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RE: The Weekly Turni—Issue 98

in BDCommunity2 years ago

You have displayed a couple of facts which hardly someone reveals. The 8+8+8 rules, I meant the phrase hit on my mind in a bold way. Yes, all are true that is never possible to maintain the rules and you also mentioned the shortcomings. It can easily bring monotony & tiredness into one's life. I feel like there is a thing which is the most precious in corporate life and that is the experiences you will gather. You do not need to be stuck in one place for a long time If you are not interested. Just gather experiences and jump on another project If you seem to drive on or that would assist you in making smarter decisions for your life.

 2 years ago  

I am not planning to stay here for more than a year, but still no matter where I go from here on, the whole scenario won't change much. It sometimes makes you wonder, how people waste away more than half of their life span in the wheel of this never ending suffocating prison life.