How Columbus changed the world history !!

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

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Hello friends. This is @rafatrony. This is my first post @bdcommunity .Hope you will enjoy.

Columbus asked for only three days when the sailors, fearing for their lives, refused to return to Spain and feared that they would be forced to return if Columbus did not agree. And on the last night of that third day, the new country was suddenly found. As the sun rose on October 12, 1492, the sailors saw an island several miles long before them. The island was covered in dense forest.

The sea was calm , sky was cloudless. The sailor could clearly see that some people came out of the forest and looked at them in surprise.Columbus took down a small boat from the ship and sat in it .When Martin came ashore with a huge flag bearing the initials of Martin, dressed in black. The inhabitants of the island got scared and hid in the forest. Columbus alighted, knelt with deep emotion, kissed the ground, and bowed to God for safe passage.

A few moments later he planted the Spanish flag there.Columbus strongly believed in this principle of his era He took possession of the country.He wanted to name it after the king and queen of his country and so named it San Salvador.

”Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World."

-Christopher Columbus

They all thought they had arrived on the west coast of India. The sailors with Columbus stood in front of him and saluted him, addressing him as the Lord of the West Indies .The sailors who had misbehaved with Columbus on the way fell at his feet and begged for forgiveness. Some hugged him with joy.

Everyone was happy with the success of the campaign.They forgot about the dangers of the path.Columbus they began to show so much respect and devotion that he was not a man but a god to everyone.

The fear and curiosity of the islanders at seeing new people knew no bounds.They slowly started to come forward when they thought that the new arrivals might not harm them.Then they surrounded him on all sides and gazed with awe at Columbus's splendid attire and the sailors' weapons.

A native of the islands curiously held the open sword with both hands and blood started to flow from his hand. Seeing this incident, everyone was frightened and restless.Columbus told them that he would not harm them. In the meantime, Columbus saw the real thing for which he had to risk so much in the house of Shasmat.He noticed the inhabitants wearing gold rings.When he asked the inhabitants where they got them from, they told him that there were plenty of gold rings on the island and where they were to be found.They began to offer different kinds of fruits and gold in exchange for pearl beads and gold.The next day Columbus set out in search of new island with a ship but some natives hid in the ship and came with the king.

No one could imagine that a new history was going to be written.It was turning point of world's trajectory.

Thanks for reading.Have a nice day 😊.