At the end of school life I just set foot in college life. I heard that the program will organize to welcome the newcomers to the college, I saw it with my own eyes yesterday. I didn't think it would be such a big event. Our Miss told us about 1 week ago that we will have a new ceremony on the 29th. they did not arrange any new acceptance ceremony of the previous batch. We are very lucky that this time the government did not interfere in such a big event. In fact, the incidence of corona was much higher at this time last year. That is why the government refused to organize any event.
On the 26th I asked Miss if I would come after college dress or Punjabi. But Miss said she wouldn't let him in without a college dress. So yesterday I went after the dress and then I saw that all but a few of our group came after Punjabi. Later, when we catch Miss, she says that if she wants, she can go home and change, but it is not possible. Because it takes about 40 minutes to go from my home to college. , By bus.
I woke up yesterday at 8 am on morning . I wanted to go at 8 o'clock in there but it was too late to get up even though my show was supposed to start at 10 o'clock. Everyone said they would leave at 8 o'clock. After waking up at 8 o'clock, after brushing and eating something, it was about 9 o'clock. It took about 40 minutes to reach. I wasn't in a hurry either because I didn't have much faith in my friends. they said, "So I will come and see later at 10 o'clock. They have no news." That's exactly what happened, I was about 9 when I arrived; It was 10 o'clock but they cannot be found .
It started to rain before the ceremony started. If it rained too much then all the electrical stuff was forced to start the event late. When it was about 12 o'clock, they began to each other's speeches one by one. The most boring thing about the show is the speech. The speech lasted for about 2.5 hours. Then the cultural program started. Then slowly the monotony began to cut. I was behind everyone during the speech. When the cultural program started, I went in front of everyone. Couldn't see well from behind .
Maybe I shouldn't have gone ahead. There was a lot of sound. A huge sound-box. The sound of them made my head hurt so I had to return home in the middle of the ceremony. I came home around 3 o'clock. If I had not come then I might have been in danger later. The severe headache started. I heard that the ceremony was till 8 o'clock at night. What has happened has been good. When I came home, I took a nap first. Then I see the headache is slowly recovering.