Gosh I'm glad I'm awake and sound today after the the kind of fear that gripped me throughout the night.
I don't know who else is afraid of the dark as I am. Yesterday when I got home from taking a walk, sadly there was power outage.
The whole street was as dark as a tunnel and my phone's power was seriously low.
I got into my house and with the little battery life I had on my phone, turned on my flashlight and prayed that the phone's power last longer because I really can't bear sleeping in a dark room all by myself.
Getting deep into the night, the phone went off and oh heavens, the place was so dark that I couldn't even see myself.
There was nothing I could do, I had to sum up courage, praying for power supply but it didn't come. All hell had broken loose.
I felt like crying but tears had dried up and all I could was fight my fears which I know was gonna be a serious battle.
It was one hell of an experience because I strained my eyes to see through, every second I felt something was creeping up to me, crickets were calling. Trust me I was scared to the nerves
I trembled, and sweated profusely. It was as if someone was in my bed, and almost holding me, I got up every minute to stamp my feet on the bed incase if there's any spirit laying somewhere then I'll just crush its head. Crazy right?
After all my hyperactivity, I Finally drifted of to sleep and woke up to see that light was back and of course I'm alive to tell my story. Lol.
It was one hell of an experience.
Forgive me for laughing but the thoughts of you being scared of the dark and you live in Nigeria is so funny and contradicting because Nigeria is best known for its lack of power supply. Thank God you made it through the night though.
Where I stay there's always steady light also if there's no light I rely on my phone but yesterday was like the devil wanted to have his way but my God is bigger than him 🤣. Thanks for stopping by
permission to ask this question.
How old are you sef that you are still scared of sleeping in the dark?
omoh, you fall my hand o no be small. lol
Being scared of the dark doesn't have any age restriction. It's creepy, somewhat weird especially when you get to hear things moving around or do you want to tell me that you've never been scared in your life since you grew up?