Move on or hold on?

in BDCommunity3 years ago

The toughest decision anyone can make is to choose between holding onto something or moving on. I am stuck between these two options. I might be wrong but moving on is painful. But on the other side Holding on means hoping. And this hope is bringing disappointment and misery in my life. Every relationship deals with good and bad phase and one has to suits the case where things stabilizes. Until when some things go good we don't realize the importance of progress/hold on… but when situation is getting worse we tend to think about it whether to carry on or move on.

I am stuck in bad phase of my relationship. I want to hold on and sit back to discuss what is actually going wrong and how we can improve it. But as said its a two way relationship and everything happens according to both and especially in Bangladesh where male dominates.. I hope you guys would understand my situation. There are some things that we can never get out of our head and these things haunt us for the rest of our lives.

But life must take a distinct path where if things don't seem to be corrected at the proper time, it disbalances everything. If we dont work on our base then how can one make strong building. I wish I had the power to solve all the problems and make all the wrong things right but life doesn't go as our way. We just have to accept and facts and move on.

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Listen to your heart, your heart knows the answer.

Love yourself and expect less from people. You are going to be fine.