Phone Photography Contest #29: Random Stuff on our Table

in Feel Good5 months ago

My randomness struck me again this morning!

While having breakfast with my mom (my dad went out to help my best friend and his wife for something), I saw some stuff on the table.

They're ingredients for the food that she's going to prepare for our lunch later today. Well, they're mostly vegetables and/or fruit that can be categorized as spices in cooking. :)

They looked interesting, so I grabbed some of them and started taking photos. Yes, I can be very random in terms of photography. Anyway, allow me to show some of my shots below.

Garlic and onion definitely make our food taste better. Even frying these two would bring out an aroma that makes our mouth water. I prefer onion to garlic, though... but each of them has their own health benefits.

These are called "calamansi" or Philippine lime. They're often used in some Filipino dishes... We mostly squeeze some of its juice on top of some dishes like porridge or fried noodles.

I also love them as a drink. It's very refreshing. They're similar to lemon, but more sour. They're also pretty healthy.

Aside from the regular photos above, I took some photos using the macrophotography setting on my phone and here are the results.

I find the minute patterns I see on various stuff whenever I use my phone's macrophotography feature really amusing.

Phone Photography Contest 29. See you around! :) Thanks for checking out my randomness. This serves as my entry for @untilwelearn's


Your random photos has made me to see calamansi.
These are lovely photos dear.
Nice entry.
Best regards and love from ecency.

Hahaha... They're actually really tiny but sour and refreshing. :)
Thanks for appreciating my randomness... <3

Oh okay
You are welcome

Your random photography is also nicee.. Even the vegetables sitting sadly alone must have become happy getting your attention haha! By the way, your photography is really great, you made the simple onion and garlic shine. 😊

Awww.... thank you so much for thinking so. :) I played with some settings and also set the phone flashlight on to give that shine... hahaha xD

Greetings @harulovesanime, what beautiful photos, definitely onion and garlic are great allies to prepare delicious meals. 🍵🥙🍲

Happy day!

Thank you so much... :)
And yes, they're indeed great allies... <3

Likewise! :D

Onion and garlic. They could make a beautiful therapy

That's true too... Garlic is good for hypertension. :)