Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day! I'm finally expanding my networks and decided to start making some tutorial videos or videos with information about the projects I'm currently playong or supporting!
@cryptoshots.nft as you can see is a First Person Shooter on the Wax blockchain, which consists of eliminating the drones in each level to receive rewards, it is in constant development and is progressing very well. On August 21 will be the launch on the Hive blockchain also! You can already earn the Hive token which is called DOOM if you hold the Hive Shield NFT in your account and have it connected to your game account.
Join the Discord to check all the announcements and uptades by clicking the picture below.
For those who don't speak spanish I will try to sum up everything important that I said in it and everything I did!
In the beginning it is much easier for me to just go for a game in Level-0 and do the fast kills there since it is more likely to find many drones together in that one than in Level-1. After that there's the travelling to Level-1 which in my case takes 15 minutes because I have a free pass to use the Exeter spaceship. I was lucky enough to find one at only 300 Wax, which for me it was a great deal.
Once I'm the Level-1 screen, I explain that it is important to start the game killing as much as you can with the Supernova weapon, which is the legendary NFT from Level-1. Why? Because it has a x2 boost when killing units and added to the x2 from Teknopolly NFT it gives you x4. Yet it is important to not waste all the ammo from it, since you are gonna need 3 shots from it to kill the Boss on Easy and 4 shots of it to kill it in Medium.
It's quite tricky to kill him sometimes since his "jumps" or teleportations are very unpredictable, but it is important to know he only jumps IF you shoot, if you don't shoot he will keep moving towards you trying to kill you. So my strategy is to fire all the ammo from the supernova and then just lead the Boos into the shots. After you get used to it, it gets quite simple actually, but still sometimes he does unpredictable things as I said and you end up dying or running out of ammo, like you will see happens in one of my games in the video.
When you are fighting with the boss you will see two spheres which you can pick up and they are shields that give you immunity for certain amount of time. I normally don't pick them up because I kill the boss as fast as I can, but if you do want to pick it up, you are gonna need to have the Hive Shield NFT, which you can purchase for 22 SWAP.HIVE here: https://hive.crypto-shots.com/
The rest of the video is just me playing several games until I reach the champion status which consists on having done at least one Fast Kills with 4 enemies in any level, winning at least 50% of the games and wining at least 8 matches in a row in Level-1. This is to be able to claim the max 105 Boom rewards per day and it also allows you to go over the max claim without worrying for not being able to claim (as it would happen if you are not a champion or if you are not even playing Level-1)
I don't think you will need to understand everything I'm saying in order to understand what just happened, what I'm doing or what did I do wrong, or at least I hope so.
However if you have any doubts just let me know in the comments and I will gladly answer!
I remind you also that you can find me in Twitter, which is the social where I'm the most active, and on Twitch where I stream Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5pm to 8pm UTC time. Click the icons below to find those 2!
That would be all for now, thank you for being here!
You must be killin' it out here! 5.000PIMP@entrepidus just slapped you with , @newenx. You earned 5.000PIMP for the strong hand. They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.
¿Que tal la jugabilidad? Latencia, tirones y demas...
¿Que PC y que Navegador usas? para saber con que compararlo...
Es que a pesar de que en el video a veces da saltos, puede que sea porque estabas grabando, e igual para hacer runs de 38 segundos dudo que no vaya fluido
Buenas!! Si es más que seguro que fue porque estaba grabando, porque normalmente me funciona excelente, más allá de algún que otro tirón de vez en cuando. Latencia no hay, para nada, no sé ya con internet de mala calidad habría que ver, pero en mi caso super fluído y sin retardo ni cosas raras. Mi PC tiene Ryzen 5 3600XT 4.10 Ghz con 16gb de Ram y una Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Super. Creo que estoy pasado de requisitos, se debería poder jugar con menos, pero igual si requiere una PC decente para juegos. Navegador se recomienda usar Firefox para mejor rendimiento, pero yo uso Brave y Chrome y funciona bien igual jaja. Saludos!
!gif who is awesome?
Via Tenor
Excellent!! Nice explication
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(1/15) @chechostreet tipped @newenx (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza.
You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@entrepidus just slapped you with , @newenx.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
¿Que tal la jugabilidad? Latencia, tirones y demas...
¿Que PC y que Navegador usas? para saber con que compararlo...
Es que a pesar de que en el video a veces da saltos, puede que sea porque estabas grabando, e igual para hacer runs de 38 segundos dudo que no vaya fluido
Buenas!! Si es más que seguro que fue porque estaba grabando, porque normalmente me funciona excelente, más allá de algún que otro tirón de vez en cuando. Latencia no hay, para nada, no sé ya con internet de mala calidad habría que ver, pero en mi caso super fluído y sin retardo ni cosas raras. Mi PC tiene Ryzen 5 3600XT 4.10 Ghz con 16gb de Ram y una Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Super. Creo que estoy pasado de requisitos, se debería poder jugar con menos, pero igual si requiere una PC decente para juegos. Navegador se recomienda usar Firefox para mejor rendimiento, pero yo uso Brave y Chrome y funciona bien igual jaja. Saludos!