Today was hectic! Unusual and I am feeling so tired of working! I feel like my energy is being drained and that I need a break. Who doesn't? I needed to come here to calm my neurons down and feel good with my furry family. Sometimes we all need just that: quality time with family to make everything go back to the right place!
Tito and Margot observing hubby's phone! We are all feeling good and happy after a really warm day and so much work!

Picture credits: This picture belongs to my personal archive.
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October 7th, 2020 Peace and All Good, @manandezo!
Ah, chill time. We played with my son's puppy today... definitely calmed us down from the stuff we invent to razz us up.
Oh, my God! What unique beauties! They are beautiful cats, it shows that they receive a lot of love and care. Blessings for all.
¡Oh, por Dios! ¡Que bellezas tan singulares! Son unos gatos preciosos, se nota que reciben mucho amor y cuidados. Bendiciones para todos.