Lighting a Candle

in Feel Good3 months ago
Good day, Hivenians! I hope you're fine while reading my blog today.


The picture above is part of the pictures taken during our trip to Simala Shrine. I emphasized the picture since it is the second highlight of our visit.

As you can see, the candles were in different colors in the picture. Each color has a different meaning behind it. The candles symbolize what you want in life. It is a symbol of what you prayed most. If you buy the candles in the store, the seller will ask what colors you want. If your budget is limited, you gonna think about what colors you want to light.

As for me, I did not care about the meaning of the colors of the candle. Every time I visit the place and buy a candle, I always choose the colors that I like regardless of the meaning. I always choose pink, green, and blue. When I found out the meaning of them, I liked their meaning. It is a coincidence since this is always what I want in my life and the life of my loved ones. Pink means happiness, green means prosperity, and blue means perseverance.

Unfortunately, when I visited the Simala Shrine last week, only one store was open and the colors of the candles that I like to light were not available. As I remember, the colors that were there were cream, black, and gray, I think. So I chose the cream for the reason that I like light colors compared to black. The funny thing was when the seller asked what colors I wanted, I told him that I wanted to buy the color yellow, but according to him, it was not yellow, but cream. I did not know that there was a cream color.

Since the store that displayed the meaning of the colors was already closed, I had no opportunity to know about the meaning of the cream color. My husband and I light the cream color and after that, I tried to search for the meaning of the cream light and discovered that cream means faith in the family. I think it is meant to be for the reason that I'm married, and faith is really needed in my marriage life too.

Thank you for reaching this far. If you want to inspire, learn, and witness beautiful scenery, experiences, and places, do not forget to follow, upvote, and reblog my post to support and motivate me to write more. Thank you.

Writer: Maureen S. O.
Photo owned by my husband: Paul Vincent M. O.



Sometimes we get what we need even without knowing it, and it is revealed later ... and that looks like what happened for you!

Yeah. Thank you for sharing the words that I wanted to imply.😊😊

I also don't know about the color meaning of candles. I just buy whatever color is available.😁.

Hehehe.. Yeah.. I choose what I like din po ma'am.😁😁

There is a lot of improvement in the place.It has been a long time since I have visited the place Ma'am @fixyetbroken