sarka-vs cross-posted this post in Feel Good 2 years ago

Međunarodni dan osoba sa invaliditetom 👩‍🦽🧑🏽‍🦼👩🏼‍🦽 International Day of Persons with Disabilities

in BANAT2 years ago

Želim da se osvrnem na prethodnu nedelju i treći decembar, jer se tog dana obeležava Međunarodni dan osoba sa invaliditetom.

I want to look back at the previous week and the third of December, because that day is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

Okupirani sopstvenim problemima i svakodnevnim obavezama često zaboravimo da pitamo naše roditelje, prijatelje kako su, da osluškujemo njihove potrebe. Zaboravimo da se osmehnemo i uputimo lepu reč prodavačici u radnji, da jedni drugima pridržimo vrata, da kupimo baki iz komšiluka hleb ili lek. Postali smo otuđeni jedni od drugih... Koliko samo jedan mali osmeh, lepa reč ili gest mogu nekome popraviti dan, učiniti da se oseti uključenim.
Osobe sa invaliditetom su svaki dan stigmatizovane, ljudi ih gledaju ispod oka, niko im se ne obraća direktno, često su isključene ili čak potpuno zaboravljene u društvu. Treći decembar je jedini dan u godini kada osobe sa invaliditetom dobijaju pravo da se istaknu i pokažu svoje talente, kada se uključuju u društvo i odaje im se priznanje kao i svima nama.
Hajde da to promenimo zajedno! Hajde da treći decembar bude samo podsetnik da svaki dan treba da obraćamo pažnju jedni na druge, da se svaki dan osmehujemo, da nikoga ne isključujemo. Nije bitno da li je to deka sa trećeg sprata koji jako pojača TV tako da ga cela zgrada čuje jer više ne čuje tako dobro, ili je to baka koja prodaje povrće na pijaci, dečak u kolicima ili komšinica sa smetnjama u mentalnom razvoju, svi ali baš svi zaslužujemo jednak tretman,da budemo aktivni članovi društva i da damo svoj doprinos. Pitajmo ljude oko nas kako su, saslušajmo ih, proćaskajmo ponekad uz kafu sa njima.
Hajde da to ne bude samo trećeg decembra, neka bude svaki dan! 💪💪❣️❣️

Busy with our own problems and daily responsibilities, we often forget to ask our parents and friends how they are, to listen to their needs. Let's forget to smile and say a kind word to the shop assistant, to hold the door for each other, to buy bread or medicine for the grandmother from the neighborhood. We have become alienated from each other... How much just a small smile, kind word or gesture can make someone's day, make them feel included.
People with disabilities are stigmatized every day, people look down on them, no one addresses them directly, they are often excluded or even completely forgotten in society. December 3rd is the only day of the year when people with disabilities get the right to stand out and show their talents, when they join society and are recognized like all of us.
Let's change that together! Let's make the third of December just a reminder that every day we should pay attention to each other, to smile every day, not to exclude anyone. It doesn't matter if it's the guy on the third floor who turns up the TV so the whole building can hear him because he can't hear that well anymore, or if it's the grandmother selling vegetables at the market, the boy in the stroller, or the neighbor with mental disabilities, all but we all deserve equal treatment, to be active members of society and to contribute. Let's ask the people around us how they are, listen to them, chat with them over coffee sometimes.
Let's not just make it December 3rd, make it every day!💪💪❣️❣️

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Sare.

Greetings to all Hivers from Sara.