Where life takes us

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

I'm someone who doesn't take social media that seriously, it's been like that for quite a few years now. I mostly engage and simply have an account just to stay updated. Maybe get some latest news, see how friends and family are doing, share some memes, fool around a bit and then just log out. Once upon a time it all used to be fun, the whole experience of social media. I really can't tell what went wrong, or went right maybe?


“Accept no one's definition of your life, define yourself.”
― Harvey Fierstein

But recently I have been seeing a lot of posts on social media, most of which are being shared by friends. Friends from the younger days, mostly around the time of my school life. It's actually been quite a while since we've last met or even talked. Everyone is just so caught up with their own lives. Many are even lost in a way, to a degree.

Back to the topic at hand, the posts I've been talking about. A large amount of these posts and pictures seem to be related to my friends and their marriage celebrations. It is wedding season after all, but these posts are being shared at a booming rate recently, WAY more than usual. It's either some of them are getting married, engaged or simply posting pictures from their honeymoon. The ones who got married a bit earlier even have kids now, kids that are well grown up even haha.

Then there are the ones who are more career focused. The ones with entrepreneurial mindsets, doing great with their own start ups, happy to be their own boss haha. Investing in their own businesses or other sectors.

Some are usually posting about their achievements. Just happy to be a part of an organization, planning to work there long-term, making progress with time. Then there are some who just started earning, whether it be through odd jobs or a job that offers them an office and position of their own. Both equally dedicated and happy in their own line of work, hustling through it all.

Also, the ones who simply chose to help out with the family business. The ones who have been programmed as young'uns and have also dreamt of one day contributing and lending a hand in the family business. Same as I've always wanted, in a way. I started lending a hand in the family business back in 2019 and things were going quite well, at least until Covid showed up.

Now, it's true that we all might not have "made it" in life, not yet at least. We're still young and have a long way to go, but when it's time, we surely will know that we've finally made it. All I can say for now is that we're all doing well and trying our level best.

For now we all carry only an image, an image of the future and how we want it to be. Yes, it's not as clear and sharp, it's a vague image for the time being. Yet soon enough it will all be clear to us I believe, we'll have to make it so.

Funny thing is, me and some of my friends used to get so much hate for being a little mischievous back in school. Always hearing stuff like "you'll never be successful" "your future isn't bright" and WAYY more, things that were quite harsh. Yet, it was all acceptable behavior in the eyes of many, whether it be the teachers or parents.

We really had moments where we used to question ourselves and our abilities. If we will ever make it, be successful, live up to some people's expectations. It really shouldn't be that way, not something you should be hearing from schools and teachers at least. Making a student, a child question their abilities. Now, I don't wanna talk down on the schools, teachers and their methods. Surely not all of them are at fault. But one thing is for sure, the way some of them teach and what they say surely needs to change.

But hey, here we are, aren't we? Still breathing and living life. Doing well with what we have, surrounded by friends, family and that's all that truly matters. Yes, life isn't smoothing sailing and all, it never will be I guess.

The way you see it in movies, in the ending. How things are all good again. But what do you expect from a mere two or three hours? I believe, these movies, even many story tellers and writers tend to keep some things to themselves. Things that people usually don't wanna hear. Or maybe it's something we/they are simply afraid to talk about? Scared to share it all out in the open.

There is no happy ending, yet there's also no sad ending or a "bad life" all in all. There are only moments, happy or sad, the good and the bad. Whatever it maybe, we all get an equal dose of both, just in different aspects and periods of life. That's how I see it at least.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk haha. Cheers and peace out 🥃☮️


I think I am the only one to come at your Ted Talk and dared to ask questions and comment :)
You are destined to do what you are programmed to do in your life. We will live to our optimum potential. It may look like we are stalling and not progressing as much but we are dealing with problems in our own ways. Not following the rules and standard is a way to rebel at young age. But, everyone strives to succeed and achieve.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk haha and for taking the time to comment. I really do appreciate it. I have to say that I surely do agree with you've said. Every part you've written, just love it.

I guess sometimes life and society creates so much pressure that it overpowers our beliefs and mindset. Hence, we end up losing track sometimes. Sometimes all this pressure makes us doubt ourselves, making us think that we're falling behind in a way. Like life is supposed to be some kind of a race.

I thank you once more for dropping by and for sharing your thoughts, really means a lot to me. Cheers 🥃♥️

I am trying to engage more on Hive. I know I have been active on leofinance and running forums but it's time for me to extend beyond the cocoon that I am in for a while. BD community seems like a nice, gelled community and I know few other members. Looking forward to reading your posts. Keep posting.

 3 years ago  

YESS SIRRR, BD Community is just like a small family, very supportive and active as well.

I myself am trying my level best to post daily. Covering different topics and posting different types of content. 🥃

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