Phonography || Phone Photography Contest -24 bees working / abejas trabajando

in Feel Good7 months ago

Feliz y bendecido día para todos los amigos Hivers complacido por una nueva publicación para el concurso semanal Phonography||Phone Photography número - 24 patrocinado por el amigo @untilwelearn dónde tratamos de capturar con nuestro respectivo equipo de teléfono las mejores fotografías qué se pueda.

In the morning I went to look for some white Basil leaves to make an infusion since I have been a little sick in the last week with the flu and along with other essential ingredients such as Lemon, it helps a lot; Well, what I want to show are the photographs of some Bees that were pollinating the flowers of the White Basil plant. I had already appreciated them but due to their speed I was not fortunate enough to photograph them since they are very fast and do not stop in one place but rather They go from flower to flower quickly, and there were several that were there on the plant.

En horas de la mañana fuí a buscar unas hojas de Albahaca blanca para hacerme una infusión puesto que he estado algo enfermo en la última semana de gripe y junto con otros ingrediente esencial cómo lo es el Limón ayuda mucho; bueno lo que quiero mostrar son las fotografías de unas Abejas qué estaban polinizando las flores de la planta de Albahaca blanca ya las había apreciado pero por su velocidad no tenía la fortuna de fotografiarlas puesto que son muy rápidas y no se detienen en un sólo sitio sino que van de flor en flor rápidamente además eran varias las que estaban ahí en la planta.

I humbly believed that I did an excellent job with the photographs. I really liked them. Furthermore, having reference to #Hive, the most important thing is to highlight the work that each bee is capable of producing for their own benefit and for the development of the community in general. Greetings and blessings to all friends.

Humildemente creó que realicé un excelente trabajo con las fotografías de verdad me gustaron mucho además al tener referencia con #Hive eso lo más importante destacar el trabajo que cada abeja es capaz de producir en beneficio propio y del desarrollo de la comunidad en general. Saludos y bendiciones para todos los amigos.

Happy and blessed day to all Hivers friends, pleased by a new publication for the weekly Phonography||Phone Photography contest number - 24 sponsored by friend @untilwelearn where we try to capture the best photographs possible with our respective phone equipment.

Basil is considered venerable in Hinduism and we also use it to make our healthy teas and decoctions This is really a wonderful herb. I I hope you get well soon. :) And btw, you really have taken some amazing shots. These little flies are so fast and it is always very difficult to capture them. :)

Sending you an Ecency curation vote

This is so lovely.
You've got an amazing shot

Wow, I never succeeded taking photos of bees, I've been stung numerous of times, it's why I'm a little scared. Good job, beautiful photos.

Beautiful photo of the bee