The missing of native cuisines: The lifelong tragedy for Bangladeshi expats!

in BDCommunity2 years ago


Currently, It is over 3 years and 1 month I am living away from my home and may be more couple of months I need to wait for my loving home and my country with full of taste! It’s difficult for some people like me who loves eating and it is a pure addiction for such person who have no habit of liquor, smoking or any kinds of drugs and even tea or coffees!

And when you see some of your beloved ones are enjoying some ceativals which are a kind of eating festivals such as Eids, Birthdays, Marriage ceremonies, various anniversaries and so on; our hunger for native foods increases exponentially. I think only the Bangalees (from both Bangladesh and India) are the only people who loves eating and foods are the main attraction in their celebration rather than liquor, dancing like the other people around the world. Another thing is common like spending te eating period with so many gossiping which is same in celebrations around the world. Such triggering incidents are now happening everyday due to the availability of social networks to everyone's hands in every corners of a Country around the world.

Some countries like in USA or England, there are very big Bangalee community like in Jackson Height in New York, you can grab every commodities for Bangladeshi cuisines easily but my living place in Beijing has no such communities except very few people are living from Bangladesh as Bangladeshi are not interested to stay here! And it’s true that foods is one of the reason and me is an notewoethy example! But still therebis some way to collect the spices and ingredients which are the main focus in Bangladeshi cuisines from the online shopping channel Taobao. Taobao is the largest online shopping chain that make ghe direct communication between the producers or imoorters to the consumers and it is very very convenient here in China. Recently, I havw ordered some basic spices which are from my country Bangladesh so that I can feel the Deahi Taste! Another tragedy for me ia that, herw in Beijing I didn’t got any Bangladeshi restaurants but in Guangzhou and Kunming of China, you can get many Bangladeshi restaurants with native cuisines. The reason behind it maybbe the businesses are mostly completed from Guangzhou and Kunming as Beijing or the Tianjin port useless for Bangladeshi people and the distance is also crucial.


Recently, one of my close friend has a small party with his roommate and cooked some Bangladeshi foods. And I am missing those delicacy. Tese foods are not my favorite ones but matter is about the taste of native foods with native flavour. I know many peoole around the worldand many nations who don't care about fooda. They just eat to live in most of the cases but the Bangalees are totally different as they love eating and it is one of their enjoyment and foods are very significant in their daily life. Like in China, I have experienced that mkst of the people love eating in restaurants and hate cooking! One major reason behind itbis the their heavy work achedule or they think wasting time on cooking can bin them some extra money in many productive works. But in Bangladeshi culture, the busiest job holder loves cooking and eat together with their family members. And I also cook for my dinner when I get time.

My friend send me some picture of their cooking and they cooked some very native recipes of Bangladeshi and Indian sub continent's cuisines. I want to share those with you, I hope yoi will love these delicious foods. And you can enjoy them if you have the opportunity to visit Bangladesh.

received_3375533766065211.jpegThis is the whole presentation of the Banglees foods plate with all the foods with rice. And one more thing,Bangalees don't use any spoons, forks, knife or chopsticks in eating. We prefer using hand for eating except some cases like soup or noodles we use spoon and forks. It may bw very disgusting for many people specially for the European who have great tradition of not washing hands frequently even after using toilets! But we are very serious about it as we use handa for eating.

received_489096302856408.jpegThis is a Indian recipe introdue by the Moughal emperors called a kind of Chicken roast in Yougart and many kinda of spices.

received_518732476746010.jpegThis is a kind of fried starter item which can me made from blened meat, pasted beans, potatos or such vegetables.

received_809704920168377.jpegThis is desert called "Zorda", a kind of Saffron rice mixed with many kinds of fruits such as plums, rensins, apples grapes and so on.

received_382984097379955.jpegThis is a typical fried fish of Bangladesh. As we are known as the fish lover and eat fish almost everyday, we have many traditional ways of fish cooking in Bangladesh. I have seen very few nations who eat fish in such level as Bangalees do.

received_653650322737347.jpegThis is a typical way of presenting salads in Bangladesh. We usually don't uae any salad dreasing except some onions, lemons and green chillies. We prefer the raw tastes of salads.

received_1354995828573288.jpegIt is a kind of Vorta which is really anamazing fooda type where any kinda of vegeablea are boiled first and then mashed it by mixing onions, chillies and mustard oils and ghee. It can be from potatoes, banans, brinjals, and all kinds of vegetable and leaves and even with fish is possible like "Taki vorta" is one of my favorite.

received_809058353666315.jpegThis is a common way of eggs recipe though we have some amazing egg recipes in Bangladesh.

Foods is a significant part of Bangladeshi culture and we love eating. Even during marriage, especially finding for the bride, people asks the lady if she can cook properly! But in China I have a teacher who hav never cooked, even she told us that she had never cooked a pack of noodles herself, such things cannot be imagined in Bangladesh!

Thank you for reading my oosty, I hope it was intresting for you to know a little about Bangladeshi culture through my experience. I will catch you at the next. Have a great weekend!

Some photos are taken from my friend with the permission for publishing online.


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I'm living in Bangladesh, eating deshi food "dusk to dawn", and still your post made me crave these stuff more.

Enjoy brother, our foods are the best in the world!
I miss a lot the taste and the flavor


Ayeh man! On that note, just had quite a spicy dinner. 🙌
If you ever visit my area, knock me up and we'll grab a few bites together. 😁

Thanks a lot for the invitation, sure we will have a bite together.
In which area do you live?

বঙ্গবন্ধুর অঞ্চল 🙌

Wow, I studied in BSMRSTU🥰, And I am going marry there.

arrehh! My alumnus borobhai! দেখা হওয়াতো সহজ হয়ে গেল। 😅
we could connect over some other medium if you want 🙌

বঙ্গবন্ধুর এলাকা স্যার 🙌

Bangladeshis are foodies, very true!

Thanks for stopping by
Yeah, no confusion! We love eating delicious foods.

Hi @tanzil2024, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @rem-steem!

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Thanks a lot for the support

Currently, It is over 3 years and 1 month I am living away from my home and may be more couple of months I need to wait for my loving home and my country with full of taste! It’s difficult for some people like me who loves eating and it is a pure addiction for such person who have no habit of liquor, smoking or any kinds of drugs and even tea or coffees!

"as-salaam 'alaykum" @tanzil2024!
Will you return to your homeland after three months?
I tend to enjoy Chinese cuisine, but you don't seem to like it!

I felt that Bangladeshi cuisine looked delicious!
Indian spices are famous in East Asia!

I like curry food. I often enjoy localized curry dishes by the Japanese.

I am planning to return if the situation supports me. I don't like foods without the spices especially the chillies and I hate the vinegar and many types of sour sauces which are more frequent in chinese dishes 😥

Dear my friend Hassan!
I believe you should return to your home country for your health!😦
I predict that soon there will be a riot or war in China!

By the way, Chinese and Koreans like vinegar and various kinds of sour sauce.
So, I enjoy Chinese cusine!
However, the Japanese are different in that they like sweet taste.

I want to know about your hometown and your family!
I hope your health and happy!

Yay! 🤗
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