If I counted right, it's the seventh round in the #AlphabetHunt challenge of Barbara @barbara-orenya and her Feel Good Community: illustrate 6 words (or concepts) starting with the letter of the week. This weeks hunt goes for the Letter "G": #AlphabetHunt letter G - and the winners of the draw for the #F week [ENG-FR]. |
Chasing the G

Now, let's begin with the first photo of a sleepy Grasshopper... |
Great Green Bush Cricket
Of course, you may call this little guy a Grasshopper, but it is the Nymph of a Great Green Bush Cricket - Tettigonia viridissima. A few weeks ago I was on a morning walk at the reservoir when I spotted this little grasshopper on the still closed dandelion blossom. The grasshopper was just about to wake up, but didn't move so that I could get a decent sharp macro shot it. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 . f/5.6 . 1/8 sec . @105 mm
Green Flower Garden
I thought today I could share some snapshots from my parents' Garden with you. It is more a lawn with some flower areas, but there's also a little Greenhouse with tomatoes and a small garden with zucchini,cucumbers, currants and a few more vegetables and fruits. This cabin has grown from a tiny Garden shed to a little house over the past 30 years or so. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
This is the view towards the forest where I had my walk the day before I took these photos (Waterfalls behind the House - WednesdayWalk). |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
In the beginning of January this year I drove over the Soboth Pass in the east of Carinthia, at border to our neighbor state Styria, where Arnold Schwarzenegger is at home. Still in Carinthia I stopped at a viewpoint, from which I saw a part of the Austrian Air defense system, the Goldhaube Radar System on the Speikkogel mountain. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C
ISO 800 . f/6.3 . 1/640 sec . @600 mm
The snow was illuminated beautifully pink by the morning sun and so I thought I could try my 150-600mm Sigma Supertelezoom lens. It was a bit windy and still too dark, but I'm happy with the photos, because the distance to these buildings was about 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) as the crow flies. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C
ISO 100 . f/6.3 . 1/320 sec . @600 mm
Castle Griffen
On the same morning when I took the above photos I drove on a different road back home and so I could take some photos of the Castle ruin Griffen in the village of the same name. |

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 . f/8 . 1/80 sec . @181 mm
I believe the mountain range in the background must be the Obir mountain range, the highest mountain range in the North Karawanks with its highest peak, the Hochobir (2,139 m / 7,017.7 ft). |

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 . f/8 . 1/250 sec . @200 mm

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 . f/8 . 1/125 sec . @139 mm
The Great Soča Gorge
I haven't posted any photos of the beautiful emerald green Soča river in Slovenia for quite a while, and I still haven't been there since the borders are open again. So I had to search for some photos of the Great Soča Gorge, which I haven't posted before. |

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖
Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 . f/11 . 0.3 sec . @50 mm
I took these photos in November 2019 after a few rainy days. If it had rained more there would have been more little streams flowing and falling into the river from both sides of the gorge. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 . f/11 . 0.4 sec . @98 mm

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 . f/9 . 1/15 sec . @24 mm
New Green Growth
Finally the word Growth came into my mind and I remembered the following two photos. I have taken the first photo a few weeks ago at the Drau reservoir and I have no idea what the name of this plant is, but these fresh leaves looked quite interesting to me. I wanted to make a focus stacked image, but at home it turned out that I had taken too less photos or didn't seem to have captured all of the focus levels. Below you can see the result with quite a few blurry areas. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 . f/5.6 . 1/30 sec . @105 mm
On my forest walk last weekend I have seen this little baby tree which has grown on a rotten and mossy tree trunk. Of course, I photographed it, because you never know when you might need a photo of a little tree 😉 |

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖
Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 . f/5.6 . 1/60 sec . @105 mm
So, that was it for today - 6 words starting with G and I am fully aware, that the word Green dominates my post, but I do hope you like my photos anyway 😊 |
All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4 L IS USM, Canon EF 50mm 1:1.8 L STM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C. I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures. |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening and a great week ahead,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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As always, great photos. But most of all, I’ve been hooked on your parents ’garden with wildflowers. Maybe your parents keep beehives?
I think I could be one of the bees :)
Cheers! аnd !BEER
Good morning and thank you very much for your kind comment, @bambuka 🙂
No, my parents don't have bees, but their neighbor has a few beehives right next to the fence between the properties, and there are always quite a few of them flying around😉
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks so much @johannpiber :)
Votet@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur ! @cervisia for Witness
Thanks so much @johannpiber :)
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Thank you very much for rehiving my post, dear @pixresteemer, I appreciate your support 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Fabulously beautiful nature and your photos make your content wonderful. When you look at these photos you really want to visit these parts. Thanks so much for sharing this post. Have a good evening and of course good health.
Yeah, we slowly are going back to a normal life or better said a "new normal life", and we can travel again and take and share photos 😁Thank you so much for your nice words, @yuriy4, I appreciate your kind comment 🙂
I wish you a good evening too and you also take care and stay healthy, Yuriy - @yuriy4 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
You nailed it again with these brilliant photos.
The first one is spot on, just perfect.
And Goldhaube Radar System is a great find.
Thank you so much, Neli, this little Grasshopper was pure luck, because at first I just wanted to photograph the dandelion like I took such a photo of a closed blossom before, and then I saw this little green guy sleeping there. I didn't wake him up and just took a few photos 😉
You can see these buildings from almost everywhere in the valley, because they are really huge, but on that day the mountain and the snow have been lit so nicely in pink and I had my long lens with me 🙂
Thanks again for your nice comment, Neli, have a very nice Sunday evening 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
I have to confess I'm in love with your parent's garden that is like a heaven with this lawn of lovely daisies flowers, the little house and the garden with interesting vegetables...and a surrounding of impressive mountains and woods, I adore this kind of place !😍This is an impressive collection of beautiful captures @johannpiber !
I love this place too 😁
Thank you very much that you like the photos, Barbara 🙂
Usually the whole garden is full of flowers, and I am glad that my father leaves a big part of it as it is.
There are many insects, bees and butterflies and I could spend the whole day there with my macro lens on the camera 🙂
Have a very nice evening 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
I can see why you like to visit Slovenia Johann. The beautiful emerald “green Soča river”is a wonder and I love it.💞
Castles are always an interest and the Goldhaube Radar System is a great shot. I wouldn’t have believed you could capture it from that distance. Great shot!
Neat capture of the Green Bush Cricket. They jump around so much they are hard to photograph.
Your parents property with garden shed and the field of beautiful flowers is lovely. 🌻 It’s nice they have a small garden to enjoy fresh produce. A beautiful spot with the mountains and waterfall nearby.
I have to smile at your cute little tree because I also took a photo of one about the same size and thought I might used it sometime in a post.
Great selections Johann! Have a great evening.😊
... and I always forget to say thank you when you rehive my posts 😊
Cheers and !BEER
Johann , you are most welcome. You know you don’t have to thank me as you are very generous giving me tips and beer, etc,. Much appreciated.🙂💝
It’s 8:16 P.M. and raining. Tomorrow will be better.
Have a great start to the week.🙂
I know, but sometimes I just have to say thanks ;)
Good morning Jo,
hopefully your day is better and the sun shines again, because last night it started to rain here and the weather forecast says it will be rainy for the next days. I will be sitting in the office most time of the day anyway, so I don't mind ;)
You have a great week too 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
It’s still raining here this morning and I don’t think it will let up today. You will be busy in the office and know it’s not good for biking.
The only excitement here last night was when I went outside to bring in the Hummingbird feeder ( new one) from the deck post the skunk was near the steps checking the ground. He took off running towards the forest when he saw me. Sometimes they will raise their tail to warn you before they spray. If he did that I would have backed up into the house.😭
Have a wonderful week. 😊
Hi Jo,
I'm at home now and the rain has stopped, but not for long I think, because our weathermen say that I wouldn't see much sun this week...
I don't want to believe them, but sometimes they are right. Do you want to know what's funny about this image? I'm working on Friday and I can't take the day off 😂
Hihi, that's nice of the skunks when they warn you before they spray, and I believe you that you would have run if he did 😉
So you have bought one more Hummingbird feeder? You should now take more care of it and don't forget to take it into the house over night that the racoon cannot destroy this one too. This bad boy destroys a lot of money 😆
Because I had also a look at your weather forecast I can wish you a nice week, Jo 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Thanks Johann. I believe tomorrow will be nicer than today without all the rain.💦 You temperatures are good. Sorry you have to work on Friday with the nice forecast.
Skunks will sometimes stamp their feet to warn you but once they raise their tail -look out!
I’m not really afraid of this skunk for he has been around of awhile and knows I live here...I hope!🤪
Yes, the rascal raccoon is causing an expense if I don’t bring in the hummingbird feeder at night. I’ve been doing it faithfully since he broke the last one. I have to buy a good one as the cheap ones leak.
Have a good night. 😊
Yes, this river is really beautiful and it is so very clear and clean that you certainly can drink the water.
I have been surprised too, that the images of these buildings have been so nice. I had thought they woul dbe much more blurry.
I didn't see this grasshopper at first, but when I looked through the viewfinder I saw it and changed my mind from photographing the blossom to take a photo of the sleeping grasshopper ;)
Their house is accross the street and there is a bigger garden with salad and vegetables and... my mom needs always something to do ;)
Cool, I wonder when you will use your small tree. I think there are a lot of letters left, so that we should take photos of everything we see. When I took this photo I thought of using it when we search for the L (little) or N (new) or so ;)
Have a nice and hopefully dry afternoon and a good night, Jo 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.My voting power is not a decent thing, but sharing this public on my wall will make me always appreciate the beauty that I can see in your presentation.
Have a great day and a wonderful week 🙂Good morning and thank you so much for rehiving my post on your blog, @truelovemom, I do really appreciate that a lot 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @truelovemom, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Excellent photos, as always! What a beautiful selection for the letter G!
The photos of the river with all the waterfalls is breathtaking and your parents garden is delightful! What a fantastic location. Did you grow up in that area?
Yes, I grew up in this small village on the foot of the mountain and the edge of the forest which still has not more than about 13 houses, maybe 15 or 16 with barns and stables 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind comment and that you like my photos, Melinda, I do hope to take fresh photos of that green river soon 🙂
Have a great day and a wonderful week 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
What a marvelous childhood you must have had, to be surrounded by all that beauty and up close with nature! No wonder you have such a deep appreciation of our natural world.
I don't know if it would have been the same if we would have had smartphones and the internet back then, but I don't think so, because I can see seldom kids playing in the forest or in the fields around like we did.
Cheers and !BEER
It was a different world for all of us before technology took over our lives. In many ways it is great and I can't imagine being without it, but in other ways it is terribly sad.
Right, our children play with virtual friends nowadays and they meet online in snapchat or however these apps are called ;)
But I agree, I wouldn't want to miss any technology that I have today, although I am very glad that we even didn't have a calculator at school 😉
Cheers and !BEER
Maybe with a calculator I wouldn't have done so poorly in math! 😁
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @melinda010100 for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @melinda010100, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @melinda010100, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Oh yeah....
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @melinda010100 for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @melinda010100, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Griffen castle and Great Soča Gorge river are my fave pictures here. thanks for sharing - all of them are amazing. and I also enjoyed very the Cricket picture. that dandellion looks like familiar to me, tho. didnt you shust photoshop in the little cricket onto that used-a-lot flower?
just joking ;)
I photographed the other dandelion on the same day in the same area, but on another place ... and I even didn't see this little green cricket at first, because I just wanted to photograph the flower ;) lol
Maybe I'll drive to Slovenia this week or next week when the weather is nice and take fresh photos of this beautiful river. I haven't been there since the beginning of March.
Have a great day and a wonderful week ... take care.Thank you very much that you like the photos, @qwerrie, I always appreciate your kind comments and also the jokes 😉
Cheers and !BEER
probably we will be off for a while..
Good luck and have fun, but don't forget to come back if you want a !BEER 😉
actually, i've come back -- not only for !BEER, but also for bathing, shaving, and packing the things. we performed the reconnaissance of the place, it was ok, we cleaned the house and prepared to move to summer apartments for the next few months.. and I found some mushrooms (tomorrow is Friday, just for your notice). there were Huge Taboons of Snails all over the place...
Good morning @qwerrie,
of course, bathing and shaving is important, but is it as important as !BEER ? Just ask an alhoholic 😂
So, you have a lot to do, but you still find some time for your beloved mushrooms, that's good, my friend. I'll have a look at your post today. I don't think I'll be able to do a post today, but maybe I can find some spare time, but I'm not sure if I can find a mushroom in the office ;) lol
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend, but not too much stress with packing and moving to your Summer Residence 🙂
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Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Great shots - as usual. I love the pictures of the yellow and purple flowers best.
Yeah, the daisies - I am so glad that my father don't mow the whole garden so that there are always some of these little flower meadows 🙂
Thank you so much for your always kind comments on my posts and photos, Victor, I wish you a wonderful week 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Because of Covid-19 most of our grass patches are not mowed too. And we are seeing some weeds and flowers we don't usually see. There are also more grasshoppers, dragonflies and butterflies. A very nice change from the usual scenery.
Wishing you a great week ahead too, Johann. Cheers!
It is as you say, Vincent, and nature is showing her beauty all around the world since there's not much traffic on the roads and in the air.
As bad as this crisis was and still is, there are some very good things happening and I hope some will stay 🙂
Wish you all the best and take care, Vincent 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @quotes-haven, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @quotes-haven, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Great pictures.
The beauty of green flower garden, the flowing water of The great soca gorge, the little new green growing plant all are so amazing.

Thank you so much that you like my photos, @karishmasingh711, you and Sponge Bob have made my day 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
My pleasure😌😉.
gorgeous! 💖I love all of these @johannpiber and that is an excellent photo of your grasshopper! I especially love The Great Soča Gorge..absolutely
Thank you so much, @deerjay, this grasshopper was a lucky shot, because at first I wanted to take a photo of the flower 😉
I love the Soča river and hopefully I find the time and good weather to drive there as soon as possible to get fresh photos of this gorge and the river.
The borders to Slovenia are open again and the only thing that stops me from going there is the bad weather.
Have a great day and a wonderful week 🙂Thanks again for your kind words, @deerjay, I appreciate your comment very much.
Cheers and !BEER
You're very welcome @johannpiber! I hope the weather improves for you very soon! 💖
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @deerjay, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.This is extraordinary the flower garden the landscapes and all the beauty of nature all in one post absolutely beautiful and my favorite is your parents flower garden i could have a real nap amongst them flowers 😊
It's just a small garden in a small village at the edge of a forest and mountain. I grew up there and when I retire I want to become old there. We have had much fun and many big parties in this garden with lots of !BEER 🍻
And i wouldn't think twice about retiring right there such a magical spot it's like a scene from Alice in Wonderland 😊
Alice in Wonderland sounds nice, and yes, I couldn't imagine a better place, apart from some little tropical islands ;)
Cheers and !BEER
You have got it made over there you don't need any tropical island ...lol 😊
That's what I'm saying to myself all the time, but I don't believe me ;) lol
Cheers and !BEER
You need to believe in yourself otherwise who else is going to believe you...lol 🤣 🤣
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Hey @kohsamui99, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @kohsamui99, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Loved your parents garden, looks absolutely marvellous!
My parents will be happy when I tell them the responses I got from you and from the other visitors of my blog 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind comment, @razeiv, I do really appreciate your nice words 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Cheers :)
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Hey @razeiv, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Oh! You are back! Too much work for you lately!!
Those photos of the castle and mountains are just beyond words! Reality could be so beautiful! And some people are just bent on fermenting wars and conflicts! These people should be taken by the UFOs and put on Uranus!
I would love to have that running stream and wild flowers fields behind my garden!
I was never gone, dear @kaminchan, I just don't post so much at the moment ;)
You're right that some people should be banned from the earth, but I wouldn't let them harm another planet, I'd let them free in space ;)
I wish you a great day and a wonderful week 🙂Thank you so much that you like my photos, @kaminchan, that's where I have grown up, that's where I live 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Hahaha!! You are very kind!!! Out in space! Such a good idea!!
A little bit of fun inbetween 😉
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @kaminchan, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks for the nice cold beer.
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Hey @kaminchan, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Votet@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur ! @cervisia for Witness
Thank you so much @bambuka 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @investinthefutur, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.It's so bright green ... Everything is great ... but the Green Growth unreal green ... and the river Soča is beautiful. Great choice of words....
@johannpiber 😊
Yes, the spring has finally arrived and after some rainfalls all turned green 🙂
Good morning @suzana72 and thank you so much for your kind words. Soon there will be new photos of the Soča river and other of my favorite places in Slovenia 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @suzana72, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Amazing photography @johannpiber! 😍
I love your parent's garden most, with a sea of beautiful flowers!!! 😍😍😍
And the gorge is awesome! Beautiful long exposure photography there! 😍
I grew up there and of all the beautiful places I know, this is my favorite place to live 🙂
I love that green river and now that our borders to Slovenia are open again I'm only waiting for better weather to drive there 🙂
Have a great day and take care.Thank you very much for your nice compliments, @gingbabida, I appreciate your kind words a lot 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Wow! You grew up in such a beautiful environment! 😍 Envy is sprouting in my heart! Hahaha! 😍
I think I have to put Slovenia in my bucket list of places to visit.
Thank you, and take care too.
Slovenia is a beautiful little country south of Austria and it is certainly a place worth a visit.
Thank you very much, @gingbabida, I have seen some images of the Philippines which make me think of the word "envy" too 😉
Cheers and !BEER
Yes, Slovenia is a place that is a stark contrast with the tropics. I think it would feel completely like a different world! When this COVID thingy is over, I really hope we could travel again.
I believe seeing and enjoying from time to time a world different from our own is beneficial. There is beauty in variety, right? 😍
That's true what you are saying, @gingbabida, beauty is everywhere and the variety of the different regions of our world makes places for me beautiful which might be just ordinary everyday views for you 😉
Cheers and !BEER
Yes, exactly!!! Hahaha! 😍 And sometimes, because it is so ordinary to us, we seemed to neglect it, and then when a visitor comes and appreciate it, we will be reminded again to appreciate what we have. 😊😊
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Hey @gingbabida, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @gingbabida, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @gingbabida, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Beautiful photos of Soča!
I'm so glad that the borders to your country are open again. Now I'm waiting for better weather to visit some of my favorite places again after a few months 😀Thank you very much @fbslo 🙂
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Hey @fbslo, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.What a great selection of landscapes associated with G the Green Flower Garden absolutely stunning great job @johannpiber i need to see what i can find.
My parents will be so proud when I tell them all these so very nice comments, just as yours 😀
G you will find 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind compliments, @bigsambucca, I'm curious what
Cheers and !BEER
And so they should be proud they keep this garden looking marvelous really nice to see that. Still working on G hope to have one up by tomorrow 😊
Thank you, they really care a lot for this place and it looks always quite nice 🙂
I think the time for the G-posts is over, because the weekly challenge goes always until Wednesday 10pm UTC (https://peakd.com/hive-190931/@barbara-orenya/alphabethunt-letter-g-and-the-winners-of-the-draw-for-the-f-week-eng-fr), but I think we will also have a look at the later entries 😉
Have a great day, @bigsambucca 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
Oh .. i missed it time just flies never mind will do the "H" 😊
Have a great day @johannpiber 👍
Never mind, there are enough letters left, see you at the "H" 😁
Cheers and !BEER
Right that yep see you in "H" most definitely i have them almost sorted will be posting soon 😊
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Hey @bigsambucca, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @bigsambucca, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @bigsambucca, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your