We live a life that is unfair in which everybody has their nature. A life in which may require one to struggle so hard for living while another need not to raise a finger before his needs are met.
Talking life being unfair, means that not everything would go in our favour and some with less struggles may get everything they need. What I feel is, no matter what position we may find ourselves, we all need to work hard to get what we want or sustain what we already have. As they say:
No position is permanent
Talking about people with different nature and way of thinking; We would come across different people in which their character might have a change in something about us.
Some people might not accept us for the way we are but yet we should not change ourselves because of the way people behave to us. We have few good people in the world because most of them were changed by the character of other, by th way they were treated by others and must have felt, it doesn't pay to be good.
Let me give a personal scenario, Imagine me being scammed of a lot of money by someone and I felt really angry that and thought of beginning to scam people because I was scammed by someone. Then I thought to myself, do I really want to live this life?

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Do I really want to change because of what happened to me? I was brought up with good morals and I said to myself that I can't change who I am because of what happened to me. Instead I should be wiser and better.
This is one reason why we have few good people in life because they all were changed by the either the way they were treated by others or because of something that may have happened to them.
This is some real introspective stuff man...
Everytime I pick up my pen to write or sleep very late just to be able to do something
I always think of how there are people out there that don't do an iota of what I do and yet have way better lives.
But I don't let that discourage me,
Because there are also people out there that don't have it as good as me...
So I keep on pushing and Working hard so my life can also be better
The world is unfair
People won't appreciate you as much as you deserve, you won't matter to a lot of people and you might even have enemies you have no idea exist
But it's up to us to make something of ourselves.
We got this ✊🏾
This was a nice read man🙌🏻🙌🏻
Man! This is a really nice comment. You are right that people would not appreciate us no matter what we do but they are watching, we just need to keep doing good and make something of ourselves as you mentioned.
@starstrings01 Life happens brother. This will definitely make you stronger. I have loose alot of money over the years, I will never stop pushing and that will not change WHO I AM.
Yeah life happens.. that scenario was a long time ago though but I have come to learn that we don't need to change who we are because of what that may happen.
Exactly! although it's hard sometimes but we move.
That's correct; we shouldn't modify our good habits because of how others treated us. I used to believe in vengeance, but now I know that a good and pure heart always wins.
Yeah true, a good and pure heart always wins. But truth is the taste of vengeance can be sweet but it is deadly.
That is correct; one can feel happy after vengeance, but eventually the person realizes it isn't worth it. Thank you for your support
Wonderful writing. I felt the same situation in my life again and again untill I realized and not to act.
It's common to everyone. We all get to a place where we might not be accepted by people around us.
I am sure you can relate to that?
A very matured thing to understand. You can't change the past, the best and rational thing is to accept yourself and becoming a better and wiser version. An amazing post! :')
Yeah, thank you! We can't change the past but we can learn from it and choose to be the best of ourselves instead of going bad because of it.
This is the true fact of life. A lot of good people fear to do good not because doing good is suddenly evil but because of what people did to the good they did to them.