Community Celebration: Crypto Shots

in Crypto Shots3 years ago (edited)

Hello Hiveans,
I usually don't do reviews or articles but this BRAND NEW game is coming out Sunday(13 Feb. 2022) and I cannot pass under silence what is happening because well I don't want all of you guys and gals to miss out on the next game who might just BLOW UP. I will begin by explaining the Discord game and then we will get to the 3d game review since I am an Alpha tester.


The Discord version has been launched in October and had been pre-mined since. To mine on Discord, you simply need a base gun. you can mine every 3hours and you have a 50% chance of hitting and earning 1 $BOOM. All the community !shoots with B-otto to earn $BOOM that is stored on the HIVE blockchain.

Also on the chat, you can interact with an AU (Artificial Unintelligence) called TeknoPolly. The parrot can be nice, rude, ignore you or drop you a NFTmessage here". ! He's located in the #tekno-polly channel just type !Tekno "



I've been lucky enough to be able to test out the 3d game in its infancy... and I have to tell you guys... we are talking here about a browser that has Half-life 1 graphics and functionality. The versions we tested were impressive even at that early level, plus from what I've seen on the official youtube graphics are getting even better!! FINALLY, a game where You don't just Click like a mindless bot for hours! The bots are very responsive and if you don't own many NFT because you weren't early... could be pretty challenging!
BUT do not worry Since a DROP is scheduled for Feb. 19 '22. you can still get you're hands on a pack for cheap! Because well... this game is getting so much hype that NFT pack prices exploded. Base guns are 12$ and teleporters almost 80$ since they are required to play until that drop.

I can only say they are worth it and most likely selling fast at that price. when Sunday drop sells out with the FHO(fast hands organization) and other users Nft pricing is going to go through the roof don't miss out!.



I've been on crypto-shots discord for a month now and I've only seen such good people there. If I have any issues whatsoever I just DM any staff and they are always quick to answer(sometimes I don't even have time to help the other users that's how fast they are). if you're only don't only stick in general there are people everywhere and everyone is very happy to give you a warm welcome!


In conclusion, do your own research the white paper is available on the hive blockchain it's very exciting to read let me tell you that! There is SO much MORE to this game coming(spaceship ownership, scholarship, staking, saving acct., etc) it's just literally insane how much stuff is coming soon it would take forever to detail them all. I am not a professional writer/blogger etc. I'm just an average player simply happy to share with you my experience and my excitement for this game and I hope you guys will be as excited as I am!

To be able to participate to the hivean contest:

Doctype-Pierre on Discord! :D

hope to see you guys there soon!