
of course it is possible! not sure that the 'blackened' ones are worth anything than a dung pile, but others, that have brown spots and not intact - they would be a proper source / raw material for cider...

But I admit with clear heart, that we are not really homesteading, just came there for a few summer months (sadly. it is not that much!), and living off the land would be fantastic, but there are too much 'no' in the situation. we have our routs stuck in the metropolis.

this summer I visited my family just on weekends, a few times... 4 or 5 times only. and I did what I could, on these visits - basically digging under a few flower beds, and stacking stone curbs ... yeah, and picking bad apples for compost. there is always more work than time to complete it!

!PIZZA for you, my friend.

Yeah the metropolis is where all the jobs are at, though if I had my way I would be out in the country most of the time and only take vacations to the metropolis 4 or 5 times a year.

I would do the same, at least for the Summer-Autumn season! But the winter... winter is definitely no-go for me. Spring is questionable, a grey zone. Our spring can be very harsh, very much like Winter, haha! no crocuses and magnolias in bloom, not even in May...

Haha yeah winter is barely better over here, it finally ends at the start of April here. But all the good mushrooms are way up in Wisconsin where it is basically the same season as you have.

all the good mushrooms are way up in Wisconsin

that is where @melinda010100 lives, right? I wonder why she doesnt take mushrooms pictures. maybe she is just not a forest-goer type ?..

She doesn't live quite far enough up in Wisconsin, you have to go all the way up to the northwoods for the fungi paradise Still its not quite as high up as where you are. Probably would feel like mild weather to you in the winter there.

I had a bunch of mushrooms pop up this fall but since I couldn't identify a single one I always hesitate to post them! You guys are such mushroom professionals!