Phone Photography Contest #25: Beautiful Roses

in Feel Good6 months ago

My family and I re-started taking care of the plants in our garden recently. We weren't able to do so the past months due to unbearable heat which made most of our plants wither despite watering them every day.

Since the rainy season started, the weather has been fair and our plants are getting better. We have some ornamental plants including flowering ones which survived. And as for the veggies, we started planting some again. You can check my mom's (@arashi0416) post for our garden updates.

While we were visiting the garden and planning what to do with it, I took some shots to share in this weekly activity. I hope you enjoy them.

That's my mom with our fur baby, Arashi... :) The roses in this part of the garden are growing beautifully.

Just take a look at them. :) They come in various sizes, too... and I'm happy to see some budding ones as well. Even though the bigger ones wither in the coming days, there would be new roses to replace them.

Of course, I took several closer shots of these roses, too! Check them out below...

Aren't they all so beautiful? I especially love their vibrant color. It's pleasing to see. :)

When we were about to get back in the house, a huge plane flew by, so I took a shot of it. It's interesting how the plane and the bird look similar in size.

That's it for this post. I'll try to find other subjects for photography in the coming days. See you around! (^^,)/


So pretty, a house can be more livelier talaga with the bright and colorful flowers. They look so pretty and healthy.

Couldn't agree more with that. :)
Salamuch... ^^

Your plants look really happy and healthy. There is something magical about the monsoon rains which infuses new energy into the plants. Happy Monsoon! : )

That's true... Plants are indeed happy this time of year... Thanks a lot! Likewise! ^^

I'm glad you're back to working in the garden. The cooler, rainy days are the ideal climate for gardening.
You're doing a good job, your plants look beautiful.
Have a beautiful day @harulovesanime

Thank you so much... and that's indeed true... :)
Have an awesome one, too! ^^

Love those flowers 😊

Thank you... 💙