rebekica cross-posted this post in Feel Good 2 years ago

Vezujemo se i za neke određene stvari, sitnice a ne samo za ljude.😊~We also get attached to some specific things, little things, and not only to people.😊

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Zdravo Hiver-i😄
Da li vi kad god imate mogućnosti uzimate, kupujete🛍 ono što imate već kod kuće, ali vam treba još i ako vam ustvari ne treba toga još? Ili to samo ja radim?😶‍🌫️ Moja opsesija su pokloni🎁, ruže🌹, slatkiši🍫 ali ono najbitnije od svega, parfemi🤩. Mogu da ih imam koliko hoću, mogu da ih imam 20, 10, 50, 100, ja uvek želim da ih imam još, još i još.🥲

Hello Hivers😄
Whenever you have the opportunity, do you take, buy 🛍 what you already have at home, but you need more even if you don't actually need it yet? Or is it just me?😶‍🌫️ My obsession is gifts🎁, roses🌹, sweets🍫 but the most important thing of all, perfumes🤩. I can have as many as I want, I can have 20, 10, 50, 100, I always want to have more, more and more.🥲


Meni nije bitno da li je parfem skup ili brendiran.😅 Meni je bitno da je parfem mog ukusa, da se meni sviđa, da meni lepo miriše, i kao najveći kompliment da me drugi pitaju "koji ti je to parfem?"😌 Ne volim jake parfeme😶, volim slatke ili cvetne, citrusove mirise, ženstvene i primamljive.😏

It doesn't matter to me whether the perfume is expensive or branded. 😅 It's important to me that the perfume is to my taste, that I like it, that it smells nice to me, and as the biggest compliment that others ask me "what perfume is that for you?"😌 I don't like strong perfumes😶, I like sweet or floral, citrus scents, feminine and tempting.😏


Zbog ove moje opsesije, posebno sam kupila i ugradila 3 police u mojoj spavaćoj sobi.😆 Želela sam da svaki parfem ima svoje mesto, da svaki bude poseban na svoj način.🫠 Imam omiljene parfeme, na primer, da ako ga potrošim, kupim ga opet, ali svakako stalno ih menjam, i uglavnom imam različite.🙃 Parfem stavim u zavisnosti od mog raspoloženja.🫣 Svaki parfem ima moje raspoloženje i neki parfemi imaju posebno mesto u mom srcu❤️. Neki me vezuju za ljude koji nisu više tu a koristila sam ih kada bih provodila vreme sa istim, a neki koji su prosto tu, ali nisu više u mom životu.🤷🏻‍♀️

Because of this obsession of mine, I specially bought and installed 3 shelves in my bedroom. 😆 I wanted each perfume to have its place, each one to be special in its own way. again, but I certainly change them all the time, and I usually have different ones.🙃 I put on perfume depending on my mood.🫣 Every perfume has my mood and some perfumes have a special place in my heart❤️. Some connect me to people who are no longer there and I used them when I would spend time with them, and some who are simply there, but are no longer in my life.🤷🏻‍♀️


Moji dragi ljudi znaju da kada mi je rođendan ili neko drugo obeležje, da mi nikada ne donose novac.🤫 Znaju da mi uvek donesu ili ruže, slatkiše ili parfeme😉. 20 rođendan mi je obeležilo upravo to, što su me moji prijatelji ispoštovali, nisu mi doneli novac već samo poklone. Takođe mi nije bitno da li su veliki pokloni, mali, skupi ili brendirani.🤗 Bitna mi je ta pažnja, da imam uspomenu od te osobe, i da imam tu neku sitnicu koja će me podsećati na nju/njega.❤️
Jedan od originalnih poklona za moj 20 rođendan bio je od jedne moje koleginice.👩🏻‍🔬 Nismo se poznavale najbolje, ali želela sam da je pozovem na moj rođendan da bi se upoznale bolje, da joj dam šansu da uđe u moj život i da bude deo njega.😊
Pitala bi me pre rođendana indirektno šta volim, kakve stvari da bi znala otprilike šta bi mogla da mi kupi pošto me tada nije poznavala a znala je da ne želim novac.😆 Rekla sam joj da volim mnogo voća, slatkiše, parfeme, to što sam već i spomenula, i umela je da iskombinuje jako dobru stvar.😏

My dear people know that when it's my birthday or some other occasion, they never bring me money. 🤫 They know that they always bring me either roses, sweets or perfume😉. My 20th birthday was marked by exactly that, that my friends respected me, they didn't bring me money but only gifts. It also doesn't matter to me whether they are big gifts, small, expensive or branded.🤗 What matters to me is that attention, that I have a memory from that person, and that I have some little thing that will remind me of her/him.❤️
One of the original gifts for my 20th birthday was from one of my colleagues. 👩🏻‍🔬 We didn't know each other very well, but I wanted to invite her to my birthday to get to know each other better, to give her a chance to enter my life and be part of it.😊
Before my birthday, she would ask me indirectly what I like, what kind of things so that she would know roughly what she could buy me since she didn't know me then and she knew that I didn't want money.😆 I told her that I like a lot of fruit, sweets, perfumes, that I already mentioned, and she was able to combine a very good thing.😏


Napravila mi je korpu sa voćem🥹, i unutra je stavila parfem koji mi je kupila, moj omiljeni koji kada god ga potrošim kupim opet.🫶🏻 Iskrena da budem, gest me je oduševio, to je tako lepa stvar, toliko me je usrećila njena ideja, bila je drugačija malo i neobična nego ostali.🥰 Upakovala ga je savršeno, poređala i odabrala svo voće koje jedem.🍍
Svaki poklon je bio poseban na svoj način, svaki poklon je bio prelep, i hvala tim ljudima što su me ispoštovali maksimalno i kupili mi poklone a ne dali novac.💁🏻‍♀️ A što se tiče parfema, mislim da će mi biti potrebne još tri police, jer rođendan mi je za mesec dana.🫠

She made me a fruit basket🥹, and inside she put the perfume she bought for me, my favorite, which whenever I use it up, I buy it again.🫶🏻 To be honest, the gesture delighted me, it's such a beautiful thing, it made me so happy from her idea, it was a little different and unusual than the others. 🥰 She packed it perfectly, arranged and selected all the fruits that I eat.🍍
Each gift was special in its own way, each gift was beautiful, and I thank those people for respecting me as much as possible and buying me gifts instead of giving me money. 💁🏻‍♀️ And as for the perfume, I think I will need more three shelves, because my birthday is in a month.🫠


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🥹

Greeting from your Rebecca🥹