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RE: The Weekly Turni-Issue 54

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Empathy is Mandatory -

"If I can't make other's lives at least a bit better, I have no hope of living a prosperous life for a long time. Even if I can manage it, my kids won't. Because if we can't improve the standard of living of a large group of people, there is little hope for humanity, and sooner or later, large-scale social unrest will take over!"

This month was really hectic, too much to take honestly but only these lines were keeping me going on and on. How pathetic it is when there is no guidance and every door you knock you get no help, no support, no guidance, all you get is belittling and wrong information. But, You know, I don't know why only these thoughts are keeping me alive and constantly telling me that Tahmina, wait, let it all ease, one-day things will fall together and it will be for good. For that one day when a child will receive a better life than me when many children will receive a better lifestyle and environment than me, then my life will be fruitful. Empathy is hard, but we only choose hard aspects of life, hu? I know we do!

12 Sentences -
3D paintings are mesmerizing as always.

তফাত -
"শিরদাঁড়ায়", learned a new word. "তফাত শুধু শিরদাঁড়ায়।"- true. Beautifully said. Your play with watercolor will always be mesmerizing.

The Transfer Market And How It Works -
I truly couldn't grasp the concept just by the title or the cover photo. After reading, I was a little lost and a little dumbfounded. There is so much to learn after all.

Aint Your Friend -
Learning from mistakes maybe is the ultimate goal in life... Idk.

ওল্ড ইজ গোল্ড! -
Missing Manna Dey and Lata Mangeshkar. "Coffee house.r shei adda" will forever be remembered and played again and again and each time it is played the feelings never change.

Marital Rape -
"হয়েছে একটি আত্মার মৃত্যু, শরীরের উপর অসহ্যকর জুলুম আর উৎসব এর আয়োজন করে ছোট একটা মনের ধ্বংস!"- it is painful yet the words are so beautifully written. Sometimes we don't even realize that we are victims of so many things, we are being abused every step and we have nowhere to go. We are all alone in this but we are all together. Irony!

আচ্ছা আজ কী পূর্ণিমা? -
Cliff hangers keep the mind awake. Pain is our very old good friend, so it was good. Maybe because of pain we learn to appreciate happiness.


Thanks for your feedback.

It is true, people have to learn from mistakes. But it is very difficult to distrust the people around you. Isn't that so?

True. The cycle of devaluing trust is a forever long cycle, which I'm unable to comprehend if it is the choice of people or the consequences of being too naive.

However so, we will keep on trusting whom we want to and we will continue to fall in the pit until one day when 'trust' will not remain just as a word but it will attain its true value.

Until then all we learn is to gain control in being less violent to self by not letting it all affect one, but that doesn't mean we become ruthless. So, yeah, a lot of learning is there when trust is broken. And, I believe the longer we live the more variant kind of trust issues and none trust issues we will face. It is a cycle of life, it winds and unwinds.

This is our only problem!
We do not understand that we are the victim. And even if we understand, we remain silent. This silence shows that we are weak and therefore we will accept our own loss in the future as well.

It's not about silence I feel, at least standing in this generation I wouldn't say we are silent. Maybe everyone is not too vocal, but for a change, only one needs to understand and others accept, right? But, tell me if someone or a huge mass of people tend to be ignorant how do you make them aware or make them accept the harshness of it all?

Saying "we" aren't vocal, "you/I" ain't vocal, I don't think that's the problem. Do you know about VALUEs? It is about that I feel. We all somewhat know, and with that knowledge, we just want to ignore or work on it. The few of us or the many of us who are working on it is understanding and acknowledging but, the ones who are aware of it but are not acknowledging are the problematic ones.

However, there is no way out of blaming one or the other, it is a personal mindset of beliefs actually, I feel. After all, values are not same for every individual.

It is not possible to explain a large number of people together because i don't have that ability. But if one in every family talks about these then maybe this society will change.