to acknowledge that without them life would be so much less and make an effort to appreciate them. 😎

You have make a fact statement
That is it dear friend@stevenwood

Ohhh this is good 😀
Being Stephen myself I never new there was something like national Stephen's day. Maybe it's reminding me that I need to make out to celebrate myself once in a while.

It took me a while to get back to you. sorry.

Because of that, I insist you celebrate for the whole of next week!!! 😁

Seriously though, why not take a little time each week to celebrate the good things we have done as well as celebrating others. 😎

Celebrating for the whole week 😅 that'll be cool really.
Yeah I think you're right, and we should make out more time to celebrate ourselves and others because there's a lot of reasons to celebrate.